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Ch. IS. The Fail of Revelation. Babylon, &c. Ch. IS. Mat fell, though many Pagans did furvive. ment, on pretence of revenging the Injur:es of 3. For all nations have drunk of the Church. the wine of the wrath of her fornica- 7. How much the hath glorified her tion, and the kings of the earth have felf, and lived delicioufly, fo truth committed fornication with her, and torment and forrow give her : for Ile the merchants of the earth are waxed faith in her heart, 1 fit a queen, and rich, through the abundance of her am no widow, and (hall fee no for- delicacies. row. 3. For their Power and Learninghave fpread 7, The Sins of Sodom were Pride, Panel, thePoyfon or Drunkennefs of their Idolatry to Id!ene;andV,mercifutnea: And Pagan Rome, all Nations, and the Kings of the Earth have grown proud and fcnfual bypower andwealth, been encouragd in the Guilt, and her Wealth tall now fuffer debafcment and dojo&ion. Cr andGrandeur have promoted all Pride and Sen- Rome Papal that kith, I am the Succeffor of fuality in the Nations that have Traded with peter, and the Mother of all Chtnches mall her or depended on her. Othersfay, it is the be dejected and deftroy'd for her Pride and Tale ofPardons, Indu!gencies,and Ceremonies and Cruelty. Churchpreferments, that are her Merchandife and Delicacies. 8. Therefore shall her plagues come 4. And I heard another voice from in one day, death, and mourning, and heaven, faying, Come out of her, my famine ; and the (hall be utterly burnt people, that ye be not partakers of with fire; for (lrong is the Lord God her fins, and that ye receive not of who judgeth her. her plagues. 5. For her fins have g. The Fanof the Pagan Empire !hall be reached unto heaven, and God hath fudden and terrible, Pike the burning of a remembred her iniquities. City. Or, fay others, The retenant of Pagans 4, S. That is, Away from idolatrousPagan mall beburntout ofChritian Romeby .Atari- Rome, as Lot fledfrom Sodom, ifyou love your eUS, &c. Say others, Papal Rome mall be cal! Lives and Syrtis,avoid all partaking in her Situ. down : fay others, burnt. But it is not like, Eat not things offer'd to Idols, imitate. them if the City were burnt, but fotne would rebuild not, and comply not with them in any a& of it, as we did London. Idolatry or otherSin, for thetime of her De- 9. And the kings ofthe earth, who ftru&ion is at hand, and you may fuller with have committed fornication, and lived her her. if you fm with her, and fly not from delicioufly with her, (hall bewail her, Or, Come out from Popery, and partake not and lament for her, when they (ball of the Sin, left you partake of the Plagues. fee the fmoke of her burning Here, fay fome Proteftants, we =fiver theque. Io. Standing afar off for the fear of Rion, Where was your Church beforeLather? her torment, faying, Alas, alas, that And why do you feparate from Popery. To > the firft fay they, Our Church was in Babylon, 'great city Babylon, that mighty city ! where God bore with it till he call'd it out. for in one hour is thy judgment To the fecond, God commanded us to come come. out. Nodoubt, wemula partake of no Mens Silo. 9. The Nations, that were her Companions 6. Reward her even as.the reward- in Idolatry, mall bewail her great and fudden ed you, and double unto her double, M. Obj. Papal Rome falls not fuddenly. according to her works : in the cup .Ana We know not what it may do ,yet, but which the hath filled, fill to her dou- its certain PaganRomedid. bk. 1 I. And the merchantsof the earth 6. God, who is our Judge, will have you lay doubly more on her than me'laid on you (hall weep and mourn over her, for by Perfecution : And this is no Injustice, it no man buyeth her merchandife any being for Sin againft him, and ndt only as more. 12. Themerchandife of gold againfa you. This giveth the Realím ofGod's and filver, and precious (tones, and of execution by Conftantine , but alloweth no private Men to take Arms againft Govern- pearls, and fine linnen, and purple, and U u 3 Or