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Ch. 21, The New Reve 23. Prophetical Hyperbolies and Allegories, may put as high terms as thefe for a ftate of meer reformation; andChurch-profperity; but feting that it mutt be a Force, and not an Ex- pofitión, which fo reßraineth it without proof, we mutt believe that it hath a higher accom- plilhment. z4. And the nationsof themwhich are faved, (hall walk in, the light of it : and the kings of the earthdo bring their glory and honour into it. 24. And thofe that Ihall be converted outof all Nations of the Gentiles, Hall, as well as ._1- graham and the Chriflian yews, lay up and find a Treafure with Chriít in the New ferufalem. Nate ; They that expound thisof the Thou- fand years Reignof railed Martyrs at ferufalem, and they that expound it of a peculiar fewiJA Church there, after the yews Converfion, fay, that the Nations round abotu flail not have the fame Confirmation and Glory as the New ye- rufalem, but be liable to Tryals Till. Dr. Ham- mond, who expounds it of the Churches Pro- fperity after Contlantine's fuccefs, giveth there Reafons; r. Becaufe the NewYerufalem cíefcen- deth fromHeaven. sAnf n. So it maytoludg_ ment, and yet return to Heaven. s. Or rather the NewHeaven andEarth fhall be open as one. An Immortal Glory, in the NewEarth after the Refurrc&ion, may be the NewTarufalem. 2. He argueth from Gal. 4. 26. as if the fcr f lcm above were only the Churchmilitant : but that we deny. 25. And thegates of It (hall not be ¡hut at all by day : for there shall be no night there. 26. And they (hall bring the glory and honour of thena- tions into it. 2s, 26. There Shall be no danger of the en- trance ofEnemies or Yraytars, but all worldly Glory and Blefüngs by Saints referr'd to this end, Shall there be found in the tranfceudent perfect Rate. 27. And there (ell in no wife en- ter into it any thing that defleth, neither whatfoever ;torketh abomina- tion, or maketh a lie ; but they which are written in the Lamb's book of life. 27. Sure this proveth that it is tontewhat better than the Thos /nd years oferCoz?nntine that is here meant ; for alas, how much abomi- nation and ieceit enter'd in that time ! what Hatred, Falle Accufatioos, wotl.'.line(s, Pride, Cruelty and Contention 1. Note, None but Saints cleanfed fir-:n gross Sin will be-found written in the Lamb's Book ofLife. It is a vile Slander on the Orthodox lation. Jerufalem. Ch. zz Doétrine of Ele&ion, that we fay, theEled may be favd, how wickedly foever they live s when we fay, that it is one Decree of God that elettethmen to be holy, obedient, perfeyere, and be fav'd. CHAP..XXII. r. ND he (hewed me a pure river A of water of life, dear ascry - ftal, proceedingout of the throne of God, and of the Lamb. r. By this fome underftand Baptifm, that bindeth all to Purity': Some the Gofpel (not muddy'd by Ufurpers corrupt Canons). And Tome, the Spirit in greater meafure: And tome, the Heavenly Influence for Illumination and Life for ever. All theft its their feafons may be expe&ed. 2. In the midfì of the flreet of it, and of either fide of the river, was there the tree of life, which bare twelve manner of fruits, and yielded her fruit every month : and the leaves of the tree were for the healing of the nations. 2. As in the profperous Church-militant, Everlafting Life is open, and given to all Ac- cepters, by the Doctrine of the Apoftles, and continually reprefented and conferr'd in theSa- crrments, and by the Word; theSpiritofChrift accompanying his Ordinances, the preaching of the Word is for the healing ofthe Unbelievers and Unconverted; So, in the New yerufalcm, where the end ofall his is attain'd, the Glory is reprefentedby the Means that are part, that brought them thither, by which Men were fm/utified and the Nations heard, the means be- ingeminently (tho' not formally) in the attain- ed End. But the better the Church is :onEarth, the more it thus rcfemllath the Now 7erufe- lem. 3. And there 41:311 be ro more cur.. *P, but the throne of God, and of the Lamb, (hall be in it, and his ftrvants lisa!! ferve him. 4. And they (hall fee his face, am!! his name (hall be in their foreltc::.'s. 3, 4. Thus it appeareth that the NewYens- Alms is a ftate of Immortality (by the Tree of Life) and Freedom from the Curie, or all Pu- nimmentfor Sin, and the very Throne of God, and Chrift flteli be vilibly in It, and they fee God's Face : And tho' fmewhat tending to all this be in the Church militant, this fcemeth a D f r; ration of the Church triumphant. 5. And there Thal! be no night there, and they need no candle, nei- ther