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Ch. sr. The Heavenly Reve 2. And I John faw the holy city, new Jerufalem, coming down from God out of heaven, prepared as abride adorned for her husband. 2. Nix new-created Souls, but immortal Souls, coming down with Oral, fay fome before the Day ofJudgment; fay others, after. Many Texts Teem to place it here, and not in Heaven only, after the Refurreftion. This is the Life of Preparation on our part; but Souls inHeaven are further prepar'd by Chrift. 3. And I heard a great voice out of heaven, faying, Behold, the tabernacle of God is with men, and he will dwell with them, and they fhali be his peo- ple, and God himfelf fhall be with therm andbe their God. 3. Wherever the place be, God's pretence in Glory will make it a Heaven to us But if it did (peak only ofan advancement by holy reformation and peace on Earth, it would be fn farlike to Heaven. 4. And God (ball wipe away all tears from their eyes, and there (hall be no more death, neitherfarrow, nor Cry ing, neither fuail there be any more pain : for the former things are paffed away. 4. Ifthey be in the right who expound this of a thoufand years freedom from Perfecutions, and all Sorrows on"Earth, in a New Jerufalem, I am lure it will be a more joyful time when it !hall be perform'd in the proper fenfe of the words, after the general Refurreftion. And I fee no probability that the promise of [no more Death] and the reft that follow, ibould be meant of an earthly state before that time. The new 7erufalem, and the newHeavenand Earth, muff be at once expelled ; and that is, when all thefe things are diffolv'd by Fire at the Judgment ofthegreat day. O detirable bleffed day u 9. Andhe that fate upon the throne faid, Behold, I make all things new. And he faid unto me,Wrlte: for thefe words are true and faithful. s . Ia is true, that at Contantine's delivering the Church there was as it were a new World. And I am inhope yet that there may be fuch a reformation and advancement of Piety and Unity before the last day, as may be call'd .4 New World in a fuller fenfe ; but not upto this descriptionof the New yerufalem. 6. And he faid unto me, It isdone : 1 am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end, I will give unto him that lation. Jerufalem. Ch.'af is a thirft, of the fountain of the wa- ter of life freely. 6. Say Come, [ I-am he that bath that deli ver'd the Church from Idolaters and Parfcu- tors ; and now all that will, !hall have the bleffed Privileges oftheChaiich,] Rather, [ I have prepar'd the Church for the flare of Blef- fednefs; and I, that ana the principal effiçient and ultimate end of all, willgive lifeeverlaft- ing in the New yerufalem, to every believing tlttrfly Soul.] 7. He thatovercometh (hall inherit all things,' and I will be his God, and he (hall be my fon. 7. He that overcometh Temptation to the end, Dail, as my Son, inherit full felicityin me, who will be his God. 8. But the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and forcerers,and idolaters, and all liars, (hall have their part, in the lake, which burneth with fire and brimstone : which is the fe- cond death. 8. But thofe that, being cowardly, forsake me for fear of suffering, and trust not me, and thole that live in filthiness and cruelty, and un- righteoufnefs and Idolatry, and all falfe decei- vers, Stall be damn'd. 9. And there came unto me one of the feven angels, which had the feven vials full of the (even Taft plagues, and talked with me, faying, Come hither, I will thew thee the bride, the Lambs wife. P. By the Bride is meant the new Jerufalem; that is, fay Come, the deliver'd Church in Con. ftantine's time, and after. 2. Say others, the Reform'd Churchat the Fall ofPopery. t.Say others, a prosperous time before the Thoufand years. 4. Say others, the Jews Conversion in great fplendor at Jerufalem. s. Say others, Chrift i visible reign with the Martyrs and others, railed from death a thoufand years be- fore the fell. 6. Rather the new Heaven and Earth after the laft Judgment,when the flaming Sword and Partition Wall íhall be taken down, and God dwell with man. so. And he carried meaway in the fpirit to a great and high mountain, and (hewed me that great city the ho- ly Jerufalem, defcendingout ofheaven from God. au. Say fome, the Church, as hereadvanc'd to purity and liberty by the Heavenly power : Rather the Souls that were with Chrift, coming with