Ch. S . Thefeaf'd Book, 7. And he came and took the book out of the right hand ofhim that fate upon the throne. 9 He that alone was worthy, receiv d Power fram God, both toopen the Myfteries, and exe- cute them. 8. And when he had taken the book, the four beasts, and four and twenty elders, fell down before the Lamb, havingeveryone ofthem harps and golden vials full of odours, which are the prayers of faints : I. Note, Who were the four livingWights (here ill-tranflated Beafts,when one was a Man) was before enquit'd, but it's hardto know, on- ly they feem to liignifie fome greater than the Elders. Some Papiffs think they were the four full Patriarchs, and the Elders the Councils. It's more probable than fo, that they were all the forts ofMinifters that were entrufted with the firft gathering ofChurches, and foalingthe Gospel by Miracles, as diftina from the fixed Church -Bishops calla Elders that is, that they were Apoftles, Prophets, Evangelists, and Mira- cle-workers as filch. But all is doubtful. 2. That both the livingWights and theEl- ders were Men on Earth, is plain by their work here defcrib'd : They are Priests that, in the farted Affembly do byOffice fpeak for and lead the Church in offering up the common Praifes to God, and alío the Prayers of the Congrega- tion. That there be any Angels that relemble this Office in Heaven, we cannot concludefrom fo obscure a Text. Hence we fee, a. that Church guides are.the Worshippers ofJefus : 2. Tho' we cannot hence prove that God'sPraifes muff beufed withHarps andMufical Inftruments, they that ufe filchhave a fairer Pretence hence to prove them lawful, (as doing God's Will on Earth as yohn faw it tefembled in Heaven) than any can thew to prove it unlawful. a. Minifters in offering up the ChurchesPraife and Prayers, are Submedia- nors under Chrift. 9. And they fung a new fong, fay- ing,Thou art worthy to take the book, and to open the feals thereof : for thou waft flain, and haft redeemed us to God by thy blood, out of every kin- dred, and tongue,and people, and na- tion; so. And haft made us unto our God, Kings and Priefls : and we fhalI reign on the earth. 9, fo. Note x. Chrift is to be praised in the Church with a new Song, or Praifes Cubed to his Works ofRedemption and his Glory, and not only with the Jewish Psalms and Worship Oho', thole Psalms alfo may be ufed.) a. The Revelation. The Laynb, &c. Ch. g the colleSive Phrafe ofgathering out ofevery Nation, &r. makes Mine think chat it is an Affembly of glorified Saints in the Heavenly fcrxfafem, call'd the General Affembly of the Firlt-born, and the Spirits of the perfefed Juít that is here primarily meant, it frenas morepro- bable that it is the Church onEarth alone, and that it is the first Ages by Faith, and the fol- lowing alto; by Tome experience of the Chur- ches deliverance by Conjtantine, that mention reigning on the Earth : The Saints departed in- deed shall judge the World. To be Kings and Priests to Gol, is to be endow'd with Power, and Honour, and Haines, and imploy'd accor- dingly in God'sAdminiftratiotis and holy Wor- thy. r t. And I beheld, and I heard the voice of many angels round about the throne, and the beafts, and the elders : and the numberofthemwas ten thou- fand times ten thoufand,and thoufands of thoufands II. As I look'd I feem'd to hearinnumera: ble ingels joyning with the living Wights and Elders, in the praifes ofChrift for Man's Re- demption. Note; That this figuifies the multitude of Believers,or ofMinifters through all theWorld, is not tobe prov'd. But that it is meant pro- perly of .Angels, is molt probable. And it is to be noted that when the livingWights are but four, and the Elders but twenrffour, the .Angels that praise Chrift are millionsand num- berless. So lieb. 12. 24. whence note, that it's Ignorance that calls God more revere than merciful, becaufeit's but a few of this World that are fanaified and glorified a whenas the Vail and glorious Regions above feem, to Rea- Con andbyScripture, to have fo many millions of.Angels, that it's like the damned are very few to them. The greateft Kingdom is not near fo great and glorious, in comparifon ofone Jail and one Gallows, as the .Heavenly Regions are in corn- parifon of this Spot call'dEarths, or the place öf Execution call'd Hell. I z. Saying with a loud voice, Worms thy is the Lamb that was flain, to re- ceive power, and riches, and wifdom, and ftrength, and honour, and glory, and bleffing. 12. These .Angels joyn'd with the (hurries in the Praifes of Chrift, afcribing to laina, in their Praifes, all Power and Glory, &e. as de- ferv'd by his Redemption of the World by his Death. Note ; Thofe Angels that join with us in Chrift's Praifes, and areprefene in our Aflem- blies, and Guardiansofus and them, and pitch their Tents about us, and bear us up in their S s 4 hand