Ch. 1 S. The Saints rejoyce Revelatitm. ayer Babylon. Ch. x8 filk, and fcarlet and all thynewood Ci and all manner veffels of ivory, and all manner veffels of molt precious wood, and of brafs, and iron, and marble, 13. And cinnamon, and o- dours, and ointments, and frankin- cenfe, and wine, and oyl, and fine flower, and wheat, and beaft, and Cheep, and horfes, and chariots, [laves and fouls of men. t t, 12, 13. The Pride and Greatnefs of Rome bought upall that many Countries could bring in, of all forts for neceffity and delight and they fed the Pagan Idolatry and Tyranny. Others apply it to Papal Pardons, Offices and Preferments; but their were rather bought at Rome than fold thither. By SoulsofMen, Ionic uuderftand Pagan. Oman Slaves, fome their murdering Idolatry, and fome Papal Soul-mur- ders. 14. And the fruits, that thy foul lulled after, are departed from thee, and all things which were dainty and goodly, are departed from thee, and thou ¡halt find them no more at all. 15. The merchants of thcft things, which were made rich by her, hall dtand afar off for the fear of her tor- ment, weeping and wailing, 16. And fayiug, Alas, alas, that great city, that was clothed in fine linnen, and purple, and fcarlet,, and decked with gold, and precious (tones , and pearls ! 17. For in one hour fo great riches is tome to nought. 14, 1f, 16, 17. Rome's Prideand Senfaality found all the Countries Money for all forts of Commodities, wholeMarket ceafethby her de- Rru&ion.: 17. And every flip-ma(ter, and all the company in (hips, and frilers, and as many as trade b'; fea, food afar off 18. And cried, when they faw the fmoke of her burning, flying, What city is like unto this great city ? I9. And they cafe duff on their heads, and cried, weeping and wailing, fly- ing, Alas, alas, that great city, where- in weremade rich all that had !hips M the fea, by reafon of her coftlinefs! for in one hour is file defolate. 57, is, rg. The Fall of the pagan power nijì Religion rein(, the political Life of the ty, is thus reprefented in l'ilion to yohn, un- der the thewofthe burningofthe Citybuild- iugs (as our Eyes Caw London burning three days t666.Septemb. 2, 3, & 4.) Or, fay others, The Fall ofHome Papal was thus reprefented : but others fay, that Rome Papal Mall be thus really burnt and deftroy'd. 20. Rejoyce over her, thouheaven, and yeholy apoflles and prophets, for God bath avenged you on her. 20. It was this fame Roman Idolatrous power which murder'd the Holy Apoftles and many Prophets that are now in Heaven; and they !hall rejoyce in the vindidive Juftice of God : And fo Shall the Church on Earth ; not as it is revenge on private Enemies, but as it is God's publick deliverance of his Church, and vindi- cation ofhis Truth and Caufe and Glory. 25. And a mighty angel took up a hone like a great militent, and call it into the fea, Paying, Thus, with vio- knee, hall that great city Babylon be thrown down, and hall be found no more at all,. 2r. The Pagan Empire was never again re- ftor'd, for fulian dial but begin to attempt ir, and was kill'd before he could fo much as lay any foundation for it. Yea, Rome was never more theSeat ofthe Empire, much lets of the Pagan Empire: for ConJtanrine did but as it were take up his Quarters there for a Abort time, and remove the Seat to Coy : And his Succeffors in the Weft had but the letter part ofthe Empire, and were fometimes at Rame, and fometimes at Milan, and fome- times at Ràventta, and after in France andGer- many. 22. And the voice of harpers, and muficians, and of pipers, and trumpe- ters, (hall be heard no more at all in thee : and no craftfman,ofwhatfoever craft he be, hall be found any more in thee : and the found of a millflone all be heard no more at all in thee. 23. And the light of a candle hall thine no more at all in thee: and the voice of the bridegroom, and of the bride, ¡hall be heard no more at all in thee : for thy . merchants were the great men of the earth : for by thy forceries were all nations deceived. 22,.23. Thus, as by the Emblem of a Citi' totally- ruin'd and deferred, was the Fall of Pagan Rome reprefented to yak:: And that you may know that it wan not the burning and de fertion of the material buildings that is meant, he