l Ch, i . The Scarlet ¡47hore: Revelation. The myflical Babylon. Ch. 17 they would have raged by Perfecution againt which hath the feven heads and ten Chrißians ; and therefore all this Prophecy horns. was to be obfcure, and not communicated fo 7. Note, Seeing God pprofef èth to open the long commonly' as other Scriptures. Others Myftety, who this Mother of Harlots is, it is f.y, it was to Stew that Anr'chriß's Kingdom is fafet to add as little, on pretence of tiller Ex- barren, without a drop of Grace : Others, that polition, as we can. Solitude is fittet for Contemplation : Others, that the Wildernefs is Heathenifm brought in 8. The beats that thou faweft was, by Popery : Others, that as the true Church and is not, and fhall afcend out ofthe was driven into a Wildernefs of Solitude and hottomlefs pit, and go into perdition, Suffering, fo now hash . Papifts be. Others, and they that dwell on the earth that' that the Papacy is a Wildernefs, as an Apofiati_ y cal Church fucceeding the Apoßolical Church. wonder, (whofenames were not writ- Who is the great Whore, whether Rame Pa- ten in the book of life from the foun- gan, Rome Papal, or Rome hereafter fallen to dation of the world) when they be- a future Antichriß, 1 once for all refer the Reader to my Poftfcript, hold the beat that was, and is not, 4. And the woman was arrayed in and yet is. purple and fcarlet- colour, and decked 2. Some take this as fitted to the time when the Empire fhould firft be Chrißian ; as if it with gold and precious fiones and meant, Rome was the Beall when it was Pagan, pearls, having a golden cup in her but now is not when it is Chriftian, but will hand, full of abominations and filthi- be again when it was Papal and Antichrißian. nefs of herfornication. Or Rome is the Idolatrous Beat under the Pa- q. Idolatrous Rome was reprefented to me gan, but is not now under that form, but yet as a Woman richly and fplendidly array'd, by is under the Papal form. Many other Expofi- her Wealth, and Pomp,and Powerenticing the bons I pats They that expound all of Pa- World to her Idolat gan Rome fay, that the eenfe is, [ I !hall by ry. the Beall, which is the Roman Emperour, by i. And upon her forehead was a that one who now reigneth, which is Domi- name written, MYSTERIE, BABY- tian.] He was in the Government when his LON THE GREAT, THE MOTHER FatherVeffiaf :an was abroad ; and heaftercoa- OF HARLOTS AND A$OMINA- - led while his Father and Brother Titus reigned, and then reaflum d it, railed by Satan to per.. TIONS OF THE EARTH. fecute the Church, and then is palely kill'd him- s. TheName writtenwas [ Mytery, Baby. felt. lan, &c.] that is Dryftica l (not literal) Babylon, Rather, q. d. [ I am now (hewing thee the thegreat City Rome, theMother of Idolatryand fali and deftruSion of the Beat and Whore, flsci¿ednefi, propagating them by her Power and anal will now notifie him to thee accordingly.] Learning, to all the Nations of her Dominions, The Beat or Emperor at this fall will be the and further iu the World. As Babylon was the bloodieft ofall Perlecutors, Dioelefiarr, ofwhom Idolatrous cruel captivater of the ancient Jews, then it may be Paid, He teas Empereur, but dii. overthrowing their Kingdom,fowas Idolatrous courag'd by the ill fitccefs of his Perfecution, proud Rome the captivater and perfecuter of he, with Maxim. Hercu/ius, laid down the Em- Jew and Gentile Chriftians, and the great Ene- pire, and both betook themfelves to a private nay ofthe Church. life ; but after the Devil would fain have reto- 6. And I taw the woman drunken red them, and they attempted to rife out of their privacy, but did it to their awn detru- wìth the blood of the faints, and with Eiion, being both kill'd when Coy/an/ins pre- the blood of themartyrs of Jefus: and vail'd ; as were Licinius and Maxentiue, who when I faw her, Iwondered with great wouldhave done their work. So that when admiration. Cosoftantine was deftroying the Pagan Empire, it 6. Idolatry was not her only Crime, but the was true, that Dioelefian (and Maxim. Horea .) Y was Emperour, and now io not, andper is, that Guilt of being as drunken with holy Blood : is, in being, tho' not in power, but will rife to but her Pomp and her Bloodinet feem'dwon- his perdition. derful. And the Idolaters Ruth he Druck with won. 7. And the angel faid unto me, der and conternation, when they fee fo cruel Wherefore didfi thou marvel ? I will and great a Tyrant fo brought to nought. tell thee the myfiery of the woman, 9. And here is the mindwhich bath and of the beaft that carrieth her, wifdom : the feven heads are feven moult-