Ch. r 7. The Fall of Revelation. Babylon, &c. Ch. IS of Lords, and King of Kings, and they 18. And the woman, which thcu that are with him, are called, and faweft, is that great city, which reign- chofen, and faithful. eth over the kings of the earth. 13, 14. The ten idolatrous dependent King- 18. It is certainly Rome t then reigned. doms tha11 affilt and fupport the Roman Pagan It is certain then that Pagan Imperial Rome was Empire with their Fewer and Strength ; but at that time the Bean on which the Whorefate, aria, who overcometh Rome, will overcome and certain that Pagan Idolatry was it thatthen them alto, for he is over all Kings and King- made Rome the Whore. ,But whether (hefides doms, and will help the Chrifsian Army under this) Chriftian Imperial Rome under Conf#anrine, Con/fantine. Or, fay others, ten Kings ]hall or under theWeftern Emperours after, or Im- give their Power to the Pope, and make War perial Conffaatimple, or Rome as the Pope's Seat againft Chrift, that is, his Doctrine and Won. (before 666, or after only, or when) be the ]hip, and Chrift and the Reformers (hall over-, Whore; and whether their very different fort of come them. But theft cannot be the fame bar- Sin make them two or three Whores, or the b..rous Krgdoms of Goths, &c. foremention'd, Concord in general or Similitude, makePagan but mollly others. and Papal Rome tobe the fame Whore as meant 1 g. And he faith unto me, The wa- in this Text, theft and other are the Doubts; but the certainpart molt not bedoubted of. ters which thou faweft, where the 'whore fitteth, are peoples, and multi- CHAP. xVIII. Ludes, and nations, and tongues. r s. This idolatrous Roman Powerrulethover I. j ND after there things, I faw many great and populous Nations ofthe Earth. Li another angel come downfrom Or, as others, the Papal Idolatrous Power is heaven, having great power, and the u,hheld bymany Nations, even all the Empire. earth was lightned with his glory. 15. And the ten horas, which thou r. The Fall ofRome is fogreat a work, that .faweft upon the beaft, thefe (]tall hate it was foremew'd me as by an Angel of won- the whore, and (hall make her defo- Brous Glory. Thofe that tell us that /air Angel late and naked, and Mall eat her flefh was an eminent Preacher, and fuch other parti- cularities of filling the Earth with his Glory, and burn her with fire. gofurther than my5nowledggoeth. r6. The ten Nations that before upheld the 2. And he cried mightily with a Boman Idolatry, (hall turn againft her, and be fìrong voice, faying, Babylon the great the Infruments of her deftrufkion. The Bri_ rains, Gauls, Germans, and divers others, firR is fallen, is fallen, and is become the fought with Conflanrine againft the Pagans, and habitation of devils, and the hold of many more ofthem after tuned chriftians. Or every foul Spirit, and a cage of every fay others, the 'forefaid Goths, Vandals, &c. unclean and hateful bird. !hall overthrow the remnant of Pagans in 2. The language of there times was to call Rome. Or, fay others, The Reformation (hall deferred rairad 'places, where no man dwelt, -be wrought by Princes that have forfaken Po- the places haunted by Devils, and Goblins, and peryry. Whether it fpeak only of deftroying the Idolatrous Rama,, Power, or of deftroymg Satyrs,and Owls andSerpents. So that this fig- in the nifieth Deflation : And the yews then think- Houfes or City it fell, is controverted : thelater ing that, as Babylon that before captivatedthem is not yet perform d, nor the fiat as to the Pa- is deftroy'd, fo the very City of Rome would FEY' be : The Prophecy calleth the Delfruilicn ofthe 17. For God hath put in their Pagan Empire and Idolatry, with all its retinue hearts to fulfil his will, and to agree, of Literate Upholders, by the' name and titles and give their kingdom unto the beaft, of the Del'aruthionof theCity; for it was not until the words of God !ball be ful- Babylon, as a City, nor qua Roma, as this City, nor as a rich and great City, but as the great f Iled Idolatrous Power which captivated and perfetuted 17. God halls fo over.rul'd then and all the Church ; therefore it is deftroy'd not as a their Hearts, that eventually they (hall ferve great or richCity, but as Babylon : and fo it is the Pagan Empire, fay fume, or thePapal Power, defolate. Some think that this is fpoken of it fay others, till the time that God will pull as when Rome was burnt in part by Torilos, and them down, as he foretold. the remnant of Pagansdefiroy'dby .Alarieaa: Nte, Gad can fo ord,r thing,, that all This Thais more than t can prove. Bet it being Tudgmenea ball be executedby Stanca i; without the Pagan Empire that captivated the Church eaufing, any une of their : ins. that made it Baly'os, I think Babo..'on fell when that