Ch.5. The feedBook, Reek 2. Holy, holy, holy, may relate to the Tri- nity, but certainlyfignifieth that the Helleell of Gild is that for whichhe is lov'd and prais'd by Angels andSaints. His Holinef is his Per &ion, and Tranfcendeacy above all Creatures, being the ènd of all, to whom they are to he devoted, and confequenely his perfedContra- riety to all Evil. 3. The celebrating of thePraifes of themitt holy God, -is the unceffantWork of Heavenly Spirits, and molt of theWorkofMinifters and Church.Affentblits on Earth. 9". And when thofe beafts give glo- ry, and honour, and thanks to him that fate on the throne, who liveth for ever and ever. ro. The fourand twenty elders fäl1 down before him that fate on the throne, and worfhip hire that liveth for ever and ever, and caft their crowns before the throne, laying, a r. ThouArt worthy, O Lord, to receive glory, and honour, and power, for thou haft createdall things, and forthy pleafure they are and were created. 9, t o, r r: Note, With the chiefAngels con- cur the heavenly Hotl, in magnifying the holy, eternal God, as Rising forth in the Glory of all his Works, by him and for him, by his effi- cient \Vili, and for his complacential Will ful- rìii'd, they being all created, preferv'd, and or- der'd. And this heavenly Work is to be imi- mted by the Churches on Earth, whole Parlors leading the People, mull concur in the Praifes of themolt holy, ever-living God ; and thofe Churches that are dry and leant in thefe Praifes of God, (how well foever the Word be there preach'd) are defective and unlike their Pat- tern. There Paflhgesare belexpounded in the three fielt Petitions of the Lord's Prayer ; Let thy Annse le hallowed, Thy Kingdom come, and I;:y Will le done on Earth, as it is in Heaven, Neither Heaven nor Earth mutt be left out in -the Expoltion. C FI A P. V. r. AND I faw in the right hand of ofhim that fat on the throne, a book written within, and on the backf- ììdß fealed with feven feals. r. I Caw a Roll calla a Book, in his Hand tvha Cite on the Throne, written on both fides, but rise: Roll was feal'd up with feven Seals. Note, TheRoll contain'd God's Decrees, as they were to he fulfill'd according to this Pro- phecy : And it's like they were feven Rolls together making one Book, tiòn. TheLamb, $ce. Ch. '5 2. And I- faw a (Iron?' angel pro- claiming with a loud voice, Who is worthy to open the books and to lode the feats thereof? 2. Note; Every Angel or Man is not worthy or meet to be the Èxpofitor and Mefenger of God's Myferies to Man. 3. And no man in heaven, nor in earth, neither under the earth, was able to open the book, neither to look thereon. 3. It was a Workand Trull tot, high for any meet Creature ih all theWorld : Noneof them was worthy. 4. And I wept much, bccaufe no man was found worthy toopen andto read the book, neither to look there- on. 4. I lamented thaethe Creature mould he found fo unworthy, and God's Mytleries be kept unknown. g. And one of the elders faith unto me, Weepnot; behold, the lionof the tribe of Judah, the root of David, bathprevailed to open the book, and to loofe the feven Peals thereof. s. One of the Elders, that were at the Throne, comforted me, and told me that Chrili, who is calla the Lion of the Tribe ofyedah, and the Son ofDavid, and Root of7effc, was found worthy by the Dignity of his Perlon, and his Merits by Man's Redemption, to open to the Churchall the MyReries ofGod, which it was meet for Min to know, aed to loöfe the Seals. 6. And I beheld, and lo, in the rnidit of the throne, and of the four beafts, and in the midst of the elders, flood a lamb, as it had been Plain, ha- ving feven horns, and feven eyes, which are the feven Spit its of God, fent .forth into all the earth. 6. Upon this glad Tidings, I look'd and faw Chrilt in the likenefs ofaLamb, wounded and bloody,' as he was facrificed, which fionified that it wasby the Merit ofRedemption that he had his Poweroverall: Andhe feem'd to have feven Horns and Eyes for the exercife of Go- vernment, by Judgment and Vidory" over his Enemies, and Illumination of his Church, and the full notice of all that concetneth his Go- vernment ; which is done by the Spiritual Powers, or Angels and Minilters, whom he lehdeth forthfrom God into all the Err;h : Or, as others, by the manifold Gifts of 'the Holy Gholt, which( is his Agent or AdVocate on Earth. y. And