Ch. 7. Thefix Seals,&c. Revel wrath ofthe Lamb : 17. For the great day of his wrath is come ; and who mall be able to (land ? Is, 16, 17. rote, I. If this was meant of the Reme of theJews, it was indeed exceeding dreadful : and dreadful have God's Executions (rote been on Heathens, and other Enemies of Chrift. Note, z. Greatnefs, nor Numbers, will fave none fromMifary and Terronr, when the day of God's revengingjufice is come, which they would not before believe. Any fort ofhope of Deliverance would be then welcome : but all help will fail, and all hopes will be invain, to them that know not the dayofGrace. Proud men are able now to opprefs the Inno- cent, to corn theFaithful, and to domineer in theRuins and Blood ofSaints,calumniating them as the vileft Malefaiiors; but wicked Princes, Lords and judges, and [bloody Souldiers will then all cry out, The great-Day of his Wrath is come, and who is able to 'land d C H A P. VII.. t. ND after thefe things, law Li I four angels (Landing on the four corners of the earth, holding the four winds of the earth, thatthe wind Mould not blow on the earth, nor on the fea, nor on any tree. n. God's Decree for the fitfpendingg of his dreadful Executions (efpecially on fudea) was decided to me by the Apparition offour An- gels, Banding on the fòur corners ofthe Earth, who were to hold the four Winds fromblow- ing to the hurt ofany Creature. Abte, I. TheWinds are call'd four, according topopular Opinion Note, a. By this it is not unlikely that the four Bulls are fo numbred, with refpef to the four Quarters of the Earth, fignifying the Exe- cutioners of Providence. 2. And I law another angel afcen- ding from the eafi, having the Peal of the living God : and he cried with a loud voice to the four angels,to whom it was given to hurt the earth and the fea, 3. Saying, Hurt not the earth, neither the trees, till we have fealed the fervants ofour God in their fore- heads. 2. Note, I. TheEaft, where the Sun rifeth, is noted in Prophecies, as the way whence we are to expert our Blefftngs from Chrift, the Ri- fingSun : whence came the old Ceremony of woorrthipping in the Church, only towards the ation. The four ?Inge's. Ch.7 2. The Seal of God is, his gracious, feal'd Commiflion. 3. The loud Voice and Cry fignifieth God's great care to preferve the Faithful. 4 TheSeal in the Forehead is, God's Noti- fication ofthofe whom he will preferve. In Ezek. g. 4. it is as by the Letter Tau ; but the TAxt feemeth to meen no more than that God made known, to the deftroying Angels, every one that was to be preferv'd. 4. And I heard the numberof them which were fealed : and there were fealed, an hundred and forty four thoufand, of all the tribes of the chil- dren of lfrael. 3. Of the tribe of Ju- dah were fealed twelve thoufand. Of the tribe of Reuben were fealed twelve thoufand. Of the tribe of Gad were fealed twelve thoufand. 6. Of the tribe of Afer were fealed twelve thoufand. Of the tribe of Nephthali were fealed twelve thoufand. Of the tribeof Ma- naffes were fealed twelve thoufand. 7. Of the tribe of Simeon were fealed twelvethoufand. Of the tribe ofLevi were leaded twelve thoufand. Of the tribe of Iffachar were fealed twelve thoufand. 8. Of the tribe ofZebulon were fealed twelve thoufand. Of the tribe of Jofeph were fealed twelve thoufand. Of the tribe of Benjamin werefealed twelve thoufand. 4, s, 6, 7, S. All thefe were to bepreferv'd from the Deflru&ioncoming. Note 1. Not that there were juft twelve thoufand of each Tribe, but that the number was great in it felt, tho' fmall, as to the num- ber of them that perifh'd. 2. fofeph is put for Ephraim, and Dan is left out ; Come think the Tribe being almoft worn out; or for what other reafon, is unknown. 9. After this I 'beheld, and lo, a great multitude, which no man could number, of all nations, and kindreds, and people, and tongues, flood before the throne, and before the Lamb, clo- thed with white robes, and palms in their hands: 9. And it was not only the believing Jews that were to be preferv'd, but the Gentile Chrifhians, in a multitude innumerable, who worfhipGod joyfully in holy Affemblies, cele- brating honourably the Pralles ofChrift, repre- fènted by their Spirits magnifying God and the Lamb joyfully in yoaven. ao. And