Ch. r 2, The Beall wíß Revelation; fever Heads, &c. Ch. r; cuted the womanwhich brought forth with the remnant of her feed, which the man child. keep the commandments of God, and 13. Saith Lyra, whenCafroe raw that he was have the teflimony ofJefus Chrill. conquer'd by Heracliaa, he perfecuted the Chri- ftians in his own Dominions, whomHeraclisa reliev'd by two Armies. Saith Dr. H. When SatanCaw that he was conquer'd in Simon Ma- gus, he ftirr'd up Rome agamft theChriftians. Say othersmore probably, when Satan law that vigilant Paftors had defeated his Religious Frauds by Hereticks, he to ted to the way of violence by Perfecutors, firft Heathens, then .Arrions. Some fay, This containeth all the time from .Anna 310 to 606. And others, That it is his Rage againft the Reformation fine, 14. And to the woman were given two wings of a great eagle, that the might fly into the wildernefs, intoher place; where the is nourifhed for a time, and times, and half a time, from the face of theferpent. tq. Chriftians driven front Rome by Hea- thenish Perfecution, fay Come ; or after, by Papal, fayothers, fled up and down into Vil- lages and remote Countries call'd a Wilder- nefs, where God provided for them till that Storm was part, (as the W ldenfes, and filch others.) I;. And the ferpent call out ofhis mouth water, as a flood, after the wo- man : that he might caufe her to be carried away of the flood. t s. The Flood, faith Lyra, was byGiros: faith Dr. H. byNero, and after by Domitian and others : fay others, it was by all the Hea- then Perfecutions : fay others, by the Goths and the invadingBarbarians: fay others, by Here- fies ; and fayothers, byPopery. 16. And the earth helped the wo- man, and the earthopened her mouth, and fayallowed up the flood which the dragon cart out of his mouth. ts. Say Come, ThePerfecution was diverted from the Chriftians by the Inlàreedtion of the Infidel-7ews, and their fuppreflion: Say others, The Roman wicked Emperours were diver- ted by the Goths from mifchLf Say others, the .ArrienGoths were conqutr'd, even by bad Emperors : Say others, the prevalency of Truth made even camal Bittops, in Councils, help the Church : Say others, The vifible Church confìfteth of' many bad worldly men, who for conjunet Intere{t help the Faith- tul 17. And the dragon waswrath with the woman, and went to make war 17. Some fay this is Domitian and Trajan's Perfecution. Others, that it was the .Arriano, when Satan law he was ditpolef of Heathen Rame. Others, that it is his letting up the Pa- pacy, as it perfecutedparticular Chriftians, for not corrupting Religion. Note, There is no hope ofa deferable Pence with Satan or Diaboliis, while filch; though ChridIians molt Rudy, as much as in them lieth, to live peaceably with all men, and efpe- cially fludy love and peace among themtèlves. The Devil will not lay down his War againft Chrift, till he be calf down and bound, but the Members of Chrift's Body Should not war againft eachother. Thepoor .Albigenfs, be. were fait by Dio- elefien driven into a barren mountainous Coun- try, and after murder'd by Popes and Pa- pills. C AP.XIII. 1. AND I. flood upon the fand of the fea, and faw a beaß rife up out of the fea, having feven heads, and ten horns, and upon his ivorns ten crowns;and upon his heads'the name of blafphemy. s. Moil ofthe Old Fathers expounded this of an Antichrift, that Should come toward the end of the World. Some Papilla take it to be the Second Cfroe, that fucceeded hisFa- ther in Perga. Others take . the BeaR to be the ftate of the Heathen Religion at Rome ; the (even Heads fignifying either leven Em- perours, or the leven Hills ; and the ten Horns, and the Crowns, the Confederate King- doms ; and thename of Blafphemy, the Titles of Rome, calld, .A Goddef, and The Eternal City, withits Idolatrousprofeffion. Others take the two Beafts here to be but one, under two Relations, that is, the Pope or Papacy : Or, fay Come, the Roman King- dom under the Pope and the Papacy it Self, as Ecclelìaltick. Some take the Devil to be thisBeaft, Conte the Turbi(h Empire, tome the Greek Empire ; and Come take -this firft BeaR to be the Roman Empire, as Chriftian. The hardeft part of the Conrróverfie is between them that Say, Er ri Heathen Rome , and chore thct fay ft rá Papal Rome: And the Realons which they T e 3 give