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Ch. r9.Chrii'sK Cory; Revelation; Satan bound. Ch. 26 tors, Orators, Poets, Philofephers,.Augurs, fru- Heavenwith power to reftrain the Devil, and fßices, Pries, who by fuch Poetical Fable, is, as he laid holdon him, and imprifon'd, and fitre- OvieesMeramcepholis, and by feignd Predifti- ly?hut him up, as in a bottomlefs pit, that he one, Oracles, and fuch . pretended Miracles as might deceivethe Nations now turn'd toChrift Sanapius boafteth of; by many oftheir Philofo- no more for a thoufand years (or a long time). pliers, butefpeciálly by the power oftheir abu- But then he will be permitted a little while to fed Learning, calla by Passt the Wifdomof the deceive manyChurches. World, which is Foolifhnefs withGod, and Science Note, Satan ever fine, to this day, bath kept ,faiy focak'd ) who deceiv'd the Princes and about four parts of fix of the World in Hea- people ¡sama high Opinion of their Idols, and thenifm, fo that it muft be the World then un- a contempt ofChriftianity, as foolifhnefs. The derthe Roman Empire that he is bound from Ímperial Power, and the Learned Seducers, deceiving. Whetner a Thoufand rears be taken were rooted out and, as Sodom, cali into utter ftrietly, or for a long time, is uncertain : Söme deftrubtion, and judg'd to damnation. take at to be a Promife of his moo years re- . Others fay, that the Beaft here is the Pope, Rraint after the Fall of the Pagan Empire; and and the falle Prophet with him, is himfelfalfo, many for moo years after the Fall ofthe Pa- he being the Beaft as Civil Ruler, and the Pro- pacy. The former think it is all pate, the left phet as Ecclefiaftical. But theText plainly ma- (moftly) think it is all yet to come ; but fome, keth them two. Othersfay, it is thePope and that it began a s 6o. It is not a Promife that Sa- his Clergy, Yefuites, Friars, &c. ran than not in that ThoufandYears corruptthe 2I. And the remnant were flain Chriftian Church with any great Sin, but that he Shall not feduce them from Chriftianity till with the fword of him that fate upon after a ThoufandYears. jult at or about that the horfe, which fword proceeded out fPace of time, Mahomeranifm, which began far. ofhis mouth: and all the fowls were thee off, about 606, did invade the Eaftern filled with their flefh. Churches, and overcome the Cbriffian Powers, a t. The memory of conquer'd Em e- and Pet up afalle Prophet, an Enemy to Chrift, Y 9 p and bring Chriftianity into captivity and (corn. rors and Philofophers, Senators, Poets, the. is continued in Hiftory (as Pilate's in the Cited) 4. And I faw thrones,and they fate to their perpetual Shame, and fo they are laid upon them, and judgment was given to be cat} alive into the Lake: but the multi- unto them : and I faw the fouls of tudes ofSouldiers and People that fought for them that werebeheaded for the wit- them, were Bain and talc into Oblivion; or fomecónverted by the Word, and fome con- nefs of Jefus, and for the Word of founded. Or, as others, The Papifts are fome God, and which had not worfhipped converted, and others for Obftinacy condeiu- the bean, neither his image, neither tied. - had received his mark upon their fore- heads, or in their hands ; and they li- C H A P. XX. ved and . reigned with Chrift a thou- fand years. I. AND I few an Angel comedown 4. And the happy following Rate of the LS. from heaven, having the key Church was further reprefented to me by dia of the bottomlefs pit, and agreat chain appearance of Thrones, where men fate in in his hand. 2. And he laid hold on Judgment, thewing the Dominion of_ hrifiians the dragon, that old ferpent, which is over their Enemies. And I thought I faw the g e p + Souls oftheMartyrs whom the Pagans murder'd, the Devil and Satan, and bound him a and not only of them,but ofall found i:hrifilans thoufand years, 3. And call him in- who had abitain'd from all participation in the to thebottomlefs pit, and Phut him up, perriourto their Enemies, liv'd and s,t with Ch reign's! as n, the Rig and fet a feal upon him, that he fhould of theChurch, a thoufand years. deceive the nations no more, till the , Note, Here is no talk of the Body'sRefurre- thoufand years fhould be fulfilled : &ion, but the Soul's living and reigning with and after that, he mull be loofed a lit- Chrift : And it feemeth to mean, that as the tie feafon. Souls oche Faithful live and reignwith Chrift in Heaven for duration, to the Succelforsof fuch t, e, 3. And as for the notice of the frate Basil partake on Earth of fuch a Reign as Chrift of the Church after the extirpation of the Pa- will exercife in his Church: Andaf yet loony gan Empire and Idolatry, it was thew'd nee Corruptions and Troubles confift in this in:. under the appearance ofanAngel coming from perfect Rate, with ChriR's own Reign in the. Soul,