Ch. I t. The two Witneffes, Revelation. Their Power, &c. Ch. t t s. Ifany will perfecute or filence them, ther the fame thing as this killing and reviling God will revenge their caufet it refers to Elias the Witneffes, may not be done at yerufalem that brought down Fire from Heaven to de- and elfewhere, again and again in leveral ages, ftroy the Captains and their fifties, 2 Kin. I. to, (the Church having had its Days and Night) I and toMoles, Numb. 16. Or, fay others, The yet know not. word in their mouths !hall be as Fire againft all 9. And they ofthe people, and kin- falCe Do 1rnes and Corruptions. dreds and tongues, and nations, !hall 6. Thefe have power to fhut hea- fee their dead bodies, three days and ven, that it rain not in the days of an half, and Thall not fuller their dead their prophecy : and have power over bodies to be put in graves. waters, to turn them to blood, and to y. Say tome, they (hall literally be caft out fmite the earth with all plagues, as of inhumanly unburied; Is others, they shall be ten as they will. politically flain, depos'd, filenc'd, and impri- 6. And the power that God gave their Mi. fon'd, and caft by as dead and ufeleg. And niftry and reforming Endeavours, and the Re not only their perfecutiugEnemies, but the de. venge that God will ufe againft their PerCecu. laded Rabbleand People flail fee their oppref tors, were exprefs'd to me as refembling Elea, lion, and intuit over them, andnot fuller them who Prayer ftopt theRain for three years and to be reftord or hoiiour'd. a half, and the Plagues which God by Mofes in- io. And they that dwell upon the fliF,ted onEgypt: Chrift intimating this,Mar.17. earth fllall rejoice overthem and make when Mofs the chief Law-giver, andElias the merry, and (hall fend gifts one toario- chiefProphet,were the two great Witneffesof , his Glory. And it is notable that godly Magi- ther, becaufe thefe two prophets tor- fiestaand godly Minifiers have ufually profpe- mented them that dwelt on the red together, and fallen together, and Magi- earth. Bracy andMiniftry been together corrupted. to. The Enemies ofthe Church, and the un- 7. And when they (hall have finifh- godly Rabble, !hall triumph and rejoice toge- ed their teflimony, the beaft that ther in their revenge and conqueft of thefe afcendeth out of the bottomlefs pit their own Coffering by them, whole preaching (hall make war againft them, andMall was a torment to them, who by godly Magi. overcome them, and kill them. 8. And Braes allo had been punifh'd or reftraiád from their dead bodies Ihal1lie in the ftreet their fin. Note, I. Oh how madly do the wicked re- of the great city, which fpiritually is Juice for their vi@ory againft the men that called Sodom and Egypt, where alto would have lava them ! z. One of the great our Lord was crucified. caufes of the violence of Silencers and Perfecto- 7, 8. Note, Chrift's Wimeffes, (holy Magi. tors is, the remembrance of their own fuffer- //rates and Miniflers) shall be marveloufly pre. logs by godly Magiffrates and Miniflers, by feryd till they have finilh'd their Teftimony, Puntlhments andReformation. and they have done their work, and then they t. And after three days. and an maybe deftroy'd by the Servants of the Devil, half , the fpirit of life from God ente- ral expos'd to common (corn, and perhaps be into p denied burial, in theplaces where they preach'd red them, and they flood upon and were wonderfully bleR, and their Enemies their feet, and great fear fell upon punifli'd. And this will feem, to carnal men, themwhich faw them. to beGod's difowning them, and all that they t t. Either the fame men, or men of the did ; but the fame fort ofmen /hall be railed fame Spirit and Office, were reftor'd to the again, andrevive their work with more fuccefa, fame Power and Works, to the great wonder and again filence the deluded intuiting Ene. of good men, and the great confernation of mies. the bad. There words f where ourLordwas crucified] feem to favour their Expofition who apply all 12. And they heard a great voice this to yerafalem. But moR Proteftants take it from heaven, faying unto them, Come for the Roman RateofPapal corruption. And up hither. And they afcended up to fomè by their Carcafes fay, is meant the dead y Carcafs of the Scripture, or Religion, or Affem heaven in a cloud, and their enemies Vies, which only is left among them. But it beheld them. feemeth to me to mean perfous: And whe. TL I2. The