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Ch. 4. John firth Revelation: Grid'sT%one, &c.Ch.4 2o. Behold, I fiend at the door and Nòre, I. Not that Heavenhath a Door, but knock : W any man hear my voice, the Vifion wasto be suited to the capacity of a and open the door, I will come in to Soul in Fleth. z. The Notices which advance him, and will flap with him, and he Heaven up nding Earth, come all from With me. 3 And [hither muft we took and reek, if wewill know the things of God. 20. I have my time ofoffering Mercy, and 2. And immediate) I was in the delrinv you to entertain it: and if any man y hear and obey this Call, I willcome in by my fpirit : and behold, a throne was fat Spirit, and take habitual poflèfïiunofhim, and in heaven , and one fate on the have fpiritual Communion with him, and he throne. withme. 2. And immediately I was in an Extafie, the Note, Tho' it be not without the Grace of Spirit aftingme as above the Body : And God Chrift that we open to him when he knocks, revealing things according to my capacity, d and receive his olFer'd Special Grace, yet in dozer thought I raw a Throne, the Seat ofRoyal Glo- he layeth fo much on Man, as to make our nous Majelay, and a Royal Perron fate on the Opening, that is our Accepting Faith, the Con- Throne. dition of his Entring for a fixed Habitation by 3. And he that fate was, to look habitual Love andHolinefs. On whichaccount Divines ufe to fay, that Faith and Repentance, upon, like a Jafper, and a Sardine wrought frfl in Converfion, are the conditions hone : and there war a rain-bow or,nalificatianr for confequentluflificationand round about the throne, in fight like Sanctification. unto an Emerald. 21. To him that overcometh will I 3. And the Power and Glory of hint that grant to fit with me in my throne, fate on the Throne was reprefented to- me as even as I alto overcalrlc' and am fit by the funilitude of precious Stones, a yafper down with my Father, i31?his throne. and a Sardine : And his Glory, and faithful z t. To jtim that overcometfi all theTem re- keeping of his Covenant, was reprefented co ? me, by the appearance ofa Rain-bow, like an ties, of this Life, fo far as ta'keep his ncere Emerald in colour, round about the- Throne. Faith, Love and Obedience tó the end, will give a Participation in my Kingdom. Power, 4. And round about the throne and Glory, even as I obtaiñd my Glory by were four and twenty feats, and upon oÿercoming Satan and the World. the feats I faw four and twenty elders Note, This expoundeth what is meant before fitting, clothed in white raiment, and by Ruling the Nations with a Rod oflron,dre. they had on their heads crowns of 22. He that bath an ear, let him - od: churches. him that was a Jew, was a Reprefentatian of 22. Note, Let every man that bath an Ear the JewifhCamp in the Wildernefs, with the and Heart, lay- clofe to Heart theft Reproofs, Tabernacle in the midfl; according to which Warnings, and Promilees ofClriM to there (even afro the Temple-wee* was formd to bear Churches, for it concerneth them all. force Gmilitude: and the Chriftian Affemblies Again note, that notwithflanding all Chrifl's had borne refemblance to that : Come think it Repreefs and 2hrearnings tomany cfthere Char- relateth to theChurch atYertefatem, which had ches, he biddeth no one feparate from them: ( fay they) twenty four Elders; fay Come, twelve Apoflles, and twelve Elders, others, that it is to the Bithop of 7erafelem, and four C H A P. IV. and twenty City-Bithops of7ssdea, who ufe td I: f Fter this I looked, and behold, were thennbut the role P who ftors yet f (faith ngle Affem- 1'i a door was opened in heaven: blies, without anp other Elders under them, and the fin i voice which I heard, was but were after to have filch: Others think it as it were of a trumpet talking with intimateth, thatall Churches fhould unite in me which fail Come up hither, and filch Synods as conflit of twelve teaching El- I will thew thee things which mufì be dens, and twelve ruling Elders that are not g Teachers. Rather all Churches and Pallors are hereafter. fignified by twenty four. But all there are I. After this, theVifion that I further Caw but Meng unprov'd thoughts, fave only that was as if a Door had been opend intoHea- in general the Vifion appeared in refemblance ven, &c. of Poch an Affembly as is here deferib'd. And it hear what the Spirit faith unto the g 4. flore ; The Apparition, being made to