r ou great honour to fuck a Mefenger of fo glad Tydings, that t fell at his feet to woiIhip him, (not with Di- 'vine Worship as God, bat as. his Angel) hut he forbad it me; and bid me'woríhip God on_ 1y, and not Angels, by filch profration : (for tho' we may by proltration do worthip to a Prince or Parent, yet to do it toAngels that are invifible, will be too like theHeathen bit ofWorship, and encourage thofe that offer An- gels unwarrantable Worship.) I am a Servant of Chrlff, and a fellow-fervant to thee and thy Brethren the Prophets, and your Office ofpub- lifhing the Gofpel, and mine in this Prophecy, are much like: The Spirit of Prophecy, by whichyou are Chrilt's Meffengers and Witnef- fes, is That Tefimony. of Jefus, which you and I. as fellow - fervants, are inout feveral capaci- ties implo'd 1 t. And r l iw heaven opened, and behold, a white horfe, and he that fat upon him was called faithful and true, and in righteoufnefs he doth judge, and make war. r r. Having fpoken in general ofthe Fall of Babylon, lie' now íheweth how Cheat in its overthrow will do execution on thofehis Ene- mies rill he have rooted them out ; and how the Beaf will Struggle before he be quite de- ttroy'd, and that not in Romeonly. 12. His eyes were asa flame of fire, and on bis head were many crowns, and he had a naine Written, that no Man knew but he himfelf. 13. And hewas clothed with a vefturediet in t s It cannot be his whole g be e roy with- Word of iiod. out War : And he will conquer that is King 12, 13. His flaming Eyes lignifie his glory Of kings and Lord of lords': And Comman- and Omnifeience; and his many Crowns, the ders and Souldiers shall be a Preyte the Fowls, 'many Kingdoms which he stall fubdue and which was fulfil'd on Maxentiut, Cassius, &e. reign over. What his unknown Name is, we Others fay, this is defru&ion of the Popifie mutt not enquire. His bloody Vefture figni- Kings: And others, That it fignifieth not their Seth his Fidtory over his Enemies, purchafed Death, but the Fall of Popery. With his Churches Deliverance by his own 19. And I faw the bean, and the Blood : And his known Name is, The Word f kings of the earth, and their armies God '14. And the armies which were in him that f againft white and taken, and with him the falfe prophet, clean. that wrought miracles before him, 14. And the Executioners ofhis Janice on with which liedeceived them that had Babylon, &c. were reprefented to me by an Ar- my of heavenly ones following him on white received the mark of the beaft, and Homes, and cloth'd in white, them that worlhipped his image. 1 9. And out'of his mouth goeth a Thefe both were caft alive into a lake Tharp fword, that with it he (hall finite of fire burning with brimflone. the nations ; and he (hall rule them t9, zo, The Pagan Empetas were conquer. cd,andwith them the Literáte Seducers, (Send- ¡Ors, gh.19. The Marriage of Revelation. the Lamb, &c. Ch. try to I h ghe that e ow d fo with a rod of iron ; and he trèadeth the wine -prefs of the fiercenefs and wrath of almighty God. 15. The Word of his Mouth is as a !harp Sword to overcome the HeathenWorld, and all his Enemies, by converting his chofes, and de: nouncing hisJudgments on the uncurable,whiclt he will execute, and that prefently by the Sword ofhis Warriours, by whom he will cret a the Rebels, and on them he will execute God's Vindi&ive Juftice. 16. And he hath, on his vefture, and on his thigh, a_ name written, RING OF KINGS, AND LORD OF LORDS. 16. For betides 1The WardofGod 7 he hath anotherName on his Thigh (where the Sword is worn) King of kings, &c. for he will reign, and all Kings and Lords are under him, and he will fubdue-his Foes. 17. And I faw an angel 'landing in the fun, and he cried with a loud voice, faying to all the fowls that Hie in the midit of heaven, Comeand ga- ther your (elves together unto the fupper ofthe 'great God : 18. That ye may eat the flefh ofKings, and the flefltofcaptains, and the flelh of!nigh- tymen, and the flefh of horfes, andof them that fit on them, and theflefh of all men, both free and bond, both fmall and great. blood, and name is called, The IdolatrousEmp reofBab 1pebedd that t gathered together to make war againft heaven followed him upon white hor- a fate on the home and p his army. 20. And the beaft was fes clothed in fine linnet], '