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Number of the'Sealed. Revelation. The Seven Seals. Ch. g Ie. And cried with a loud voice, I S, t6. Me; It is not the leaf Difficulty in this Book, to know when it fpeaketh really f raying, Salvation to our God which what is done in Heaves, and when ofwh t is fitteth on the throne, and unto the done os Earth, and when of both. This Text Lamb. feemeth to (peak chiefly ofwhat is really done to. They praifed God and their Redeemer, in Heaven. To expound it only ofthe Liber- es the Author ofSalvation. ty that came to the Chriftians after the Detlru- Note; The Hereticks ofthofe Times (as filch do stow) accufed dscfè great Multitudes, and fparatedfrom them, as unworthy oftheirCom- munion, while they were unworthyofChurch- Communion themtIves. I I. And all the angels flood round about the throne, and about theelders, and the four beafls, and fell before the throne on their faces, and worfhipped God. 12. Saying, Amen : Netting, and glory, and wifdom, and thankfgi- ving, and honour, and power, and might, be unto our God for ever and ever. Arnett. and Thall lead them unto living foun- ix, t a. And I raw the multitude ofBelievers g for Miniflers) reprefented by all the.1sEeis, talus of waters: and God 113311 wipe ioyning with the four living Slights, and with away all tears from their eyes. the twenty four Elders, who reprefented the , 17, TheChurches on Earth Shall have Come Church of the Chritiais Jews celebrating the times ofquietaflémbling,and learningofCiriji Praises of God and the Lamb, afcribing to him and his Minifters the pure Word of Life, and everlafting Blefling, Glory, 6-e. Religion (hell P,ourifh, and God Shall give them 13 And one Of the elders âlliti'C- Thine Rcfpite and Intermi9Ton, or Eule from red, laying unto me, what aré theCe Perfecution(underVeryfanand Titus.) But this is but a fmáll fore-tafte ofthe HeavenlyGlory, which are arrayed in white robes ? wherein there Words Shall befulfill'd, where and whence came they ? 14. And I indeed they Shall go out ofGod's Temple no faid unto him, Sir, thou knowefl. more, and Ball have all Tears wiped away. And he faid to me, Thefe are they which came out of great tribulation, C H A P. VIIi. and have wafhed their robes,and made r. N D when he had opened the them white in the blood of the A feventh fear, there was filence étion of yerufalem, is improbable, when the ten Perfecutions fucceeded. To expound it of the Advancementof the Church by Conffantine muff make it to (peak only of the Species of Chaiftius that formerly fuffer'd, andof no in- dividual Perlons, but thole that were theft alive ; and is hardly believ'd by them that be- lieve the reported Voice from Heaven, Hadie venenumfanditur in Ecclefiam, and that know how quickly Papacy and Church-corruption Sprangout of it. And yet,. to exclude all in- f riour Chvtrch-merciesfrom this vitìon, Sèem. ethalfo unfafe. 17. For the Lamb which is in the mid fl ofthe throne, (hail feed them, Lamb. in heaven about the face of half an 13, 14. And one ofthe Elders, in order to hour, P inform me, ask'd nie whether I knew what t. There wasa little f aceafter the opening thof were that flood array'd in white ; and I P c g told him, that I knew nor, but defir'd him, ofthe Seventh Se..l, before I raw or heard the rho knew, to tell me: and he told nie, that Revelation ut it. they were filch as had faffer'd great Tribula- 2. And I faw the (even angels which tion for Orin, -and were now accepted as righ- 'flood before God, and to them were teous before him, through the merits of his given feven trumpets. Blood, and weredignified byhim, 2. Seven Angels were appointed to publith; 15. Therefore are they before the as by Trumpet, the Judgments following, throne of God, and ferve him day and Some think that the Temple-worfhip is here ni ht in his temple : and he that fit- dercrib'd, where the People without pray'd its tech on the throne {ball dwell among `b'lettes, while the Prieft within officiated, and g the Trumpets founded : which the following them. 16. They (hall hunger no words favour. more, neither thirfl any more, nei- 3. And another angel came and titer (hall the fun light on them, not flood at the altar, having a goleen any heat, . cenfer, and there was given untohim much