Ch. zo. Gog and Magog. Rev S'eul, and in theChurch, why mayit not conflft with this promifed Reignof Saints in theEm pire over Pagans ? As Chrift's Reign here is swore or lefs prevalent againft publick fin, fo ball their participationwith him be. Both hea- venly andearthly Reign feem here fpoken of: the firft as in reality, the inthe Vifion, but to Phew the other. 5. But the reft of thedead lived not again until the thoufand years were finned. This is the firft refurrettion. 6. Bleffed and holy is he that hath part in the fill{ refurre&ion : on fuch the feconddeath hath no power, but they Thal( be prieu s of God, and of Chritt, and fhall reign with him a thoufand years. S, 6. The reft ofthe dead, even the rub- clued Pagans, (or Papifts,Cay others) were kept as in a Bate of death, but of power, till the Dragon reviv'd their power again a thoufand years after. Happyare the holy Chrifiiens,who !hall be partakers in the privileges, blefiings and comforts of thisdeliver'd end advancd Church, they more fell under the Pagan power (or Papal, fay others) nor partake with them of that utter deftruftton, which is as a fecond Death: even as holySouls with Chrift in Hea- ven have there the Bate ofa firff Refurredion before the Body rife, and are Cecur'd from the toademnation ofthe wicked. 7. And when the thoufand years are expired, Satan (hall be loofed out of his prifon, 8. And (hall go out to deceive the nations, which are in the four quarters of the earth, Gog and Magog, to gather them together to bagel : and the number of whom isas the fand of the fea. 7, 8. There arc Several Expofitions of this; fume fay that, by the Thoufand years is meant precifely that time which fell out either from Conflantine's Edith 651, till the Turk fubdued .Greece or from ..4laricua's lacking Rome, till the Turks took Conftantinople: And that the Pal of the Eaftern Churches, under theInfidel power, was the letting loof of Satan. Others fay, that a thoufand years fignifieth only a long undetemtinate time, and that it was the Chur_ ches profperity, till the Papacy corrupted all, and tyrataniz'd. Others fay, it was a thoufand years before Antichrift Should come. Others, that it will be a thoufand years after theFall oldiePapacy, in which Religion thali flourifh under holy Princes and Pafiars. Others, that after the Fall ofthe Papal Antichrift, Chrift will vitibly return, and let up a holy Kingdom, whole chiefSeat Shall be at yerufaletp. elation. Gog and Magog. Ch. zo Some fay, that it will be a Refurre&ion of . Bodies, Thoufa d years began political. at Chr Birth, or at the ..4poftles Preaching : Others, at the deftru. dion of 7erufalem, and ended about Hilde- brand's time. Some (as before faid) at Cox. ftantine's Empire, and ended at Boniface VIII, that kill'd the .,4ibigenfs, en. Others, that it began at 156o. He that knoweth which of there is the right, let him tell it, for I do not. By Hog and Magog many underftand the Turks; others, all forts of Chrift', Enemies: whoever they be, a War they will attempt againft the Church, and will be overthrown. 9. And they went up on the breadth of the earth, and compafled the camp of the faints about, and the beloved city : and fire came down from God out of heaven, and devoured them. 9. This Text feemeth the harden ofall the reft : Thofe that fay, the holy City is Conffan- tiropfy fomeof them are put to fay, that Gag andMagog 's deftrudion, as by Fire, is yet to come : but theText feemeth to fpaak of it as done before they could take the City. Others fay, it was TamerlainOn Infidel, and therefore fent from God againft his own inclination) that.raifed Eajazet's Siege, and carried him about in a Cage ofIron in fcom, till hewilful- lydafh'd out his ownBrains, and fo .Andronicue was deliver'd. Others refer it to Baldwin's and other Chriflians taking Gonffantinopleagainft theTurkifb power: but becaufe the Tsfllts after took it, there feem not to agreewith the Text. Others think it is a War yetto come; fay tome at yersafalem, which Ball byChrift be madethe HoyCity, or histhief Royal Seat, and there will be his Thoufand years Reign on Earth. Others take the Holy City to mean the Reform 'd Churches, which !hall again be affaulted by all forts of Enemies, before the Day of Judgment. And fatene take the Campofthe Saints, and the Belov'd City, to be the (even .itfian Churches to whom Sohn wrote. Whatever it be, if it be paff, r underftand not what or when it was ; if it be to come, time malt expound it. In general it is fare that Enemies will oft adult the Church, and Godwilldefend it. so. And the devil, that deceived them, was call into the lake of fire and brimftone, where the beaft and the falfe prophet are, and (hall be tor- mented day and night, for ever and ever. to. When Chrift hath deliver'd his Church from Pagata Cruelty, the fame Dragon or De- vil will leek new Inftruments to aSTault it from age to age, and molt notablyat the laft : but he Shall be çontluer'dafter all, and be cuff out into