5. e over, GI ry, &c. Rev hands, and rejoice in ourConverfion, and are miniftring Spirits for our Good, arenot fo ig- norant ofsea, and our Concerns, and our Prayers; as Come imagine. We have many ignorant men that think they know more of our cafe here below than the Angels do, when they fcarçe know fo much as may keep them from being Seducers and Dividers of the Church. They are Pure but ill Guardians, who know as little ofour Affairs as thefé men think Chrift faith that the lean Chriftians have their Angels who behold the face of God: And why are they call el ,their Angels, and what do they for them with God, if they know not Our condition and concerns ? And tho' this will not warrant Praying to them, which themfelves in this Book Teem to difown, yet we ought not to think that miftake ofthole ancient Fathers and Chur- ch.s to he greater than it was, who thought 'that, as Pafìcrs on Earth offer up the Congrega. "tions Prayers and Praifes to God, fo there is an anfwerable Office of,ingefs_-to offer than, as from there to C/rriff, who offereth them to God the Father; and who thought, as a Man might pray a Minifter to pray for him, fo he might do an Angel, tho' it be an Errour, one is no more Iiolatry than the other. 13. And every creature which is in heaven, and on the earth, and under the earth, and Rich as are in the fea, and all that are in them, heard I, fay- ing, Welling, honour, glory and power be to him that fitteth upon the throne, and unto the Lamb for ever and .ever. as Mob's Sin,wast World, acc dng to each for Creatures capacity redeem'd from that Curfe by Chrift, (to be perform d in due time) fo I feem'd to h _ ar all that part ofthe World that belenqdto Man, to magnifie Chrift and God by him, for the Worlds Redemption, afcribing to him all Perfelion, Melling, Honour, Glory, Power, (7e. Note, Whether there be any reafonablecrea- tures in the Sea, is unknown to us : the reafo- nable Creatures praife God and Chrift under- ftandingly, the reft demonftratively and ob- .jebtively. Thofe under the Earth are the an- tipodes on the other fide of the Earth. 14. And the four beafis faid,Amen. And the four and twenty elders fell corn, and worfhipped him that liveth for ever and ever. 14, And the that living Wighta, who are as the four Çhereebims mention 'd in Ezekiel, joined with the four and twenty Elders, (who anfwer the Jews Sanhedrims) that is, with the Chur. o çhes in the Praifes of God and of the Reelee. aFrte. elation, ofthe Lamb. Ch. 6 Note. Ifthere four Cheeubims frgnified only angels, it is no wonder that they joyn with the Church in the Praifes ofChrift, when they are ofthe fame Society with us, the the higher parts. Ç H A. P. 4I. I ND Ifawwhen the Iambopen- A ed one of the feals,and I heard as it were the noife of thunder, one of the four beans faying,Come and fee. r. When Chrift open'd the Divine Decrees, inanoife like Thunder, I heard one ofthe four Living r tights or Cherubim calling me to come and fee. 2. And I faw, and _behold, a white hock; and he that fate onJim had a bow, and a crown was given unto him, and he went forth conquering, and to conquer. 2. Note, Some take this to be Chrift going forth to convert men by the Gofpel : Others to be c hail beginning his Judgments on the Jews : Others to be the Roman Power by their Con- quefts preparing for further execution on the Jews. 3. And when he had opened the fecond Peal, I heard the fecond bean fay, Come and Re. 3. The fecond Cherub call'd me to fee,when the fecond Seal was open'd. 4. And there went out another horfe that was red : and power was given tohim that fate thereon, to take peace from the earth, and that they fhould kill one another: and therewas given unto him a great fword. 4. Godproceeded further towards his dread- ful Executions, and gave up the World, and 'f ecially the Jews, to Divifions, and unpeace- able Tumults, and to kill and ruine one ano- ther. 5. And when he had opened the third féal, I heard the third bean fay, Come and fee. And I beheld, and lo, a black horfe; and he that fate on him had a pair of ballances in his hand, r. God yet proceeded to the next yyudgyurt, which was Famine, fignified by one on a black Horfe, with Ballonne to weigh Food, to thew is (canny. 6. And I heard avoice in the midfi f the four beans fay, Ameafure of wheat for a penny, and three meafures of