Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BS2096.A1 1701 .P3

Ch. 3. The Angel of Revelation. Philadelphia. Ch.3 word, and haft not denied my name. 8. 1 know and approve thy Fidelity : and I open'd thee a Door ofAdvantage, to do good in converting Infidels, and to enjoy the com- fort of it; and none(hall that this Door againft thee, for thou haft kept Come Strength of Faith and Courage, and haft not deniedme by Herdic: nor Cowardife. 9. Behold, I will make them of the fynagogue of Satan (which fay they 3. Remember what Do&rine my Aponles taught thee, and hold fall that, and receive no other. Repent ofthy Backfliding, for if thou do not awake and watch in holy Preparation, I will come upon thee with my Judgments, as a Thief cometh on men afleep, when thou art moti fearlefs, and doll Raft expel me. 4. Thou haft a few names even in Sardis, which have not defiled their garments, and they !hall walk withme in white : for they are worthy. 4. Tho' the greater part of that Church be às dead in their declining, force few there are yet in it, who have kept their Innocency from Heretic, Vice, and cowardly fhrinking: And thefe !hall have the honourable Reward of their Uprightnefs ; for they are worthy of it ac- cording to the Low of Grace, whichpromifeth it to fuch alone. Note, Yet theft fewNames are not comman- ded to feparate from the refl. 5. He that overcometh, the fame !hall be clothed in white raiment, and I will not blot out his name cut of the bock of life but I will confefss his name before my Father, and beforehis angels. s -lie that overcometh in this Life of Tryal, Shall be cloth'd with the Glory which fignifcth theReward of Imnocency, and is the mark of Dignity andHonour, (for filch thenwas white Raiment:) and I will own him openly, before myFather and his Angels, as one who is en- as a Denifon ofHeaven, among the Fled ofGod. Note ; Ifrehire Garments now be feemly for conquering Saints, they are unmeet for them that are overcome by the World, and the love of its Honour, Wealthand lower, and by flat- ly Lulls. 6. He that hath an ear, let himhear what the Spirit faith unto the Chur- ches. 7. And to the angel of the church in Philadelphia, write, Thefe things faithhe that is holy, he that is true, he that hath the key of David, he that openeth, and no man fbutteth, and fhutteth, and no man openeth. 6, 7. Note, Chrift is defcrib'd by his Holi- nefs, andTruth, and abfolute Powerof gover- ning and judging, to awe and to comfort the Faithful. 8. I know thy'works : behold, I have fet before thee an open door, and no man can that it: for thou haft a little ftrength, and haft kept my are Jews, and are not, but do lie) : behold, I will make them to come and worflip before thy feet, and to know that I have loved thee. s. And as for thofe Hereticks that, pretend- ing Judaifm, corrupt Chriftianity, and are but the Synagogue of Satan, I will make them ac- knowledge the vanity oftheir Errour, and the honour of thy Fidelity, and to confefs that lov'd and juftified thee therein, again(} their Accuftions. so. Becaufe thou haft kept the word of my patience, I alfo will keep thee from the hour of temptation, which !hall come upon all the world, to try them that dwell upon the earth. to. I will give thee a fpccial Exemption from the Perfecutions which the Heathens will fhortly efe, to try thofe on Earth that profeti thyName. ( Which, no doubt, was perfor- med.) Note, Tho' the heft are oft fingl'd out for Petfecution, ufually the molt obedient Churches efcape above others, and null have a hand in bringing it onthemfelves. r r. Behold, I come quickly : hold that fart which thou haft, that no man take thy crown. a t. My performance of all this is not far off, for the Tryal of the Churches, and thy Prefervation. But fee that thou hold fait trill thy Innocency, Fidelity and Patience, that thou lofe not theCrown, for want of perfeverance. Note, The belt Churches and Chriftians have need to be warn'd to take heed left they back- Bide, and lofe all their labourand reward. Even where God decreeth to caufe men toperfevere, he decrecth to cattle it by holy fear of falling, and by the ufe of \Vatchfidnefs and diligent Obedience. 12. Him that overcometh will I make a pillar in the temple of my God, and he fhall go no more cut : and I will write upon hint the name of my God, and the name of the city of my God, which is hew Jerufalem, which