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Ch. 8. ThefeventhSeal. Revelation: Thefevers Angels: Ch.$ much incenfe, that he Mould offer it Theparticular fignificationExpofitors areut. with the prayers of all faints upon the DIy difagreed in. Dr. H. taketh it for the golden altar, which was before the Bloodshed by lnfuruinhtg the in Galilee : others, for the Barbarian, ruining Roman Empire throne. others, for Herefies in the Church : others, for 3. Another Angel reprefented the high the BishopsStrife for Superiority. Priefc, whore Office was, to offer incenfe at ro. And the third angel founded, the Altar, and to offer up Prayers for the Peo and there fell a g reat fiar from hea- pie : to which ufe he had a goldenCenfer, and a golden Altar, to thew the honour of the ven, burning as it were a lamp, and Chriftian Miniary and Worship, which is all it fell upon the third part of the ri accepted, through thrift'sIntercefïion. vers, and upon the fountainsof waters. 4. And the fmoke of the incenfe r t. And the name of the (tar is called which came with the prayers of the Wormwood ; and the third part of faints, afcended up before God, out the waters became wormwood and of the angel's hand. many men died of the waters, becaufe 4. And God receivd, as grateful, the Pray. they were made bitter. ers ofhis People, as offerd by the Minifters, ro, Ir. And next, the ud ment was, the and by ChriFf. infedting ofthe Rivers andWaters with mortal 5. And the angel took the cenfer, bittemefs, bya Star from Heaven that was mor- and filled it with fireof the altar, and tally bitter, falling into them. This fignifieth call it into the earth : and there were the further extenfive progreg of the Punira- voices, and thundrings,and lightnings, ment. and an earth uake. Some take this for the Fall of a great Cap, 9 tain of the 7'em, ; and fome, for one of their S. And upon the acceptance of the Saints falfe reducing Prophets: and fome, for the fall Prayers, ers foollo 'd thekindling of God's aveng. of the Wettern Empire ': and fome for ...irrita; o Judgments fome for Pelagius, fome for Mahomet, and Come 6. And the feven angels, which had for Hereticks in general. the feven trumpets, prepared them- ra. And the fourth angel founded; felves to found. and the third part of the fun was 6. Then did the Meffengers ofGod's Judg- fmitten, and the third part of the mens prepare to publish, or found, them forth. moon, and the third part of the oars, 7. The firfl angel founded , and fo as the third part of themwas dark- there followed hail, and fire mingled tied, and theday (hone notfor a third with blood, and they were call upon part of it, and the night likewife. the earth : and the third part of trees 14. On the founding f the fourth Angel, wasburnt up, and all green grafs was the progrefs of the Judgment was reprefented burnt u p' to me, as the darkning of the third part ofthe Sun, Moon, and Stars, fi nit in the fall of 7. And the Judgment publith'd by the fart} fome real Powers, Eccleftaftica or Civil. Angel began with c éRruftion on the Counnies, Some expound it ofVefpafraa's deftroying a filch as duallyaccompany Wars, which lay wall third part of the CitiesofOradea ; fome, of the Land and Hóufec beginning of the Siege ofgerufalem; fome, of S. And the fecond angel founded, Totilás tacking ofRome ; fome, of the corru- and as it were a great mountain burn- prion ofPrelacy, before Popery; fome, of.9r- ing with fire was call into the fea ; nanifm; fome, of the general corruption of and a third part of the fea became she Church by Popery. Lira takes the four Anpefs to be the four blood : y. And the third part of the Hereticks (as he doth the tour Beans to be the creatures which were in the fea, and four Patriarchs.) had life, died ; and the third part of n 3. And I beheld and heard an an- the (hips were deftroyed. gel flying through the midi} of hea- t, s. That no place should efcape, the next ven, Paying with a loud voice, Wo, degree of Judgment was reprefented by a wo, wo to the inhabitersof the earth Mountain of Fire call into the Sea, which tor. by reafon of the other voices of the tied the third part of the Sea into Blood, B?c. angels et of the three el which are fignifying éncreafed Wars and Bloodshed, by p g Era and Latin. yet to found, r3:Tbi