Ch. t r. The two l tneff"es, Reve which many followingEmperorsand their Ar- mies will do again(} them, efpecially .Adrian, to finilh their Defru&ion. Or,as others,there are yet greater and more dreadful things to be told thee, againft many Nations and Kingdoms. Or as others, TheWork ofProphecy,or preach- ing the Gofpel, fupprencdby the Pope and his Prelates, !hall be reviv'd again, and profper, before the end. CHAP.XI. i. N D there was given me a reed A like unto a rod, and the angel flood, laying. Rife, and meafure the temple ofGod, and the altar, and them that worfhip therein. I. Say Come, to meafure the Temple and the Altar-places, as referv'd from .Adrian'sbuil- ding an Idol-temple, which, fay they, he did only in the outer Court. Sayothers, Meafure the Church, which (hall be reduc'd toa confor- mity to the Word ofGod, after all its Pau- tions by Popery. Or, Mcafura it, fignifieth, that the c horch will be a fmall and meafiarahle thing under the Papacy, and even obfcur'd, but not forfaken of God. 2. But the court which is without the temple, leave out, and meafureit not -, for it is given unto the Gentiles, and the holy city (Mall they tread un- der foot forty and two months. 2. Say fome,- the outer Court and the City was rebuilt by .Adrian, call d ,.lia, for the Gentiles to live in, and a Temple built for yx- pitar, and fo continued three years and a half; as .Antiochua prophan'd it, Dan. 7. 25. Say others, The outer Court and the City left to the Gentiles, is that great part of the vifible Church left under the Papacy to fuchgrofs Ido- latry, as that it huhbut the name of Chriftian, as clothing reftor'dGentitifm, and is rejedted of God. Some take the 42 months literally, for a certain time of three years and a half; and fume for uncertain time, Chrift was three years and a half in his Minifterial labour. And this number is five timeshere recited, therefore like to be ftridtly meant. Some old Fathers, and fame Papifts underhand it ftridlly of the reign of an Antichrift, which they think is yet to come t Come of the time of the Papal reign, which they fay will be 126o years, beginning between 36s arid 4t S, and ending between 162 $ and r7 t s, inwhich (pace Babylonwillfall. Others hate the time differently. 3. And I will give power unto my two witneffes, and they flail prophecy a thoufand two hundred andthreefcore days, clothed in fackcloth. lation. TheirPower,&c. Ch;r 3. Note, There is great diverfityofOpinions who thefe Witneflès are ; and yet molt Pro tenants think that their time is paft, or the moth of it, and this Prophecy fulfill'd ; and Prophe cies ufe to be plain when they are fulfill'd Some newmen fay, that they were the two Churches in ferufalem, of the Yewith and the Greek Language, and their two Biftiops, who preach'd all that time againft the Sins ofyews andGentiles far they think that the yews and Greeks, not,tntderltanding the fame Lauguage, had in yerufalem ,Antioch, Rome, Alexandria, and other great Cities, two Churches andBiflrops Others, that the two Witnefiès are Enoch and Elias, that 11101 come when Antichrist cometh. Others, that they are theOld and NervTeftameat, which thePapacy }hall oppofe ; or, as others, the Preacher., ofthe Old and New Teltament, nam'd two, becaufebut few, but yet enough to promote the Reformation. Brightmanfaith, It is the Scriptures, and the Affemblies of the Faithful. Others, that it is the GodlyMagi. ?Iraq.and Miniflrj, which thePapacy will call down: Others, that God will hereafter fend two, with the Spirit of Enoch and Elias, in whom all this (hall be literally fulfill'd. Others, than it is theMartyrs that have in feveral times oppos'd Popery to the death, call'd two in al- lufton to manyold couples ofWitneftes, Mofes and .Aaron, Caleb and yefhaa, Ezra and Nehe- miah, Haggai and Zechary, Zerubbabel and Jo- fhtea, (towhich Zech. 4. r t. this Text 'fpecially relateth) Mofes and Elias on the Mount, &r. Clothed in Sackcloth, is doing their Office in a time of great affliPcion; And all this, fame think, may be applied to divers couples, that God bathusd in divers times and parts of his Church, as, to the Waldenfes and ,Albigenfes, to johnHus andyerome of Prague, to yahn Frede- rick Duke of Saxony andPhilip Landegrave of Haifia, long imprifon d by Charles the Fifth, and after deliver'd to the Lutherans and the Re. formed to King Edward VL and hisUnclpipro. telforDuke of Semerfet, &c. even as Chri t feat out his Difciplesby two and two, Paul andBar- nabas, &c. Lyra's conceit that Si/valid, end Menus were the twoWitneftes againft theEat. tychíans, is vain. 4. Thefe are the two olive-trees, and the two candleflicks (landing be- fore the God of the earth. 4. Thefe are refemhled to the two mentio- ned, Zech. 4. There areas Olive-branches that empty themfelves into theLamps, even theSer- vants ofthe Lordof theWorld for his Church. 5. And if any man will hurt them, fire proceedeth out of their mouth, and devoureth their enemies: and if any man will hurt them, he mull in this manner be killed. f, If