Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BS2096.A1 1701 .P3

Ch. 2. TheAngelofThyatira Rev maketh light ofAdulteries, which is hateful to me. Note. Ch 'i(ì hated, all filch falfe Doctrine as corrupteth Faith andManners. 16. Repent, or elfe I will come un- to thee quickly, and will fight againff them with the fword of my mouth. r6. Repent of thy connivance at this wicked Sea and Doctrine, and cart out them that will not be cured,or elfe with the two -edgd Sword which goeth out ofmy mouth, I will Ibortly cut offtheir Hereticks, and punifh thee for bea- ring with them. 17. He tiIat hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit faith unto the churches, To him that overcometh will I give to eat of thehidden man- na, and will give him a white (lone, and in the hone a new namewritten, which no man knoweth,faving he that receiveth it. 17. Let no mm difregard what the Spirit faith to the Churches: to him th,t overcometh the manifold Temptations of Perfecutors, falfe Teachers, and flefhly Lufts, I will give the Bread of Life, that hidden Manna which is laid up in the heavenly Sanctuary, even Chrift and his Spirit, and in the Grace ofthat Spirit t will give him a Pledge and Title to Eternal Life, and that newName and Nature, Milne /and the Divine Image, the evidence of right to thehea. venly Inheritance, whofe Nature and Worth none rightly know, but tiefewho receive it. Thus (hall it be done to them whom I will honour 18. And unto the angel of the church in Thyatira, write,Thefe things faith the Son of God, who bath his eyes like unto a flame of fire, and his feet are like fine brats. It. To the Church ofThyatira, Paftors and People reprefented by their Angel, hear and regard this meffage fromtheSonof God,whofe glory and dreadfidnefs was fignified by his ap- pearing to mewith Eyes likea Flame, and Feet Mining as burni¡h'dBrats. 1 9., I know thy works, and charity, and fervice, and faith, and thy pa- tience, and thy works, and the lafi to be more than the firft. . to. t know and commend thy goodWorks and Charity, and Miniftaation to the Saints, and thy Fidelity and confiantPatience in Tryals, and that thy Taft works excell thy firft. 2o. Notwithfandïng, I have a few things aganfï thee, becaufe thou fuffe- elation. commended androprov'd,Ch. t reh that woman Jezebel, whichcalleth her feif a Prophetefs, to teach, and te. feduce my fervants to commit forni- cation, and to eat things facrificed un- to idols. 2r. And I gave her fpace to repent of her fornication, and the re- pented not, 20. Note, r. Even a few fauns in a laudable Church may be a provocation to the Juftice of Chrift. 2. Suffering corrupt Dodrines andSe. ducers in a Church, is a fin which Chrift will not pafsby. Suffering was 'not oppofite to 'Ea. nifhing Imprifoning, Killing, for the Church had no fùch power or command. But it was forbearing that ¡harp Reproof, Confutation and Éxcommunication, which was the Churches Duty. 3. Whether there were really a Wo- man among them that promoted this wicked- nefs, bypretencenfProphetick Infpiration 3 or whether by theWoman Yez,abel be meant the wholeSed ofNicolairans or Gnoftick;is lancer. 'tais. But it's certain, that theHerefie tolerated was the fameas was before reprovsd, -'and that Passi was put fo oftto write againf, viz. For. nication and IdolSacrifices, pleaded for as law. ful for Chriftians to partake of, fo they kept theirFaith and Hearts to God. q. Impenitence after God's Patience and Warnings, ripeneth Men for Judgment. 22. Behold, I will cafi her into a bed, and them that commit adultery with her, into great tribulation, ex- cept they repent of their deeds. 23. And I will kill her childrenwith death, and all the churches !hall know that I am he which fearcheth the reins and hearts : and I will give unto eve- ry one of you according to you! works. 22, 23. Ínftead ofpBed of Luft, I will cuff her, and all her feduc'd Sea, into a Bed of great Tribulation, except true Repentance and Reformation prevent it; fo that all the Chura ches fhall fee my heavy Plagues on them, and !hall know this I difcern, and hate, sod j.idge the molt recta lulls and fins, and will judge you, and all men, according to your works. Note, 7ndging is either 7atFJ ingor Condemn- ing, and Executing accordingly. Our firs} )i fï- fication, which maketh sse raft, and fo accounts ru, is not according to any. Works ftridly Co call d, unlefs yoct will call it a work, bel'ea vingly to accept a free Gift : Nor is our Juftifi_ cation inJudgment according to the works of the Law of Innocency, or ofMors, orany that can be though-to make the Reward not of Grace, but of D bt : but it is according to our petforior