Ch. 2t. The New Revelation. Jerufalem. Ch. 21 with him to meet thole that hall be then alive r s, t6. By this reprefentation (like that in and chang'd, advanc d to that perfetion, ha Ezelt;iel) the hrmnefs, and perfe&ion, and great- which they hall for ever be glorified with the nefs ofthe new yerufafem was fignified. Lord. Tho' fome glimpfe of this may be in /7. And hemeafured thewall there- happy reformation, concord and deliverance of, an hundred and forty and four co- here before. bits according to the meafure of a is. Having theglory ofGod : and man, that is, of the angel. her light was like unto a (tone moft recious even like a jafper none; clear lure is The Angel common as a man, his mea- p , f takenas a umaue meafure. as cryftal : 18. And the building of the wall of it was ofjafper, and the city was pure gold , like unto clear glafs. 19. And thefoundations of the wall of the city were garnilbed with all man- ner ofprecious (tones. The firlt foun- dationwas jafper, the fecond faphire, the third a chalcedony, the fourth an emerald. 20. The fifth fardonix, the fixth fardius, the feventh chryfolite, the eighth beryl, the ninth a topaz, the tenth a chryfophrafus, the eleventh a jacinth, the twelfth anamethyft. t8, re, no. That the New yerufolem isre- prefented by there precious Stones, as firm, pre- cious, lucid andglorious, andby the number of twelve,asfuited to theTwelye.Apoflles, and fo in them to the Twelve Tribes ofIfrael, as typi- cal ofthe Newgerufalem, is all that I under- hand ofthis : what each preciousStone diltina ly frgnifieth, you may read in them that know, (or take on them to know) more 2r. And . the twelve gates were twelve pearls,. every feveral gate was of one pearl, and the ftreet of the city was pure gold, as it were tranfparent glafs. 21. If there ¡hall be any (late on this fide Eternity which anfwereth this glorious repro. fentation, how much more will the perfeted glorious Triumphant Church anfwer it 1 22. And I law no temple therein : for the Lord God Almighty, and the Lamb, are the temple of it. i 1. Its Glory and Strength was reprefented to me as made ofJafper, clear as Cryttal, God's own Glory lining out. 12. And had a wall great and high, and had twelve gates, and at the&ates twelve angels, and names written thereon, which are the names of the twelve tribes of the children of Ifrael. 12. yohn beinga Jew, andthe Jews the firft Chriftians, who had commonly anexpeâation ofChrift's more fpecial relation to them than to others, and they being the firft Specimen of the Catholick Church, to Revelation of the New yerufalem (and perhaps alto of fame an- tecedent happy (}ate) is reprefented as taped to theJews expelations, and as typifiedby the old yerufalem. And its wag is its nrength and fafety, and reparation from others. Its Gates are for entrance, and the Guardian ...Ages number'd according to the twelve Tribes ; as were the !pones, who yet founded all the Churches. 13. On the eaft three gates, on the north three gates, on the fouth three gates, and on the weft three gates. n3. Note ; Not that this mull be thought the Shape of ir, but that its Glorywas reprefented by filch a Shape. 14. And the wall of the city had twelve foundations, and in them the names of the twelve.apoftles of the Lamb. 14, As theChurch on Earth is founded by theDoólrine andWitnefs of theTwelveIpofiles, fo is the new 3erufalemdefcrib'd as related to them, it being butAle Church militant perfeh- 22. Some expound this of Liberty to ferve ed andmade triumphant. God in every place, as well as inTemples (who 19. And he that talked with me yet would dettroy them as Conventiclers that do had a golden reed to meafure the city fo.) But theText feemeth to mean, that this and the gates thereof, and the wall New Yerafalem is the perfeól flare, which is $ , above our inftituted tower means, God willbe thereof. 16. And the city lieth four- our fquare, and the length is as large as 23. And the city had no need of the breadth : and he meafured the the fun, neither of the moon, to !line city with the reed, twelve thoufand in it : for the gloryof Goddid lighten furlongs : the length, and the breadth, it, and the Lamb is the light there- and the height of it are equal. of 3 . Pro.