Ch. 2. The fingel of Thÿatira..Revelation. The Maigels ofSardis. Ch.3 performing the Covenant ofChriftianity; made from-Mens Tyranny ; and at Death, initially, _by Chriß thecondition ofSalvation. and at Judgment fully thall, withChrift, judge 24. But untoyou I fay, and to the theWorld of wickedMen and Angels; which Ruling here called, them. And it is not im- reft in Thyatira, as many as have not g this dothine, and which have not probable that the nit table Damned ones will Se, in Tome Cory trod downby Chriß and lüs known the depths of Satan, as they Saints ; but how; we yet kndw no By the fpeak, I will put upon you none other Morning-Star feemeth meant Chrift andhisSpi- burden. 2 5. But that which ye have rit to u sine on them its Glory. already, hold faft till I come. ; 2a. He that hath an ear, let him 24, 25. Note, Some Copies have ( and I and hear what the Spirit faith unto the finite Leave it out. If it be [you and the refi ] churches. itmutt mean 1 you Pears and the faithful 28. Let nine take themfelves to be uncoil; People.] And this would thew that it is not cerned in Christ's Meffage to his Churches, for ene, but many Paffors, that is meant by (the ;,an- it is recorded for our common ufe, and nearly gel.] But if (and] be left out, then the fenfe 'concerneih ass all is (All you ofthe Church, that are not pollu- ted with thisfilthyDotrine, which the preteo- C H A P. III. derstoWifdom call Profound Knowledge, but is _ indeed the Depths ofSatan, I will put on you I. A ND unto the angel of the nonewDofrine nor Burden, but charge you church in Sardis Write, T}:efe to hold faß that Apoftolick Do trine which things faith he that bath thefevenS t you have received, and wait in fidelity for my P coming, who will reward you, rits ofGod, and thefeven liars, I know 26. And he that overcometh, and thy works, that thou haft a name, that keepeth my works unto the end, to thourivet;, and art dead, him will I give power over the na- a. To the Angel, that is, the Pallors and lions: 27. (And he fhall rule them wopisthe Lord of Sardis: thus faith he who is the ..angels and Minifiers. with a rod of iron, as the veffels of . Note Tho' the Spirits before were nam'd a potter Ilia they be broken to Phi- before Chriß, it was not as preferring than vets) even as I have received of my before him, for Ise is here Paid to have them,as Father. he hath the Paßors. 26, Zj, ThisPromife'is diveffi expounded, Iknow what thou art and dolt, and that thou t. Some think that it is not the áme Perfons art reputed art Men to be anexcellent Church e then living to whom it is made, but thofe that but thou t decüDe to a cold and decayed ltace even like to Death. inConffantines tine are found perfevering,thall Note ;Profeffionand outwardSplendor make then be advanced byhim to honour andpower. Churches and Perfans applauded that, wanting Others think that it is to the fame perfons, and the lifeand power ofthe Religion they profcls, meaneth but, that they :ball be made Bishops, are next to dead. and convert many Heathen's. But all theChurch could nor be made BO:ops: and Bishops then were the greaten Sufferers : And converting is not ruling, and dafhing them in pieceswith an Iron Rod. The Phrafe is fetched from Pfal. 2. Others think that it is meant of the Heavenly Power of faithful feparated Souls; . andthat after death theSaints joyn with Ap- gels, as invifible Rulers of this World. And . others think that it is meant of a thonfand years -Reign on Earth, before the laitJudgment. And others think it is meant ofthe ltateafter Judg- ment, and that theDamned Stall beas Slaves ro the glorifiedSaints. It is certain, that it figni- fieth a triumphant glorious Bate in Heaven, but the reit is dark to us, I think it meaneth, that they ;hall partake ofChrift's Royal Power fubferviently,'intheir degree, bywhich they [hall now triumph over the World in Faith,,and in time be delivered 2. Be watchful, and ftrengthen the thingswhich remain, that are ready to die : for I have-not found thy works perfeft before God. 2. Be awakened from thy Self -flattery and Coldnefs, and revive and exercife slut Good which yet thou halt,thatit maybe ftrengthen'd, for I find much Hypocrifse and Formality in thee, and not that Soundnefs, Serioulkets, and Zeal which God will require. 33 Remember therefore .how thou haft received and heard, and hold fall, and repent. If therefore thou fhalt not watch, I will come on thee as a thief, and thou thalt not know what hour I will come upon thee. S S RematB