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Ch. a. lohn in the Spirit. Revelation. The SevenCandleflicks. Ch. I three: But the Textfeemethmolt ftraind by Afia, unto Ephefus, andunto Smyrna, t n fireExpoftion and leaf}by the laB; every and untoPergamos, andunto Thyati- way he is dreadful tohis Enemies. But every deftroy'dJews acknowledge it tobe by him. and unto Laonicea. r r. Note, n. The fir} fentence is out ofdi- vers Greek Copies, but is before fpoken, and is the dekriptionof Chrift's Eternity. z. This was written byChrift's command. aa. And I turned to fee the voice that fpake with me. And being tur- ned, I faw feven golden Candleflicks. In. To fee who that Voice came from which I heard. 13. And inthe midit,of the feven Candleflicks, one like unto theSon of man, clothed with a garment down to the foot, and girt about the paps with a golden girdle. a;. One in the Map ofa man, whowas a reprefentation ofChrift in fplendid clothing like .Aarons. Note, Whether it was the Angel that thus reprefentedChrifi, orthrift himfelfwho affumd this appearing shape immediately, is uncertain, 14. His head and his hairs were white, like wool, as white ns fnow, and his eyes were as a flame of fire. r 5. And his feet like unto fine brafs, as if they burned in a'furnace: andhis voice as the found of many waters. 14, t í. Chrift's Apparitionfignifieth his In. potencyand Glory by whitenefs; his terrible majefty by his fiery Eyes and Feet, aná his dreadful Voice ; to atfeft all with Reverence, and his Foeswith Terror. 16. And he had in his right hand feven fiats, andout of hismouth went a (harp two-edged fword, and his countenance was as the fun fhineth in his flrength. r6. And in his right hand were held liven Stars, which fignifie the Paftors of the feven Churches, commtfïion'd and upheld by him : And a two-edg'd Sword, from his mouth, fig nified his Word lent forth with power, to convert and five the Eleft, and to convince and condemn the ebfcinate re)'eeters : and his Countenance was gloriousas the Sun in its cleareft appearance. 17. And when I farohim, r fell at his feet as dead : and he laid his right hand uponme, faying unto me, Fear not, I am the firft and the Ian. 57. He laid on me his fupporting hand of Love, when his terrible Glory had caft me at his Feet, and bidmeNot fear, (for hisGlory is Eye feeth hint not the firft way, nor did the ra, and unto Sardis, and Philadelphia, 8. i amAlpha and Omega, the be- ginning and the ending, faith the Lord, which is, and which was, and which is to come, the Almighty. s. I am everlafting, before all Worlds, and without end, and he who bath power overall. Nate. Thefe words feem to be the words of Christ, and not of God the Father ; and with the flxth Verfe, which afcribeth to Him ever. tufting Glory and Dominion, do feemplainly to £peak the Godhead of Chrift. 9. I John, who alfo am your bro- ther and companion in tribulation, and in the Kingdom and patience of Jefus Chrift, was in the ifle that is called Parmos, for the word of God, and for the teftimonyofJefus Chrift. 9. I Jahn, who was your Brother and Com- panion, undergo the like fufferings -as you do in the fame belief and fubje&ion as Chrift iñ his Kingdom, and in patient enduring for his fake, was in the Ille ofPalmes, whither I was banifh'dfor my Teftimony, and preaching the Faith ofChriff.' ró. I was in the fpirit -on the Lords day, and heard behind me a great voice, as of a trumpet, ro. I was there in a rranfportingRapture by theSpirit of God, onthe firlt dayof theweek call'd by the Church, Toe Lord's Day, fobferv'd in commemoration ofhis Refrnreetion) : and I heard a Voice call to me as loud as a Trum- pet. Note, r. The vain cavil of choie that deny the (Lord's day] here to mean the Chriftians day ofholy Worfhip, even the firft ofthe week, I have fully confuted in a Book call'd The Di- vineappointment oftheLord's Day : And it needs no confutation to thofe that are acquainted with Church-Hiftory, who know that this day bath been kept holy, as of Apoftolicalordination and praftice by the univerfal Church ever duce the Apoftles days, the Hereticks themfelves con- tenting. a. Chrif} own'd his own day, and the fude- ring of his baniih'd folitary Servant, by the communication of these extraordinary Revela- tions, and by the extafie of Spiritual Influence. r r. Saying, I am Alpha and Omega, the .(inn and the lait : and what thou feeti, write in a book, and fend it un- to the feven churches which are in