Ch.r: Gainsprais'd: III:fan. Diotrephes difj,rais'd. Ch. The Third Epiftle of Sr, J UHN, ('tis moft likely the Apofíle.) CHAP. 1, r. He elder Unto the well-beloved T Gaius, whom. I love in the truth. 2. Beloved, I with above all things that thou may'efl profper, and be in health, even as thy foul profpe rtth, I, 2. My love to thee for the Truth's fake, which thou adherct to, maketh me with ear. petty, that as thy Soul profpereth, fo may thy Bodily Heàlth, for the Service of God and thy Soul 3. For [rejoiced greatly when the brethren came and teflified of the truth that is in thee, even as thott walkeft in the`truth. 3, Nate, r. Soul-mercies are the greatefì Mercies, and mattersofthe greatet Joyfor one another. 2. Good Reports of our Brethren is a Dutytending to the comfort ofMinifters and Friends. 4. I have ,no greater joy than tò hear that my children walk in truth. . 4. Note; True Minifters rejoice more for the welfare of Mens Souls, than in preferments, wealth, or worldly honour. 5. Beloved; thou doeft faithfully whatfoever thou doeft 'to the brethren and to ftrangers : 6. Which have born witnefs of thy charity before the church. s. It is,well doneof thee, asva.fineere.Chri= Rion, that thou "tew't fo much leve and help, both to the Brethren of the Churchwith thee, and to Strangers in their Banithmenr and Tra- pels ; which divers have here tetified before the Church, to thy praife. 6. Whom if thou bring forward on their journey after a godly fort, thou !halt do well: 7. Secaufe that for his .names fake they went-fogdj, taking nothing of theGentiles. 6, 7. And if thou further furnilh and help them in their Travel, it will be a laudable CChritiin Darcy, doing as to God's Servants, who, for Chrif's Name fake, wentout of their Country to preach abroad for were per fecured out) and took nothing of the Gentile Chfi- tians, towards theirmaintenance-in their vels. 8. We therefore ought to receive fuch, that we might-be fellow-helpers to the truth. 8. To entertain andfurther finch, is pat of. our Duty for the propagating of the Gofpcl. (He that receiveth aProphet, in the name ,cf a Prophet, ¡hall ,have Prophet's Reward.) 9. 1 wrote unto the church, 'hut Diotrephes, who loveth to have the pre-eminenceamong them, receiveth us not. 9, I wrote for them, to the Church, mp Tetintonial, and Deere of their Reception but their Bilhop,.Diotrephes, who loveth to rule as preeminent among them, receiveth not. us Jews, (or my Letters and Requeft to the Church for themes.) ro. Wherefore ifIcome, I will re- member his deeds which he doth, pra- ting.ágainfFus with malicious words and not content therewith, neither cloth he himfelf- receive the brethren, and forbiddeth them that would, and cafteth them out of theChurch. ro. Aare; r.'Bytenrembring his. Deeds and Words, is meant-!harp rebuking- him'before all, at lent. a. It's like that this Tiotreepphes was Paton, (or Bithop) elfe.he could not 'have cafe fuch out of theChurch : At lean he was Come great man that ufurp'd that.I'ower: but lure no -Ley-mare did To early ofrp the Keys. ;. By this we fee that the Pride of domineering Bi- (hops began early to be Schifmatical, and di- vide the Churchby Tyranny; yea, it grew arrogant to oppofe and rejad the beloved Apo.. file; and maliciouty to prate againft him. There is no Man or Caufe fo good, but a ma- licious Bithop, or other man, mayprate againft it. As there are few Mutinies dangerous in Armies, unlefs headed by fomeCommanders, fo there are few Schifms much dangerous in the Church, but thole that are headed by Bifhap; or Clergy-men. 4. It is uncertain whether it was to receive them to Communion, or only to Ho- fpitality, that Diotrephes oppofcd : but it's like it was both, becaufe he catout their Receiver; from Communion. 3. It is not certain whe. thek'