Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BS2096.A1 1701 .P3

- Ch. I3. The DraglP, Revelation. ThetrooBeai/ s, &c. Chi 3 riosfaith, that within thirty years an hundred fente, but make it, and may fay anyother im- and fifty thoufand were confum'd by the Inqui- probable thing. Others that fay, the frit Besft felon, and fùch means. And the numbers mar_ was Heathen Rome; and the f tond Papal Rome, der'd in Bohemia, andother Countries, and fine will as hardly as the former make it probable, then in the Low Countries, France, England, ire- that Heathen Rome was one of the Pope's heads, land, &c. render the ten Perfecuticns by Hea- if he be the Beat : Was the heft Beall but one thetas, asdefcrilid by our molt aggravating old of then eny Heads of the fecond Be+,ß ? Or Church- hiftorirns, to appear buta Morfel to the was the Heathen Religion but one Of Heathen Papal Sacrifices. Rames own Heads ? Or, was the Pope's woun- 8. And all that dwell upon the deed Head in being before him ? If the Heathen me, or its Heathenifn, was the wounded earth !hall vcoYthip him, whole names Ha Head ofthe frit Beall, then the Pope was not are not written in the book of life of the t r Beall, for that was not one of his the Lamb thin from the foundation Hei.ds, efpecially at its overthrow by Conflan- of the world. tine. Grot. and Dr. H. that fay the fecond Beaft is 1 alleniue, or Ma iaans or Magid, if they 8. And his great Power and v\cîories fnall P S taufe the generality of worldly Men to own, admire and obey hum (whether it t e the Hea- then Rome, or M l>ometans, or the Po e) except thole chofenChildren ofWifdom, whofe names from the foundation of the 'World were by God's Decree written in the Book of the flaira Lamb, or in the Catalogue of thole who were to be fav'd by Chrift crucified. 9. If any man have an ear, let him hear. ró. He that leadeth into capti- vity, (hallgo into captivity : he that killeth with the fword, mull be killed with the fword. Here is the patience and the faith of the faints. 9, le. Let all Chrifrians regardfirlly mark what I fay, that they he not by the fuccefs of Perfecutors or Tyrants tempted from their Pa- tience, Conftancy or Duty: Tho' thefe great Conquerors and Perfecutors are a while ador'd for their fiaecefs and power, in the end they shall be ufed as they ufed others ; commonly when they have cougtvrd and triumph'd, otherscon- quer them, and triumph over them ; and when theyhave kid 'dmany, they are ufùally kill'd themfIves : few fatuous Conquerors die the common Death ofall men. Therefore the ho- ly Wifdom ofGod teacheth his Saints as much as is pofi,ble to avoid War, even defenfive, and to overcome by Faith and Patience, efpecially in the cafe of Perlcention, and of private and particular perfons towards injurious Rulers, fo confine, it, (peak as improbably. W tower was the fecund, his Lamb-like Haras thew him to be an Hypocrite pretending to Trirth, and his Dragon-like Speech flew him to he the Devil's Agent. But the Recfons ro prove both one, beingagainfi the plain Text, fume think rather that the firft Reati was the Idalatreua Ensperaurs, that fo cruelly feu up Image- worship iotheEilt and Weft, and the Pole the fecond Reale, th t tlatter'd them and rebellioully excommunicated thole that were again then ; and lais heftno- table power was obraia'd lay engaging himfëf in.the carafe of the mage-worlhippers,.and ex- tolling and flattering diem ; andwithal flatter- ing Pipia, and Ch. Martell, and others, to main- tain him in his Rebellion, by invading the Weitern Empire, and then engaging nuit fuc- ceedingPrinces ira the fame carafe. And foin think that the Pepe is the firft Beat}, and the fecond are his Councils and Car- dinals, and Clergy, andyefuites, and Friars, that cry him up, and perfwade the World to 'obey and follow him, according to his univerlàl claim. And if the difficult Objeftions againtt all thefe Taft fhould incline as rather to think that it is the Heather Empire that is the frit Beall, I Mould (by reviewing the Hißory of Fal) think that the fecondBeall was (not ,J4palloniva fa- bled of by Philoflratua and Hierocles, but) the whole Gown'd and Literate Tribe, Learning and the pompous oßentation of it being then almoft as much of the Glory, Pride, and tho' Kingdoms may erçercife fell-defence, left Strength of Rome as the Military Power : Ard they tempt all their Neighbours to make them I fítail thew anon how ordinary it was for the their Prey, firß Beaft, the Imperial MilitaryPower, toar- I I. And I beheld another beaft rogate the Name of Goals, and to have Temples, coming up out of the earth, and he . Altars, and Sacriefces. And the fecund ReaIL Pacts, Oratart, Comedians, Philefephers, iPjio- had two horns, like a lamb, and he cans,. as ,Augurs, and Sarathfayers, and fpakeas a dragon. Magicians, and Frights, all flatter'd and applaud ar. Manyfay, that by ,Another Beafl is meant ed thefe BlafphemausEmperou:rs ; and the grei t the former in another refpel, and that they Learningoftilde men was fee rip againß Chti- are lint one. But when the Text frith, it is flianity, as defpifed fooGíhnefs i As they dial another, with fo many notes and ads of eliffe- withPaul at .Athens, lb did the learnedRomans rince, fetch prefumption Both not expossail the count Chrittians Fallece, and ignorant Barba. T try rians,