Ch. I . Perfevirance in II. John. Faith andLove. Ch. I they are impenitent, much left for them that are Infidels, and blalpheme the Holy Ghott. AndGod's own Children may fall into Tome Sins that are to be puniilid with bodily Death or Shame : Magistrates muftput to death Mur. derers, and other capital Offenders, and when Magistratesdo it not, Godwill oft-times do it without them himfelf (as he did on .Ananias and Sappl,ira, and others.) In this cafe, ifohe beto be executed byJustice, or beunderGod's Juftice, that will put him to death, you may pray for his Soul, but youmutt not prayfor his Left, rho he repent, becaufe it is againfi God's Law andthe commonGood: and ifyou should pray forthe Recovery of fuch a man in Sick- ness God hash not promisd you to recover him ; no, nor any of his own Children, when their dying time is come. 18. We know that whofoever is born of God, finneth not : but he that is begotten of God, keepeth himfelf, and that wicked one toucheth him not. 18. We know that all that areborn of God hate Sin,and overcomeit in the courfe oftheir Lives, and live in no reigning Sin which is pre- dominant, but only hated Infirmities, which confitt with fincere predominant Faith, Obe- dience, and Repentance, (nor have any fret at all, fo far as they have the Divine Nature ) but theywatchfully keep themfelves from the prevalence ofSatan's Snares. 19. And we know that we are of God, and the whole world liveth in wickednefs. its. And the' Chrift's Flocks herebe legs than the World, we fee by experience, that we are ofGod, guidedbyhis Spirit, obeying his Laws, pleafing his Will, living ro him, and hoping for his Glory, and that the unconvertedWorld is wholly fee on Wickednefsand Mifchief, fo notorious is thedifference between theFaithful and the Ungodly World (which foretells the future difference.) 20. And ive know that the fon of God is come, and hath givenus an un- derftanding, that we may know him that is true : and we are in him that is true, even in his Son jefus Chrift. This is the true God, and eternal life. 20. In a word, by all aforefaid, we are cer- tain ofthe truth of ourReligion ; we are fore that the Son ofGod is come, and Chrift is he, and by hispoarine andSpirit hath enlightned us to know the true and only God, and his Will : and we are, by Faith and the Spirit, planted into himwhó is the Truth, even into Jefas Chrift. So that we are fure it is the true God that we believe and ferve, and the Gift andTitle to Eternal Life that by Chrift we do receive. 21. Little children, keep yourfelves from idols. Amen. 2I. I (peak to you in love, as if you were my own Children, but with care of you as to your weaknefh, and what Temptations the ido- latrous World af/aetr.' you with t As Christ bath call'd you out ofthe World, from Idola- try, which you have renounced, as you love God, and your Saviour, and your Souls, hold clofe to Christ, and return not to Idols, nor partake of their Sacrifices, nor teem to own them by Idolatrous Communion. .Amen. The Second Epiftle of St. J O HN (theApoftie, 'tis moll commonly thought, butnot certain.) CHAP.I. r. HE elder unto the eleft lady, and her children, whom I love in the truth : and not I only, but alfo all they that have known the truth: 2. For the truth's fake which dwel- Ìeth in us, and (hall be with us for e'er. ! 1, 2. Note ; It feems this was Tome choice Woman, that was a frtat fupport and helper to the Chains, and eminent m Piety atad fted- faftnefs in the Faith, rho' Comefew groundlefly think, that it was Come Church that he calleths Lady. 3. Grace be with you, mercy and peace from God theFather, and from the Lord' Jefusthrift, the Son of the Father, in truth and love. 3. Grace, Mercy and Peace from God the Father, and Chrift the Son, are the true 'inva- luable BletGngs Iwith you, to confirm you in the two great parts of Religion, Truth and Love. 4. I re'