Ch. 5. Brotherly Love. I. John. Faith in Chrifi. Ch.S, great Commandment, that yon mull love God we overcome the World, but by firm belie- ft, and above all, andyour Brother. or Ne gh- ving in Jefus Chrift, and the love ofGod, that boor for his fake as your fclves : Andyou love will bring as to a farbetter World. Thethings him not, ifyou keep not his great Command- believ'd prevail again the things Peen, in all merit. that are true Believers indeed. 5. Who is he that overcometh the C H A P. V. world, but he that believeth that Je- r. THofoever believeth that Jefus fus is the Son of God ? i is the Clin f , is born ofGod s Where doyou fee any trulyovercome the love of this World, but they that believe that and every one that loveth him that Jeftts Chrift bath purchafed, and promifed, and begat, loveth him alfo that is begot- will give them a better? And howelfe Could ten of him. we overcome the World, but by believing in him that overcome it, and is preparing a place a. here, That it is believing GOD, and not Man only, a Divine Faith, and not a Humane, forus in Heaven, and bath madeus the Heirs of a llacere Faith, and not a doubting Opinion, Glory ? that is here call'd t Believing 1. Believing this 6. This is he that came by water on the wordofour Rulers or Teachers is good, and blood, even Jefus Chrift, not by but it is but preparatoryto Religion and the water only, by water and blood baiefof God : And it is a matter of fach great yt importance to believe it fincerely as God's and it is the Spirit that beareth wit- Word, that Godwas manifefted in fleth, and nefs, becaufe the Spirit is truth. appointed Chrift to the Office and Work of 6. This is lae that, as he was baptiz'd, fo he Man's San:lineation andSelvation,that it is not inftituted Baptifm for the cleanßng of Souls : potiible but fuck a found belief nauft fill the And as he was crucified, to be a Sacrifice for Soul with love to God, and carry it up to a fin, fo doth he by his Sacrament and Grace holy and heavenly flare, as the Regenerate are. communicate thisSacrifice in its benefits to us Nor is it }ioflible but fuclt Should love that Sa- which this Crucifixion fignified, when both viour, who is the Image ofGod's love. Water and Blood run out of his pierc'd Side. 2. By this we know that the love He cleanfeth us, not by Water and Baptifm the children of God, when we love alone, but as a Sacrifice, by Water and Blood, commandments. and at a dearer rate. And the wituefs by which God, and keep his 3. For this is the love of God that God attefteth all this to be his Truth, is, the we keep his commandments; and his Gift of his Spirit. 7. For there are three that bear re- commandments are not grievous. cord in heaven, the Father, the Weal a, 3: Andyou mutt know, that it is not all and the Holy Ghoft and thefe three Love to one another, or to good People, that y will prove us regenerate ( for Men may love are one. 8. And there are three that them as iheir Friends, for loving them, or for bear taitnefs in earth, the Spirit, and being oftheir Opinion, Sea, or Party, or for their Inrereft, /&r.) but your love ro men as the water, and the blood: and thefe God's Children is fucere and Paying, when it three agree in one. is God himfelf that you love moll, and 7,' 8. For there are three in Heaven, who them for his fake, and when his love maketh have given us their witnefs to the Gofpel on youkeep his Commandments. And his Com- Earth, even the Father, who bath from Heaven mandments are not heavy, nor have any thing declar'd Chrift to behis Son : and the Word in them which men Mould be unwilling to or Godheadof Chrift, which hefhew'd in his keep, but (boat be both our Work and Plea- Miracles, Refurreélion,&c. and the Holy Ghoft, fure. Cent down for Lhfallibíliry, Miracles, and Reno- 4. For'whofoever is born of God, vatiou ofthe Faithful. And thele are fo Three, overcometh. the world : and this is the as yet tobe One. And on Earth wehwe frets thefe three Wirnefi attefling one thing by viftory that overcometh the world, Agreement, even the Spirit in the Souls of &- even our faith. ¡levers, in their Miracles andHolinefs fealing 4. God's Spirit is ftronger than theevilSpi- the Truth ; the Water of 'Baptifm, and the rit that ruleth the ungodly World ; and there- wattlingof their Souls from fin ; and Chrift's fore all that are truly regenerate do overcome Blood and Sacrifice, which is our Expiation the love and temptations of the World, rho' fignified in the Lord's Supper ; even as Chrift not perfedly, yet in preyalency. And how do n the Crofs firft recomuteuded his Spirit ill;