Ch. i3. The Number Revel were Numeral andNominative both, and made up 666. And if it be (as moftProrefiants think) Rome Papal that is the fecund here meant, then as the fish Beaft is thePapacy, as idolatrous andpotent, fo the fecond is likeft to be the flatteringder- y, who are to the Popes much like what the literate Romans aforefaid wereto the Heathen Emperors: I mean his Prelates,.Cauricils,'fcfuites and Fryars of all forts; theme have pretended to abundance ofMiracles, to advance the Papa- cy and its Corruptions of Religion, infomuch that they make fuch Miracles one of the chief marks of their Church. Gregory's Dialogues, and fuch other, led the way ; and their MIA- thous Legendsfeign fo many, and fo Ihamefully (of St. Francis, St. Dominick and multitudes more) as make men fidpeit that this Tribe are the Miracle-working Beall : Not but that many Miracles are true that are written ofGregory Naacefar. Martin and others, by Eufeb. Scorer. Sulp. Severos and ,Augufiin, ere. which were all for theconfirmation of the Cbrigian Faith, and not for Popery: Andmany of the Monks and others of whom thefe Fictionswere writ- ten, were holy men, and God did force Won- - Bers at their Prayers, and it is this which the Legenders take occafion from to add their multitudes of Fallhoods, and then to perfwade men, that all thefe were Miracles wrought for God's atteftation to Popery, it being anal for thatClergy to perfecute the living Saints that are not for their willsand ways, and to cano- nize chofe as Wonders of Sanctity whofe tlritl- nefs and aufterity is joynd with fubjettion to the Papal Dominion. Such mens Writings as Baroniva,Bellarmine, Genebrard, (jr. with their many falfe Councils, and 7ofuires that compafs Sea and Land to promote the Papal Kingdom, do kern much more fully to do the partof the fecond Beaft for the Papacy, than the Poets, Priefls, (c. did for the Fleathen idolatrous Em- pire. And the mark in their right Hand or Forehead feemeth to be force profelfmg Badge, by which they rie themfelves to worfhip the Beat and his Image, that is, fubjeth themfelves by content to the Papal Soveraignty and Ca- nons and Idolatry, or corrupt Imagery and Scenical Worship: And herein the Papacy fo far exceedeth the feverity ofthe faid Heathens, that they do, by the Laws of their Church, put ftriét Oaths upon all the Clergy to believe many new ...derider of Faith, and to obey the Pope; yea, and onPrinces, to exterminate all that the Pope will but call Hereticku, and that ehofe temporal Lords Mall be excommunicated, depofed and damned, that will not do ir. No man, calla by them a Heretick, may fo much as make a Will, or have the benefit of the Law, no not of his Liberty or Life, but be tormented in the jngui[ìtions, or burnt : ation. ofthe Bee. Ch. 13 No Minifter may preach Chriffs Gofpel, that is not a Subject of the Pope's , nor any Chri. Slim elkmeet to worship God, no, nor read the Bible in a known tongue, but by his Li- cenfe and theirs that he impowereth. Theft things are far more than to forbid buying and felling without the Mark of the Beast, or his Name. 18. Here is wifdom. Let him that bath underfanding count the number of the beat: for it is the number of a min, and his number is fixhundred threefcoreand fix. t n. Here is work for theSagacityof a lharp- witted man : let lùch'try to find out the Beaft by the number of his Name, for it pleafeth not God more plainly to reveal it. It is Numeral Letters, which denominate a Man, and the Letters are x çr s, which in numbriog lignifie DCLVVVI, or 666. About this Name and Number the Fathers, Pai fis and Proteflants, are of many minds among themfelves. The fish general difference is, whether it lgnifie the Name ofa Man pro_ perly, or only forceother mark that belongceh to him, call'd his Name ? And the next, whe- ther the Name belong to aJingle perfon, or toa Stare, or Policy, or Party i Of theProteftanas many think it's a man's Name, but belonging to the Papacy in common. ' univa taketh it for the Canon Lawand Decretals Broughton for eAdonikam, Ezra 2. 03. Brightman reciteth thefe and divers Naines found out by divers Fancies, Titan, Lampetis,Nineres,Cacas,Odegás, .Alethes, Pialar,,, Palas, Bafianos, , Arano, .Adicos in ,Arerhas, Ecelefia, italica and Re- maghnoi. All which he rejedeth, and faften- eth on thst which Prenaua chofe ofold, which is Lateinas. And he thinks that this number of the Name to be receiv'd was meant of the Greeks, who were brought to fubmit tq the Latin Church , and fo all the Greeks that fo fubmit receiving the number, are jon'd in the guilt and damnation with them tive had the Mark, or the Name it fell This is clear, that all they that only find out a Nameor Number which are not impofed, and by the Sub receiv'd, (peaknot at all to the Text. It is only the receiving of the Mark, Name or Number that is here mention d : It is the Subjetl'.s Badge. If the racked word Latrines be ufed as added to CatIsoli, it, and pi t inflead of Roman, it may reach the Papiffr, whofe Name and Badge now is to be Roman Catholicks, as difiinbt from all others that are but nicer Chriftian Catholicks.j But lately molt Prareflants take the nun. ber of the Name to be but fume Charatt . riftical Alts or Marks : Some fay, Ir is the Syfteme of Papal Corruptions in Doctrine, and