Ch; 16. TheSvenAngels Revelation. Plagues,"Vials, &c. C11.16 2. And the first went and poured is here meant, it confcquently inferrcth, that if Out his vial upon the earth and there Papa Rome have equaPd, yea, far exceeded P them, in Atedding the -Blood of Saints, their fell a noifom and grievous fore upon Punifhment (hall be as great, or greater- Ir is the men which had the mark of the no (mall aggravation of Papal. Bloodshed ( by beast, and upon them which worship- Maracres, Ingnifitions, Burnings,&c.) that they pet his image. father all onChrifl himfelf, and do it as.Chttf d Of the rear: Plague in wicked Camme tam; yea, and in fo many Ages make it the g g neceffary defence of their Kingdom : and they dass Reign (that kill'd, in Romealone, two !hall find that Godknowetha Saint when men thoufánd a day); andof the like in the Reign call him a Heretick ç and will not be fo mock- of several Perfecutors, even till Conflantine's ed, as to difown Chrift's Sheep for fuck forg'd Reign ; and of the Bloodshed and Fire, and the marks. refemblanceof this to the Plagues of Egypt See Dr. H. on the Text, and Gratirysbefore him. 8. And the fourth angel pouredout Others fay, It is the Papifls torment of Con- his vial upon the fun, and power was fcience, wen Popery is fallen. given unto him to fcorch men with 3. And the fecond angel poured fire. 9. And men were fcorchedwith ont his vial upon the fea, and it be- great heat, and hlafphemed the name came as the blood of a dead man and. of God, which luth power over thefe every living foul died in the fea. plagues : and they repented not, to 4. And the third angel poured out his give him glory. vial upon the rivers and fountains of s, 9. Some take this to lignifie a great waters, and they becameblood. Drought and. Dearth, that camein the days of 3, 4. That thefe lignifie a progress of the Commodsu ; and after of Maxim nut. Many fame Judgment on the Idolaters, is clear: but takethe Sun here for Antichrift, that calleeh whetherby the Sea, and the Rivers and Roue- himself fo : others for Governours : fume for tains, fignifie things fo difin&, as many think, the King of Spain : fome for the German En, and which oftheir many conjeRur'd fguifca- peror, or fome fuel] Papal Luminary ; fome for eons are right, I cannot fay. the Scripture,as tormenting Papilts: fome for 5 And I heard the angel of the Christ, as fending forth his Word atad Judg- waters fay, art righteous, O ments. I can go no further than the general Yo t fore fenfe,That a greaterPlague that fell on the Lord, whichart, and waft, and (halt Idolatrous Empire, made them lay all the blame be, becaufe thou haft judged thus. on the Chri(ians, and rage the more, but cured 5. The Angel that executed God's Judg- not their Idolatry or Perfecution. - meats on the Idolatrous Nations, perform'd it Io. And the fifth angel poured out with Praise and Glory to God, for hisJahire his vial upon the feat of the beaft,and onperfecuting Idolaters. Note, The Angels in Heaven were not igno- his kingdom was full of darknefs, and rant of what God thus did on Earth : And as they gnawed their tongues for pain, God's Mercy hinder'd not his execution of Ju- I r. And blafphemed the Godof Ilea- nice, fo their pity kept them not from trium ven becaufe of their pains and their phing over these deftroy'd Sinners, and giving God the Glory oftheir punishment. fores, and repented not of their 6. For they have flied the blood of deeds. faints and prophets, and thou haft gi- l x r. The plaingeneral Rome, and Hie in, P , to liken idolatrous perfecutìng c the 'ven them blood todrink, for they 'are fuffering Chriftians, to Pharaoh and the ¡fraelites, Worthy. 7., And I heard another out and liken God's Plagues on Rome to theEgypti- ofthe altar fay, Even fo, Lord God anPlagues; and to tell us that, as Pharaoh's aims -=,ht true and righteous are thy Heart was hardned till.Deffruûion fell on him y, y and his, fo will be the Idolatrous Romans. judg,nents. Bythe Seal of the Beaft is meant Rome, with 6, 7. A--to r. God and Angels will rejoicein the ImperialPower (orPapal, fay many) : and the terrible Revenge of the Blood ofSaints, by Darknefl, the Confufions there,andDiminti- 2. The Angelfrom the Altar fignifieth the con- rionsof their Glory. 'In Heathen Rome, thole fent of the sods under the Altar, and of the were many and great, the Souldiers fetting,up Church of ho!y Warthippers on Earth, who and pulling down, and killing Emperors, till pray for Deliverance. 3. Were it never fo they het the Empire to fate e Emperors fez up, certain that it is Idolatrouw, Heathen Rome that and warring agamf each other, few dying a natural