Ch. 14. TheLamb, l/oices,&c. Revelation: The Fall ofBabylon. Ch. r4 Lamb whitherfoever he goeth t thefe lllyrieru and his Century Writers, let them tell were redeemed from among men, be- that know. Baby1on is here dercrib'd (and more fully af. ing the firftfruits unto God, and, to ter) to be that great Citythatdrew all Nations the Lamb. g. And in their mouth unto Idolatry, whether this were Rome as Hea. was found no guile : for they are then, or Rome as Papal, or Rome as containing , without fault before the throne of both, fee myAdvertifement. God. 9. And the third angel followed them, laying with a loud voice, Ifany man worfhip thebeaft and his infage, and receive his mark in his forehead, or in his hand, to. The fame fhali drink of the wine of the wrath of God, which is poured out, without 4, s. The vifion being of thole in. Heaven, as the precedents of the Chrifti-n Church at yerufalem, that llrould afterward fucceed them, they were the 11th-fruits of the Apoftles mini- Dry, defarib'd & 2. & 3. & 4. who were eminent in Purity andLove, free from Idolatry and Fornication, as a People chofenout of the 7ewifb Nation unto Chrip r and as they mixture, into the cup of his indigna were holy on Earth, they are fauhiefs and per tion, and he (hall be tormented with feC} now in Heaven. fire and brimftone, in the prefence of 6. And I faw another angel flie in the holy Angels, and in the pretence the midit of heaven,having the ever- of the Lamb. Iafting gofpel to preach unto them 9, ro. Thole that partake ofthe fins of Ida- that dwell on the earth, and toevery serousBabylon (or Rome) fhall partake of her nation, and kindred, and tongue, and Plagues ; and theJudgment that overthroweth people. her (hall extend to all her companions in Idola- b. Whether the mall of Heaven have the try,andalfo the punifhment in the Life to come, mypical fenfes that divers give, or be only and Chriftand hisAngels will execute and be- { fens from Heaven to Earth) I know not. Some hold it, as juft and good. fay, it is call'd the Everlafüng Gnßel, becaufe Some, to Cave their charity, fay, that Damna- it was decreed from everlafting, Come, becaufe non is not denounc'd to all that only have the it dureth to everlatting, or tendeth to life ever- Name of the Beaft or theNumber, but only to )aping. By the Gojpel Come underftand only them that receive hit Mark as his Slaves, and the glad tidings of the Fall of the Roman Em- worthip him andhis Image. But I think recei- pire ; Glue, the Doéìrine of Reformation, and ving his Name and its Number is included in tidings of the Fall of Popery ; and tome, the receiving the Mark But all may be pardon'd common Dofrine ofSalvation by Chrift, as it to the penitent Believers. lit 'd to he c entilelWorld niverfálly to be pub- Whittaker, nd fuchnothers, I eae'e to the proof 7. Saying with a loud voiced Fear of the Affrmers: It's enough to me that this additional Revelationand Punifitmentis notified God, and give glory to him, for the to Bohn as by another Angel. hour of his judgment is come : and Tho' many think that only temporal Punish. worfhip him that made heaven and ment is here meant, doubtlefs the fame fin de. earth, and the fea, and the fountains of waters. 7. Away with your Idols that are no Gods, and turn to and fear the true and living God, who made Heaven and Earth : for the time is come/ that he will judge and deftroy Idolaters. Other Expofitions I omit., 8. And there followed another an- gel, laying, Babylon is fallen, is fallen, that great city, becaufe the made all nations drink of the wineof the wrath of her fornication. B. Another part of my vifion was another Angel, &c. implying afurther revelation to me. Whether it fi'nifie alfo another fort of Prea- chers onEarth, and who, as Come fay, the .41- bigenfes and Waldenfes, or Luther, -Zuingliuo or fervethmore. as. And the fmokeof their torment afcendeth up for ever and ever. And they have no reft daynor night, who worfhip tite beaft and his image, and whofoever receiveth the mark of his name. II. Tho' temporal Calamity be here inclu- ded, this feems plainly to mean Hell: and the Mark, of his Name is here made equal to f his mark) vert. s. O the rëpleCs mafery that is prepar'd for the impenitent! 1 z. Here is the patience of the faints ; here are they that keep the commandments of God, and the faith ofJefus. r3, This