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Ch. 6. The opening of Revelation. the Seals. Ch. 6 of barley for a penny ; and fee thou Paid unto them, that they should reft hurt not the oil, and the wine. yet for a little feafon, until their fel- 6. A Man's Day-wages for Labour man buy low-fervants alto, and their brethren, but Bread enough for one Man: theremall be a that íhould he killed as they were, Scarcity of the neceffary part ofFood,especial- mould be fulfilled. ly in Judea. H. They were cloth'd inwhite, which then y. And when he had opened the fignified Righteoufnefs and Dignity, in acknow-,, fourth Peal, I heard the voice of the ledgment of their Fidelity, but the Revenge fourth beaft fay,come and fee. 8. And mutt be delay'd till the reft were kill'd, efpe_ I looked, and behold, a pale horfe; dally, fay foe, by the Jews, that mutt kill. more, that on that Generation mi 1ít come all and his name that fate upon him was 7 Death, and hell followed with him she righteous delays ed, from tGe! the while a Note, God oftdelayeth his judgments but and power was given unto them over moreand greaterSins preparefor heavicrPlogucs. the fourth part of the earth, to kill One Reafon why we are not prefintlyaven- ged, and deliver.'dfrom Perfecutors, is becaufe with the fword, and with hunger,and with death, and with the heal is ofthe more mutt yet Culler, before theyare ripe for fignal Vengeance Our Souls may be under earth. the Altar in Heaven, cloth'd in white, before 7, 8. Judgment Stall proceed from Scarcity the Day of Revenge. to Death and Ruins by Famine, Wars, and 12. And. I beheld when he had Plagues, which man deftroy agreat part of the opened the fifth feal, and lo, there was Jews (at lean a great earthquake, andthe fun became 9. And when he had opened the black as fackclothof hair and the moon fifth feal, I law under the altar, the became as blood. 13. And the(tars of fouls of them that were (lain for the heaven fell unto the earth, even as a word of God, and for the teftimony fig-tree cafteth her untimely figs when fhe is Ilhaken of a mighty wind. t a, r 3. The great Calamities that were to follow (on the Jews, fay Come, and on the World,fay others) were fodifmal, that theywere reprefented to me as the darkning of the Sun, and the Moon look'd like Blood,and the Stars falling front Heaven, as if Heaven and Earth were diffolving. 14. And the heaven departed as a fchroll when it is rolled together ; and every mountain and ifland were mo- ved out oftheir place. 14. And it was reprefented to me as the DiflolutionofHeaven,and Subverlion of Earth. Note, Some think this is only of the Subver- Son ofyudea. Others(becaufe that was done already) that it was the overthrowof the Hea- then Powers by Conftantine. Others, that it was the Staking the Empire by theGotha. And others, that it is the laft diffolution of theWorld. 15. And the kings of the earth,and avenge our blood on them that dwell the great men, and the rich men, and on the earth ? the chief captains, and the mighty to. Nate, This was not from Uncharitable- men, and every bond -man, and every nefs, but Conformity to God's Holinefs, Justice free-man, hid thernfelves in the dens and Truth ; the Revenge defied being the t Vindication ofGod's Holinefs and Truth,which and in the rocks of .the mountains. he had promifcd. i6.And laidto the mountains and rocks And white robes were given Fall on us, and hideus from the face of unto every one of them, -and it was him that fitted) on the throne,and from which they held. 9. Note, The Heavenly Apparition relating to the Church onEarth, ufeth thename of an Altar, and I think juftifieth the ufe of it now. 2. The Souls of Martyrs live in Heaven, and therefore fo do other Saints ; which proveth the Immortality of Souls. To be under the Altar, is to be in the Heavenly Communion with themthat offer Praife to God, and to be coniptemorated at the Altar by the Church on Earth, that prayecta for deliverance from Perfe- tutors. 3. There be not only Praifes, but Prayers in Heaven, and that for Juftice on Perfecurors on Earth ; therefore they know that their Blood is not reveng'd. 4. How then are miferable Petfecutors like to efcape, when Heavenand Earth pray againft them ? TO. And they cried with a loud voice, laying, How long, O Lord, holy and true, dolt thou not judge and the