Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BS2096.A1 1701 .P3

Ch. t. Perfeverance in 4. I rejoyced greatly, that I found of thy children walking in truth, as we have ' received a commandment from the Father. q. I greatly rejoiced, that I found thy+, Chil- dren both holding fart the Chriftian Truth,and living in thepra&ice of it, as the Father com- manded us to preach and do. g. And now I befeech thee, lady, not as though I wrote a new com- mandment nnto thee : but that which we had from the beginning, that we love one another. 5. The fernof my writing to thee is, net any Novelty, but the old great Lawof Chrift : Be lure that wekeep up true Chriftian Love (which Saran is an Enemy to.) 6. And this is love, that we walk after his commandments. This is the commandment that, as ye have heard from the beginning, ye lhould walk in it. S. Anddie Lovein which we all muff live is our Union and Concord in keeping hisCom- inandmen s, even the fameGofpel which from the beginning was committed to us: (for both new andfalfee Doárines, and a finful Life, do that deny the Gofpel, or any Effential Part o break the Union and Peace of Chriftians. Chri(tianít , thew them no encouraging coun- 7. For many deceivers are entred tenance, familiarity or communion, otherwife into the world, who confefs not that you will be guilty, as Partners in their Sin. Jefus Chrift is come in the &(h. This 12. Having many things to write is a deceiver and an antichrift. unto you, I would not write with pa- 7. For there are manyHereticks now come per and ink ; but I truft to come un- to that deceiving pats, that they deny Chrift to you, and fpeak face to face, that himfelf, either his Godhead, or Manhood, or our joy may be full. 13. The chit- Office, or Work ; yea, his Incarnation ; as if dren of thy cleft lifter greet thee. his Body were but a Fantafm. Thefe are De- ceiversand Antichrifts. 12, i i. 1Vate, i. Prefence maketh friendly 8. Look to your felves, that we converte the more comfortable. 2. By Elea lófe not thofe things which we have Sifter, here again, Tome think he.meanethano. wrought, but that we receive a full Cher Church, but it cannot beerov'd, reward. II, john: Paid) andLove. Ch. ì 8. Look to your felves with watchful care. that no Temptationdraw you to backllide,and you lofe ali'yourformer Beliefand Labour, nor we our mintfterialLabouron you : but hold on, that you and we may attain that full Reward that we leek. 9. Whofoever tranfgrelleth, and abideth not in the doctrine of Chrift, hath not God : He that abideth in the doftrine of Chrift, he hath both the Father and theSon. 9. As it was by the Doárine ofChrift that you were brought into your blelfed Knowledge andRelation to the Father and the Son, fe, if you fall from that Doúrine, you will fall from Godhimfelf, to whom, by Chrift, you are re- concil'd. But ifyou abide in Chrift's Doárin, you will continue your relation to the Father and the Son. ro. If there come any unto you, and bring not this doftrine, receive him not into your houle, neither bid him God fpeed. t r.For he that bid- deth him God fpeed, is partaker ofhis evil deeds. to,it. As for thofe Hereticks and Apoftates r 3 °h