Ch. x 8. Humility taught. St. Matthew. Ofdealing with,&c. Ch, i8. 8. Wherefore if thy hand or thy 12. 53. Christ likerieth himfelf to men foot offend thee, cut them off; and that have by unexpedted fuccefs in recovering the loft, a more fenfible joy than for the reft, caft them from thee : it is better for Von!' a higher esteem. And ifhe to much thee to enter into life halt or maim- rejoyce in'them, how will he take it of thole ed, rather than havingtwo hands or that hate, perfecute,or tempt them. two feet, to be calf into everlafling 14. Even fo it is not the will of fire. 9. And if thine eye offend your Father which is in heaven, that thee, pluck it 'out, and cart it from one of thefe little ones ¡hould perish. thee : it is better for thee to enter 14. God loveth them better than you love Sheep ; therefore he will fave them, and judge into life with one eye, rather than all thofe that would affright or drive away having two eyes to be cafe intohell- fire. 8, 9. Let nothing teem too dear to thee to fecure thy Salvation againft fuch Scandals and Hinderances,andTemptations : If it be Friend, or Intereft, as dear to thee as thy Hand, or Fort, or Eye, it is a fnaller lofs to edit it a- way here, and be faved hereafter, than tokeep it here, and be damned hereafter to endlefs Mifery. Ifthou Nadi no other way to avoid fin but difmembring thy Body, it would be a Duty, and no lofa, to do it. Note, 1. Christ had Paid this before, Mgt. 5. 30. It's no fault to Pay the fame thing often. a. If it be fo dangerous to be tempted by o. thers, it's worfe ro be our own tempters. r o. Take heed that ye defpife not one of thefe little ones, for I fay un- to you, that in heaven their angels do always'behold the face of my fa- ther which is in heaven. no. Note, O what men are they that read and preach this, and yet not only delpffe them, but tuft ignorantly or maliciou(ly flan- der them, and thenby this juftilie their railing, perfecuting, and deftroying them. s. What a comfort is is to the kaft true Christian, that they have their Angels that have charge of them, who always fee God's Face in Glory And fhall not we then fee it ? Ir. For the fon of man is come to fave that which was loft. Pr. And I that carne into the World to fave Sinners, will require it at your hands, if you wrong or perfecute them, or hinder theist from the way of their Salvation. I a. How think 'ye' ?" if a man have an hundred fheep, and one of them be gone affray, cloth he not leave the ninety and nine, and goeth into the mountains, and feeketh that which is gone affray ? 13. And if fo be that he find it, verily I fay un- to you, he rejoyceth more of that Jbeep then of the ninety and nine which went not affray. from their duty, the meaneftlerfòn. r 5. Moreover, if thybrother ¡hall trefpafs againft thee, go and tell"him his fault betweenthee and himalone : if he (hall hear thee, thou haft gained thybrother. r6. But if he will not hear thee, then take with thee one Or two more, that in themouth of two or three witneffes every word may be eftäblífh'd. try. And if he ¡hall negleét to hear them, tell, it unto the church: but if he neglea tohear the church, let him be unto thee as an heathen man, and a publicane. is, ere. And according to thiscompanionate tendernefs of God, and your Saviour, mutt be your dealing with one another ; not to favour fin in any, but to Peek by love to fave the fin- ner : Therefore if any one that thou heft bro- therly communion with, do trefpars againft "thee, by injury, or by fcandalous Crimes within thy notice go and tell him his fault privately in brotherly Love and tendernefs, yet !hewing him the evil of his fin that he may repent: if he hear thee fo as to repent and amend, died haft won him from the danger of his guilt, which may be a comfort to thee : But if he de- fend his fin, or will not repent and amend, ceafe not thy-love or labour, but take with thee one or two meet Perfons,, that two or 'three Witnefl'cs may the more Owe him, or credibly convint him. And if he negledt to 'hear them, (having exercifed doe Patience for the trial, and fit Means to convince him) then make it publick, by telling the Church, in whole communion he liveth; either by opening it in the Congregation, that the Church -Guides nosy reprove him and exhort hita to repent, and ptsy for his Repentance; or when that is nor convenient, tell it the Guides of theChurch, that-theymay make it ptielick and do their once. And ifhenefle:;t to Item the publick Exhortation, have no more commotion or familiarity with him than with o 11e thenor Publican ; but fì, carry ir, that he and othets hay tee that thou efteemeft him nqt a r:ne of do, Christian Society whom Christ r. otvn. Nate