Ch. 2. The Churchof Smyrna. Rev 3. And haft born,and haft patience, and for my names fake haft laboured, and haft not fainted. ;. Note. Chrift loveth and praifeth that which is good in the Churches, while he re- proveth them'for that which is evil. 4. Neverthelefs, I have fomewhat againft thee, becaufe thou haft left thy firft love. 4. But for this I reprove"thee, that you have not that hearty fervent Love to me, andto one another, which you had at the firth ; and that you grow colder when you fhould 'grow bet- ter. Note; Even good People may fall into a morecold declining Rate, by negligence. g. Remember therefore from whence thou art fallen, and repent, and do the finii works, or elfe I will come unto thee quickly, and will remove thy candleftick out of his place, except thou repent. 5. Look hack on thy firit Love and Works, and think whether it was not then better with thee, and whether thou hadit any caute Co de- cline 3' return to thy firtt works, or elfe I will litortly vifit thee with the heavy punifhneeot 9f taking the Minithry andGofpel from thee. Nbte, r. Decliuings from former Love and Duty aredifpleafing to God,and tend to worfe. 2. It is a grievous puniflmient to have the Gó- Igel and Miniftry taken away, either by Wars, Devafations, Perfecutions, Silencing, and worf by wilful Expulfon. 6. Pint this thou haft, that thouha- telt the deedsof theNicolaitans,which I alfo hate. 6, It is commendable in thee, that thoù ha- teft the Deeds ofthe Nicolaitans, for I hate them. Note; It is lawful to diftinguilk fuch H re- ticks as are not to be tolerated in Church-com- munion by the Names of their Leaders; but this Ihould not be done againft tolerable Diffe- rences, as tending to divide thole that fhould all unite in theChriffian Name. 2. God hateth licentious Dotfrines and Deeds. and fo mutt we. 3. whence there Nicolaitans had their Name is not known certainly, but doubtflil Tradit'on in Hifory tells us, that Nicholas the Deacon, ,AH. 6. had a beautiful Wife, and he was blam'd as jealous ofher, and that thereuponhe brought her forth, and bid who would take her, to Phew that he was above all fief ty Luth; end that fonte Pcople,mifitnderftanding him, thence took occafoon toplead for the lawfulnef ofFornica- tion. The Herdicof chef: hateful Nicolaitans elation. The Church Ch,2 lay, making light ofFornication, 2. and in defpifing the Heathens Government, as ifChri. ¡lion Liberty lay in being from under its power. 3. And in reaching that to avoid fuffering,men might denyChrift with the mouth, while the Heart denied him not. 4. And thattheymight eat things oñèr'd to Idols, fo they defpifed the Idol in their Hearts. PoulANs zo. had before told the Ephefians, that grievous Wolves fhocfd ester and devour ; and that of their own feelves Men flaccid arife f¡eakingperverfe things, to dram Ripples after them: And itfeetus, thus warnd, they hated the Herefies. And St. Yohn himfelf liv'd iu ifa, and is faid'to die at Ephefrre, who, no doubt, would warn them (and was above Timothy.) 7. He that bath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit faith unto the chur- ches To him that overcometh will I give to eat of the tree of life, which is in the midit of the paradife of God. 7. Let all that hear or read thefe wordsof the Spirit to the Churches, let their Hearts to them with regard, as ofgreat and common im- portance To him that in the day of Tryal and Temptation doth overcome, by being true to Chrift, and keeping his Innocency, I will give a part in everlaftingHappinefs, fignified:by the Tree ofLife'inParadife. Note t. Striving without overcoming In Temptation, fo far as to keep ouruprigh'tnefs and faithfulnefs, will notPave men (much tefs lazy willies.) 2. Tho' Faith put us it firth in á Bate of Righteoufhefs and Life, to thofe that fiuvive, Perfeverance and Vi&ory are conditions of Sal- vation. 3, It feems that the fence ofthe Treeof Life iu Paradsfe, Gen. 3. is here expounded to be, Everlafing Life ofBleffednefs withGod; and fò in the New yeresfalem after, ch. 20, 22.' 8. And unto the angel ofthe church in Smyrna write, Tr-:efe things faith the Firft and the Laft,wllich was dead, and is alive. 8. Note ; Chrift is not barely namd, but de- fcrib'd by Divine Properties,to awe theChurch with Reverence to him, and to refolve them to trutt him, who can deliver and reward t'.cem. 9. I know thy works, and tribula- tion, and poverty, (tut thou art rich) and I know the blafphemy of them which fay they are Jews and are not, but are thefynagogue of Satin. 9. I know with approbation and praife, thy labour, and fitfferings, and worldly poverty ; but