Ch. I 5. .Thefevert Angels. Revelation. The feven Vials. Ch. I Cain's Offspring was, to that the pane thing is aeleel over by them, in lèverai Lands and Ap,'es, which was acted by the firft,I hall, tetherMan this, confine the Expolition to that Empire and State that the Chnreb fuffer'd under when yohn wrote. C H A P. XV. a. ND I fáw another fign in Kea. CI ven, great and marvellous, fe- ven angels having the feven lait plagues, for in them is filled up the wrath of God. I, Seven Plagues, which are all to be pour'd out on the Idolatrousperfecuting Empire, as it were by (even Angels. 2. And I faw as it were a fea of glafs, mingled with fire, and them that had gotten the vittory over the beaft, and over his image, and over his mark, and over the number of his name, ftand on the fea of gbfs, ha- ving the harps of God. s. I taw a Sea like that in the Temple, fig- nifying purity, and the multitude ofWorthip- pers, mingled with fire, fignifying the Alrar- facrifices, and their zeal, and God's acceptance, and them that by patient fuffèriisg had over- come, by keeping themfelves undefil'd from owning the Roman Idolatry, by owning the Idol or his Imageor Mark, dr the Numeral Let- ternofhisName : And they Rood on this Sea, having the Harpson which they fang thepraifes ofGod, as wasufed in the Temple. 3. And they fing the fongof Mofes the fervant of God, and the Fong of the Lamb, faying, Great and marvel- lous are thy works, Lord Al- mighty, juft and true are thy ways, thou king of faints. a. And they being manyof them the firft Chriffian yews, fang Mofes's Fong after the drowning of Pharaoh, the cafe being like their deliverance from the Roman Tyrants; and the Fong ofChriff, tufted to the joyful Praifes of God for the work of Man's Redemption and Salvation; Paying, Great, be. Thou glorifieft thy power in conquering the greateft proudeft Enemies, and delivering thy fervants from the great dangers, even by Miracles ofProvidence ; and thy jufrice and Truth, O molt holy Lover and KingofSaints, are magnified in thy aveng- ing them on their cruel Enemies. ç. Who (hall not fear thee, O Lord, and glorifie thy name ? for thou only art holy : for all nations !hall come and worfhip before thee, for thy judgments are made manifeft. 4. This demonlration ofthy Greatnefs, Ho- line(s and Jufl ice, :hall move the Nations to fear and glorifie thee, as the only molt holy God, and to fear and worfhip thee, becaufe of thy Judgments. 9. And after that I Iooked, and be- hold, the tempie of the tabernacle of the teftimony in heaven was opened ; 6. And the feven angels came out of the temple, having the feven plagues, clothed in pure and white linnen, and having their breafts girdedwith gol- den girdles. 5, 6. The holy Place and God's Decree feem'dto be opeid; and feven pure and gin riots Angelshonourably girded to execute Gods Will, came forth with the èven lati Plagues that are to finifh the dcllruftion of the Idola- trous, potent, perfccuting,ßeman Empire. 7. And one of the four beafts gave unto the feven angels fevengolden vials full of the wrath of God, who Iiveth for ever and ever. 7. Thofe that undertake to tell whom thefe Angels and this living Wight lignified on Earth, go further than ,1 can, who know no more but that the feven Plagues were prefented. 8. And the templewas filled with fmoke from the glory of God, and from hispower, and no man was able to enter into the temple, till the feven plagues of the feven angels were ful- filled. 8. And the dreadfèlnefs of God'sWrath, at a confnming Fite, Oriking even his Worfnip- pers with Fear,and in the executing disturbing the Churches Peace, was reprefented to me by the filling of the Temple with finoke, from site Gloryof God, &e. C H A P. XVI. r. A ND I heard a great voice out of the temple faying to the fe- ven angels, Go your ways, and pour out the vials of the wrath of God up- on the earth. 1. I heard a great voice out of theTemple/ fending thefe Angels to poa, out the Vials, and execute God'sWrath. 2, Autl 0