Ch. 13. Number ofthe $e aJJ. Revelation. The Lamb,Voices, &c. Ch. 14 Deifie their Wives when dead: And indeed I do but give Inftances how enfle it is to building Temples over their dead Bodies and conceive how fiuh nominal marks might be gi- eredliug Altarsthere, wástoo Coon imitated by ven and receiv'd : but that defaflo it was juft the zealous Chriftians over the Graves, Bones, fo,or why that Number is chofen,who can tell ? or Offering places of the Martyrs.. ,alurei. Vi- lla faith indeed, that Diocletian was the, firfE after Domitian (and Caligula) that fuffer'd him- felfpublickly to be call'd LORD, and nam'd and ador'd as God: ( but not the firft that was Deified by the Senate, or Flatterers, efpecially Poets.) And that they ufcd to mark oritigmatize their Servants, Souldiers, and Slaves, he that will read may fee in Pigneriecs de Servia, out Of,Arabrcfe de chit. Valentin. Alin.jun. Sp. lu- fcá:iva, Pereniva ..4rbiter, Sudan. de ta1ig..Ae- liva ,Amidenua Medic. And it is not impofïible to invent congruous Numeral Letters that might be the abbreviations of their Names: And though john writing in. Greek put [ x P s ] yet Teeing the Emperors and Roman Subjefts were Látinca, whb can doubt but that the Letters, being at once Norai- native and Numeral, were Latin; and not Creel, however Teiran, and Oulfius, andLareiaos, Ne. be inftanc'd lay many. For infante, [ T. FLAY. VESPAS, C. DIV.] is the abbreviation of [ 11TO FLAVIO VESPASIANO CaESARI DIVO) (the Father atzt Son had the Caine Name) the Numeral Let- ters are [ D. C. L. V. V. V. L7 [ T. FLAY. DOM. C. DIV. VOT.] that is [TITO FLAVIO DOMITIANO CIESARI VOTUM] the Numeral Letters of the abbre- viation are [ D. C. L. V. V. V. L 7 Galba,Othá, Vitellitas are not worth the naming. I D. ULP. TRAJANO C. VOTUM) that is, [ DIVO ULPIO TRAJANO CIESARI VO- TUM 7 D. C. L. V. V, V. I. [?EL. ADRIANO C. 'AUG. VOTUM ] that is, [ /ELIO ADRIANO CJESARI AU- GUSTO VOTUM ] is, [ D. C. L. V. V. V. I.] [ DIV. IE. LU. VER, ANTON. C.7 that is, [ DIVO /ELIO LUCIO VERO ANTONI- NO CIESAR17 D. C, L. V. V. V. L So [DIV. AUREL. ANTON. C. VOT. [ DIVO AURELIO ANTONINO CiESA- RI VOTUM] D. C.L. V. V. V. I. So [ DIVO VALER. C. VOT.] is, [ DIVO VALERIANO CIESARI VOTUM) D. C. L. So [ DIV, .AUREZ. C. VOT. 7 is, [ DIVO AURELIANO CIESARI.VOTUM 7 D. C. L. V. V. V. I. . . Sn [ VA. DiOCLES. VOTUM .7 that is [ VALERIO DIOCj_ESIANO VOTUM 7 D. C.L.V.V.V.I... - So DIV. HÉRCUL.- VOTUM ] that is, S DIVO HERCULIO VOTUM 7 C. L. V. V. C. I. C H A P. XIV. 1. A ND I looked, and lo, a Lamb L71 ftood on the mount Sion, and with him an hundred forty and four thouflind, having his Fathers name written in their foreheads. r. Next the Vifcn fltewd fie Chrift, as a Lamb, ftantling on Mount Sion, Ne. Thefé hunired forty and four thoufitd, feem to be only the faithful Chriftian yews, that Ruck to Chriftianity throrgh fuffering, the number be- ing the fame as Ch. 7. and the number of twelve, whichis the Square Root of this num- ber, notinga refped to the twelve Tribes, as thenumber of twelve Apoftles did : titers lote the place is call'd Mount Sion, (their holyplace) whether it be in Heaven, or in the Catholick Church, that they are litppos'd to be. Doubtkals many Chriftian yews thought that the new ye- risfolem thould be in the place where the old was at Chrift's coming. The Name of God (and of the Lamb, fay fame Copies) in their Foreheads, fignifieth their open profeffion of Fidelity to the Father and the Son, and God's gracious noting them for his own. And it helps us to expound what the mark oftheBeale was, even Ome open fignal obliging profeflon ofIdyl- worP..tip. 2. And i heard a voice from hea- ven, as the voice of many waters, and as the voice of a great thunder: and I heard the voice of harpers harping with their harps: 3. And they fung as it were a new fong before the throne, and before the four beafis, and the elders, and no man could learn that fong, but the hundred and forty and four thoufand, which were redeemed from the earth. a,.3. The voice of many Waters fgnified the multitude of Converts that by the Gofpel were gather'd to this Church on Mount Sian -who pteifd God with the Melody of Harps,, or joyfid Pfalmody; and it was new Pflms of Praife for Man's Redemption, and the Grace of Chriff, which they rung, as beiRre God and the Cherubints, and the holy Ci:aarch, which none of the yews were ft to flag, five the aforefid chafen Caved number. 4. Thefe are they which were not oiefiled will women, for they are vir- gins : thefe are they which follow the Lamb