Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BS2096.A1 1701 .P3

Ch. 4. Try the Spirits. I. Jo 23. And this is his commandment, that we !Mulct believe on the naine of his Son Jefus Christ, and love one ano- ther, ashegave us commandment. a3. And the furo ofall this acceptable Duty is but this, to believe truly inJefus Chrift, our Redeemer, our Teacher, King and lnterceffor, and to obeyhis great Command of loving one another: withall fuchGod is pleafed, ancdhea- reth them. 24. And he that keepeth his com- mandments dwelled] in him, and he in him : and hereby we know that he abideth in us, by the Spirit which he hath given us. 24. And ifwe keep Chrift's Commands (of fruitful Love in Faith) there is a near Commu- nion between Chrift and us ; we dwell in Chrift as his Members, and he dwelleth in us, and his dwelling in us is by the Spirit of Love and Hama (Se Seal of his PromiCe) which hebath given us : ( he that keepeth Clarift's Commandments ('fpecially of Love) bath his Spirit t) and Chrift dwells where his Spirit dwells. C H A P. IV. T. Moved, believe not every fpirit, but try the fpirits, whether they are of God : becaufe many falle prophets are gone out into the world. t. There be many falle Teachers, who pre- tend to Revelation as Prophets, who teachyou the Doflrines of Senfualiry, Worldlinefs, and Malice, contrary to the Doctrine of Holinefs and Love, which I have taught you: There- fore believe not that every man fpeaketh by God's Spirit who pretendeth to it, nor that every ftrong fi ogefliou in your (elves is from God's Spirit, which feemeth fuch before you try it, but try all pretences of the Spirit, whe- ther they come indeed front the Spirit of God, . or rather fromSatan, or mens own Imaghha- tiens corrupted by Pride. Qp. Howflail we juMils try Spirits arffiritual Pretences? .Anl. By fome,vhat that is more eafily known, and no otherwife ; and that is two things, t. The common certain notices of the Light and Law ofNature. a.. By the in- fallible words ofthe Soir'r in Chrift and his Apoftles aned Prophets for both there are the fore Wordof God, who doth not contradit him.((: Our. Gifts of the Spirit arc lower thin theApoi les, and mutt be tried bytheirs, witch -..'ere given them co record a Pule for is. ha. Mutual Love. .Ch. 4 2. Hereby know ye the Spirit of God : every fpirit that confeffeth that Jefus Chrift is come in the flesh, is of God. 3. And every fpirit that con, felfeth not that Jefus Chrift is come in the &(h, is not of God: and this is that fpirit of Antichrift, whereof you have heard that it Mould come, and even now already is it in the world. 2, 3. By this you (hall know whether there Pretenders (peak from the Spirit of God , for the Spirit ofGod is the Spirit of Chrift, fiat by him to be his Advocate, andplead hisCarle, and do his Vs'ork in the World, and therefoie beareth witnefs of him : If therefore there Teachers, truly and openly in the face ofdan- ger, do own, profefs and preachChrift Jefus, as the Incarnate Word and Son ofGod, fentfrotn Heaven toredeem, teach, rule and fave us, this Do&rine is of the Spirit of God. But if they deny the Godhead or Manhood of aria, or that he is indeed the true incarnate Saviour, Prophet, Prieft, andRing, or will not own hint in hazards or fufferings, but deny him to fave the Flefb, and teach Men fo to do this Dofrine and Spirit is not of God : but this i; the Spirit of Antichrift, which you have been foretold fhould come, and is already in the World. Note, By the Spirit ofAntiehrift is not Thera meant, the Spirit feat by .Asriclriff, but the fame Doéfrine that Antichrift will vend, and therefore front the fame Spirit that acileth An tichrift,which is a Spirit ofoppofation to Chrift. And in thofe times Vim, (eriutlues, and many other Heretich. did, Come deny Chrift's Man. hood, fore hisGodhead, fame Ills Death, and Come his Refurrelion, atad each part of his Office was denied: That among all thefe mon Magus only fhould be the Antichrift, I fee no reafon to believe : Of which more before and after. 4. Ye are of God, little thildren, and have overcome them becaúfe greater is he that is in you, than he that is in the world. 4. But your Faith in Chrift is of the Spirit ofGod, who dwelledh and worketh in you, and you have overcome the worldly reducing Spirit, its Doctrines, Baits, and Temptations ; for God's Spirit, which is in you, is more powerful than the Spirit which deludeth the World. 5. They are of the world t there- fore fpeak they of theworld, and the world heareth them. S. There Seducers are men ora Worldly ri,è tereft and Mind, and therefore they preach,a li'orld