Ch. 1 9. The Marriage of Revelation. the Lamb, &c. Ch. 19 he now tells you that, by the Merchants, he meant the Nations that contented to and up- held her Idolatry and Power. 24. And in her was found the blood of prophets, and of faints, and of all that were (lain upon the earth. 24. God dealt thus feverely with her, be- (ante fife had not only been the Murderer of Apofiles and Prophets and the Primitive Chri- titans, at Rome and abroad, in all her Domini- ons, inupholding her Idols, but (as yerufalem) had by imitating former Perfecutors, juftrfied them, and fo fuffereth for all. The confider- ing of Dan. 7. nr. per. $1. 63. & 25. to. Ezek 17. 13. Leek. 27. 12, 13. will help to expoundall this. Others fay, It is Papal Rome, and how the Hood of ,Apoftles and Prophets was found in her, they tell us fromMat. 23. 3 5. And how the Blood of Saints will be found in her, is eafily prov'd. C H A P. XIX. 1. A ND after thefe things I heard Li a great voice of much people in heaven, faying, Hallelujah, falva- tion, and glory, and honour, and power unto the Lord our God : 1. The Saints in Heaven, and the Chriftians on Earth, gave praife to God, and glorified him for this great work. 2. For true and righteous are his judgments, for he hath judged the great whore, which did corrupt the earth with her fornication, and bath avenged the blood of his fervants at her hand. 3. And again they faid, Allelujah : and her fmoke rofe up for ever and ever. . 2, 3. They glorified God for holy andamia- ble Juftice, and deftroying the Mother of Ido- latry and Nett of Luxury and Cruelty. God will have great Glory by deftroying the Perle- tutors and Wicked, and in deliveringhis Saints, and in the freedom of the Gofpel. praife God for the Fall of Babylon. 5. And a voice came out of the throne, faying, Praife our God, all ye his fervants, and ye that fear him, both fmall and great. S. AndGod himfelfand his Minifters calla to all his Church ro joys in theft his Praifes. 6. Aud-I heard as it were the voice of a great multitude, and as the voice of many waters, and as the voice of mighty thunderings, faying, Allelujah: for the Lord God omnipotent reign- eth. 7. Let us be glad and rejoyce, andgive honour to bins : for themar- riage of the Lamb is come, and his wife bath made her felt ready. 8. And to her was granted, that the (hound be arrayed in fine linnen,clean and white: for the fine linnen is the righteoufnefs of Saints. 6, 7, 8. And the railing of the Catholick Church in numbers, and extent, and power, ro the vifibleGlory of Chrift, was reprefented to me by the voice as of a treat multitude, &a. faying, Pralle the Lord, for his Kingdom is coming in power, and his Church P1z!1 be pro- moted by the Rulers of the Earth, and the Kingdoms of the World WI lac vifibly the Kingdoms of the Lord, and of hia Chrift : And Chrift andhis Church will appear to the World in Honour and joy, as Marriages ufe to be celebrated. And the Catholick Church (hall be cloath'd with the ilotes ofHonour and Puri- ty, or Righteoutüefs, (or fhall publickly woe. (hip him inhis iditituted Ordinances.) 9. And lie faith unto ene, Write, Eleffed are they which are called unto the marriage-feipper of the Lamb. And he faith unto me, Thefe are the true fay ings of God. 9. Happyarc they, that Shall fee the Fall of Babylon, and theDeliverance and Advancement of the Chriftian Church, and litait have their place and part in that pubück Reign of Chrift, by his Chriftian Magiftrates and rafters, and in 4. And the four and twenty elders, the publick praifes of the flouriSting Chrift and the four beafls fell down, and wor- (much more they that (hall fee his Reign in the flipped God that fate on the throne, Kingdom ofGlory.) faying, Amen, Allelujah. to. And I fell at his feet to wor(hip 4. And the contenting Praifes of the Church, him : and he faid unto me, See thou efpecially of Chriftian yews, was reprefented to do it not : I am thy fehow-fervant, me under the oft-mennon'd Similitude bf the and of thy brethren, that have the Temple- worftip, where the Twelve Tribes teflimony of Jefus, to worfhip God : were doubly reprefented (by twelve Oxen and for the teftimon of Jefus is the fpirit twelve Lions) and four Cherubims were about y the Mercy-feat, yews, and Gentile Chriftians, ofprophecy. II u 4 lo. 1