Ch. rd. Thefeven Angels. Revelation. The Scarlet Whore. Ch.t 17. The Angel, that potted his Vial into the the weight of a talent : and men Air, frgnifieth the coining down of Plagues blaf hewed God becaufè of theplague fromHeaven, on the generality ofthe Enemies. of the hail for the laoue thereof And the Voice out of the Temple fignihèth, p a. that it is doneby God's Decree, for the vindi- was exceeding great. cationof his holy Wor,hip and his Church. 2 I. God's Executions bruifed and broke Etc ü done.] That is, thelaft Plague on the them, as great Hail world 4o the tender Pianos, Raman Pharaoh is now pouringour, and he is . and yet they did but b1- fpheme God themore to bedrown'd in the Red Sea. God'sJudb A Talent is threefcore pound. God's. Judg- ments are accomplifh'd for the extirpation of meats purfucd the faacr'd Roman Citizens, lay the Heathen Roman Empire ,and the revenging for, ; the Papilis, fay others; and all wicked the Blood of theSaints flied by them. As Pba- Chriftians, fay others. rash's Cruelties entreated before the lfraelites were deliver'd, fo Dioclef:an made the cruel'ft Slaughters before theH áthen Beaffwas to be C H A. P; XVII; deftroy'd ; and then they were and the time was come. Or, as others fay; the time I. A ND there came one of the fe- ofthe fall of Popery and Antichrilt. Or as others, the end of the World. ia. von angels which had the fe '18. And there were Voices and von vials, and talked with me, faying- thunders, and lightnings andthere unto me, Come hither, I will a great earthquake, filch as was fhesv_ was unto thee the judgment of the great not lince men wereupon the earth,fo whore, that fitteth upon many wa Mighty an earthquake, and fo great. ters : 2. Withwhom the kings ofthe. 18. The great Commotions which went to earth havecommitted torn ication,.and thefe great changes and fubverfion of the Hea- the inhabiters of the earth have been then Powers, was reprefented to titei as by made drunk with the wine ofherfor- Thunderings, Lightnings, and the greaten nication. Eartilquake, ogrhr, and filch others r Say óhers -I, s..Say Come, ï. I will hew thee what" there were Iiteral loch dreadful Earthquakes is coining font God on Imperial,Heathen, Ido- beforeTogas took llama. Sayothers, it yet latrous Rome, who by Power and by Learning_ to come before Antichrift's Fall; and fay and the f Nations with herdBeaRtátath drawn Kings Dubois, before the Day ofJudgment. Others fay, it is Papal 'Rome, and they prove 19. And the great citywas divided ii, betaute if theyhad not been Married to God into threeparts, and the cities of the before by the profefiiion of Chriltianity, they nations fell ; and greát Babylon came could not have been Adulterers. To which in remembrance before God, to give the former fay, s. ThatFornication may be the onto her the cup of the wine óf the Sin ofthe unmarried. 2. That byFornication is meant Idolatry, and Gods Right may ferve fiercenefs of his wrath. to infer this Guile; th&Menbé nut married to 19. And Rame wag then divided,between hire by content: And that it is incredible that Hearhena, Chridha,rs,andWorldly Men, thai were all the Heathen World are noIdalarers,becaufe indifferentfor Religion : Or, fay others, Ilia- rife), were not profeft Çhri/tians. By the Wore, them, Orthodox, and Hereticks: it's taken from is meant the fame as the tfoman, the fecohd Ezek. s. Others fay, that literally the third two.horp'd Beaft ; and the talk Prophet, fly part was deflroy'd by Togas ' and fay others, ipsny, that is the Church of Rome, with the by .Alarictci ; others fay, it is three in relation whole body of the Roman . Clergy f which to the threePrinces, the Dragon, the Beaft, and others deny. the falls Prophet : others, that Antichriff's 3. So he carried me aWay in tl.i Kingdom was filling, by being divided in it fpirit hito the wildernefs c' and I ftw felt; red 20. And every if1alìd feed away ' bea n nfùil of names of haafphemy ha- and the mountains were notfoaind vin feven heads, and ten horns. ]Ó.. As Èarchquak,,es &eke Mountains and . Iiuo he.Wildernefs, fá force, to rR rt- ¡Bands; f`o' all the Dependents of Rren:a felt a at - P wiïh ïr fent the DeMlation : Say others, becaute it was s r And tìlf're fell u Ói9 men eat a Revelation not tó be yet openly known' in Ii the City r For if theRulers had known of ra} olbt of 11:410,, eiYerÿ toTTëabÒgt did` tlti, çetrible PrediÇtions again£} then, n alit