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Ch: 5.. Chriß's Power in I. John. our Salvation. Ch. 5 to you that believe on the name ofthe Son of God, that ye may know that yehave eternal life, and thatye may believe on the name of the. Son of God. r3. Thefe things I have written to you that re true Chri tians, that you mayknow what a a you have in and with Chrift, eveít Right to Eternal Life, and its beginning here : and that you maygo on confirm'd and con[tant in the Faith. 14. And this is the confidence that we have in him, that if we ask any thing according tohis will, heheareth us. 14. And through our Intereft in Chtiff, äís Merits and Inrercefïion, we have fufficient Ground of Confidence, that by and through him our Prayers are heard, and that he will give us whatever we ask, which he hark pro= mifed ro give, and we are fit toreceive. 15. And if we know that he hear us, whatfoever we ask, we know that we have the petitions that wedefired of him. is. And ifhe thus hear your Prayers, we may reckonchar, in his time and way, he. will give us whatever Particular we ask, if we and our Prayers be qualified for his Promife: 16. If any man fee his brother fina fin, which is not unto death, he (ball ask, and he (hall' give him` life for them that fin not unto death. There is a fin unto death : I do not fay that he fhall pray for it. 17. All unrigh-. teoufnefs is fin, and there is a fin not unto death. 16, 17. And this Comfort you have ils your Prayers for others, as well as for your felves Godwill hearyou for thofe who are qualified for the Mercy which you beg for them, actor-. ding to his Promife. Death temporal and ere,- nal is the wages of Sin, but With great diffe- rence. There . are many Sins of Infirmity; which we hate and ftrive,againft, (as vain Thoughts, Words, Pafons, caldnefsin Duty, ,the g acceptance predominant lm- Men, en condition ofbelievin ; perfeolion in all Good) and all Sins that nand Woman in Marriage the Man wi((Asa with true Repentance, an h his al ' Eftate, and as we chufe our Phyfciau for Ph - lgve of God andHolinefs: Thefe the Law of fick, our Teacherfor Learning, our Ruler for Government, dec.) He that bath Chrift upon believing acceptance, as his Saviour, lath Life initially, and Title to Salvation ; and he that bath notChrift, through his Unbeliefand Re- fufal, bathnot Life, 13. Thefe things have I writtenun- his Father's hands, and then out ofhis pierced Side cameWater andBlood. Nate, Tho' muchof thefe words, verf.7, 8: be not in many ancient Copies of the Bible, we have more reafon to think that the .Arrians left them out, than that the Orthodox put them in, (other Texts that affert Chrift's Godhead being fo ufed.) But however, it need not of- fend the Faithful, there being fo many other Texts whichaffert the Trinity. 9. If ive receive the witnefsof men, the witnefs of God is greater: for this is the witnefs ofGod, which he Math teftified of his Son. 9. Ifthe witnefsofcredible men end Can- troverfies among us, muchmore mull the wit- nefs ofGod be believ'd. And then'mention'd is God's own Teltimony ofChrift. so. He that believeth on the Son of God, hath the witnefs in himfelf : he that believethnotGod, hath made him a liar, becaufe he believeth not the record that God gave of his Son. to. He that is a true Believer in Chrift bath the Spirit. of Chrift, which bath regenerated him : (for, ifany man have not his Spirit, he is none of his.) And this Sgirit ofPower, Wifdom, and Holinefs is molt certainly from God, and an infallible Evidence, that God owneth the Gofpel ; therefore all thefe have thewitnefGnggEvidence ofChrift in themfelves. And he that believeth not fo lure a Tellimony of God, clothmake him a Liar, as if he gave the holy Spirit as a falfe witnefs of Chrift, to deceive the world. 11. And this is the record that God hath given to us, eternal lif.: and this life is in his Son. 1 a. He that hath the Son hath life ; and he that hatii not the Son of God, hath not life. II, la. And the filmof the Gofpel attefted by God and his Spirit is this; that God path madea free Deed ofGift ofPardon and Salvation to the World, even the Life ofGrace and Glary; lust fo as that this Life is given sen in and with Chrifl, who, with all thefsSenefrts, is offer'd to Grace sloth pardon through Chrift, and not damn any for ; bist Pardon runt be ask'd, and fhall be obtain'd for the faithful, penitent, qua- lified Perfon. Bus God hath chid us; tharhe Both not pardon the Impenitent and tinfan`3i= fled, that had rather keep their fin than leave it, and are unqualified for Pardon. Your Prayer to God to pardon filch, fhall not prevail, while a' a tray