Ch. r r Thefecond Woe,' &c. Revelation. Twentyfour Elders. Ch. ,r 1 az. The Voice of ChriCC, f y Come ; of the chief Rulers, fay others : Come up hither, that is, fayCome, to Heaven, as a Reward of their former Service, as Chrift aCcended in a Cloud, and as Mofes was call'd away and buried by God, and Bliaf carried up, Mofes not fining what yoJhua mull fee, and Elias being only tr::n(lated from a wicked Generation before 'chi executed God's Judgments on them fo. Magitrates and Minigers, that do great things for the Church, are ufually taken up to Hea- ven before they fee the defied iffue, which is left to their Succeffors: Not David, hut Solo- mon, mil's build the Temple. Or, as others, come up into a Cate of greater profperity and peace, which is as a Heaven in companion of their Perfecution : or, as moll Proteftants, come now into thedefired Cate of the viable Church reform'd fromPopery and Impiety. Their ad- vancement convinc'd force, and terrified others of theirAdvcrfaries. i 3. And the fame hour was there a great earthquake, and the tenth part of the city fell, and in the earthquake were flainof men feven thoufand ; and the remnant were affrighted, and gave glory to the God of heaven: 13. Say force, ,Adrian rooted out tholeyews that did not turn Chriftisns, and bet up the Image ofa Swine at the Gate, to put them in del air; upon which the rat turn'd Chriftians, and glorified God. Say others, nine parts ofRame were deftroy- ed before, and under the Papacy Only the tenth part of old Romewas left, and that fell by this Earthquake t Say others, the firth flits by Ìreaching, Difputing, and War abostt Religion, quickly call down the tenth part of the Roman Church, and then many others turn'd Prote- ftants t Some think it was the Fall ofoldHea- then Ra»ie: and Come think that the killing of the Witneflès(byPapal Crafty) is yet to come, 'and that Popery (hall be reftor'd a few years, and then fall for ever. It feems to relate to the cafe ofElijah and Elifha, after whofe time the Houle of ....that, dreadfully fell by yehu. 14. The fecond woe is pact, and behold, the third woe cometh quick- ly. 14. Nate ; Thus far fore think that the Re- velation fhew'd yohn nothing but what was done many years befcre, and viable to all men there, that is, tint ll was but the deflrulion of the 'law ; and that of there three lath Woes, the firfl wits by the Zealots, the fècond bynew, (in which, faith yorghus, elevenhundred thou- randperfous were kill'd by Sworl and Fatnin, betides the Captives carried away) ; the third by .ildrian, wb'n the FaPlioii of Bereberhueba was tall out of 7erufalem, and were purfùed, in which, Tome fay, five hundred thoufand were kill'd, fonte fay Eight hundred thoufand, and Tome twelve hundred thoufand. Others fay, thatall the Woes refpeoled later times. 15. And the feventh angel found- ed, and there were great voices in heaven, laying, The kingdoms ofthis world are become theKingdoms of our Lord, and of his Chrfft, and he (hall reign for ever and ever. t s. The 'forefaid new Expofitors take this for theTriumph of the Church for the yews defru&ion, and the ceafing of their Perfecuti- on, and the unitingofthe yew and Gentile Chri- f Pans in one Church at yerufalem, where .A- drian gave them that freedom by which they profper'd. Others think that this Verbe fpeaketh of the Chriflian Emperors owning Chriiiianiry, and putting down Heathenifm. Others think it fpeaks ofthe great Succefs of the Reformation aggaitf Popery. Others think it fpeaks of Chrift's thoufand years Reign. And others think it fpeaketh of the lath Judgment. I fee not whywe may not take itfor the flourilhing of the Gofpel in the Catholick Church, begun when Perfecution abated, butmoth notablypro- moted by Cenfiantine. 16. And the four and twenty elders which fate before God on their feats, fell upon their faces, and wen-flipped God, r 7. Saying,We give thee thanks, OLord God almighty, which art, and waft, and art to come, becaufe thou haft taken to thee thy great power, and haft reigned. 18. And the na- tions were angry, and thy wrath is come, and the time of the dead,that they (hould be judged, and that thou fhouldeft give reward unto thy fer- vants the prophets, and to the faints, and them that fear thy name, fmall and great, and fhouldeft deftroythem which deftroy theearth. 1G, 17, ts. The twenty four Bifhops ofyo- :La, fay foie : Rather the Minigers of the Ca- tholick Church, reprefnred byfour andtwen- ty Elders in the Vifion ; or the whole Church, fay others : And thole in Heaven, fay others. The Reignmention 'd is varioufly expounded, as aforefoid; 1. As againft the yews. z. As againf the Heathen Emperors. 3. As agsinft the l'ope, by the Reformation. 4. As of the Fall of bíahometanirn,.and theTserlíi¡la Empire. s. As ofthe Millcniam, and the Relurre&,aa and