Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BS2096.A1 1701 .P3

Ch. 3. The .49.g0of Kevelà which cometh down out of heaven from+my God : and 1 will write upon him my new name. sa. Him that overcometh in all the Tryals of this Life, I will make an honourable Mem- ber of the glorified Church, (call'd a Pillar, as T1matky is call'd a Pillar and Rafia of Truth, in the HouleofGod) and he Ihall there dwell for ever: And I will lìgnalizehim as with a writ- ten Name, both ofMy God, andof the City of my Gad, the New yerufalem, which is now ga- thering in Heaven, and when it is compleat, lhall thence come, and appear withme in Glo- ry ; and I will write on him my new Name, The Glorified Redeemer. Note, The whole Name thus fec together, willbe, [,An ,Adapted Son ofGod, and an Heir ofthe New:Jerufalem from Heaven, anda living Member ofe7:riff, the GlorifiedRedeemer, 3 13. He that hath .an ear, let him hear what the Spirit faith unto the churches. I3. All that have Ears, and hear what Chrift by his Spirit faith to all theft Churches; fhould lay it deeplyto heart, for their own Initruftion and Admonition. 14. And unto the angel of the church ofthe Laod'iceans, write, Thefe things faith the Amen, the faithful and true witnefs, the beginning ofthe creation of God. 14. Thus faithhe who is the Truth, and by whom all God's Peedltionsare and will be ful- filI'd ; the faithful Witnefs ofGod to man, by his Word and Sufferings; theHead and Chief ofall God's Creatures. Note; 'This Text is divertly expounded, as mens Judgments differ. 1. The,Arrians'hence gather, that Chrift is but the firft ofCreatures, by whom God made the reft. s. Peter Starry, and that Party, who hold three Natures in Chrift, the Divine, the prüne'created, ( faper- angelical) and the humane, fay, it ishis middle Nature that is here - calla The heginning of the CreationofGod. 3. But the coaumon'ft judg- mentof the (hatch is, that it is Chrift, as in both Natures, thus call'd, becaufe he is theHead or Chiefofall Creatures ; or, fay Come, as he is the Caufe and Father of the new Creature, by Grace. 15. I know thy works, that thou art neither cóid nor hot : I would thou wert cold or hot. 16. So then be- caufe thou art lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot,I willfpecv thee out ofmy month. 1 s, 16. I know thy cafe and cñarfe, that thou art aaot for open Herdic or I4delüy, but tion. Laodicea, 011.3 profafféft Chriftianiry; but it is with Tepidity, without fifth Zeal as the Faith and Hope of Chriftians requireth. If thou wert cold, and for downright Infidelity or Herefie, I would judge thee accordingly : And if you were foundand zealous Chri tians,I wcn ld own you. But being of alukewarm Indifferency, likeHy- poerites, that profefs Chriftianity with Referves for Worldly Safety, I will difown thee with difdain. Note, t. Not thatGod had rather men were Stark naught, than half Chriflians ; but as if he had laid, Ifhould fooner have judg'd thee ac- cordingly, and thou wouldft riot have aggrava- ted thy Sin with Profeflon ofChriflianity, nor have difhonour'd me fo much by it. a. God will difown lukewarm worldly Hypocrites ; not all, -whotè Zeal is defeßive, and are too lukewarm, but all that have not fo much Zeal as toprefer Chriftbefore the World. 37. hecaufe thou fayefl, I am rich, and encreafed with goods, and have need of nothing; and knowefl not that thou art wretched, and miferable, and poor, and blind,and naked. 17. Note; 'Tis like the Oftentation of this Church came from fonte worldly l'rolperity a and outward lifelefs Formality in Religion, withthe decay of the Power of it. When true Religion decaycth in any, 'tic ufually accom- panied with Selefteem and Boa/ìng, when they fhould learn not to be high-minded, but fear. When they have tuned Religiop into a lifelefs Image, they dance about that Image, and honour it. 18. I counfel thee to buy of me gold ,tryed in the fire, that thou maift be rich : and white raiment, that thou 'main be clothed, and that the Shame of thy nakednefsdo not apfeaar; and anoint thine e) es with eye-fflve, that thou mayeft fee. 18. I counfel thee to leek earuefly to me for found Under/andiug in the Faith, againft all Herefie; and for the Grace of Confirmation againft ail deceitful Wavering and Referves ; and for the ,Graceof fïncere Righteoulnefs and ,Holieefs, that thou bear not the fhame.of Hy- puerile, and halting between Herelle or Infide- lity, and laving Truth ; and for the illuminati- on ofmy Spirit, toknow the danger of Herein andHypocrire. 19. As many as I love, .I rebuke andchaften.; be zealous,therefore and repent. io,, Ie I fo,rlake you not, but thew my lov6 to yob; it will be by chafteningyou, to revive your Care and Zeal's Ifthereforeyou love not cnafteuing,prevent is by zealandReformation. S s a so, Be.'