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Ch. 22. The coming Revelation. of Chrift, &c. Ch. 22; ofthemwhichkeep the fayingsof this book: worthip God. 9. See before, cap. 19. to. God is jealous of any thing too like Idolatry. Note, Are Angels our Fellowfervantsk love them then, and be thankfid to God for their Love and Help, and rejoyce in this Privilege, and think it not unlikely that you Should live with them forever. Owhat a People !)could we be then in Holinefs ? so. And he faithunto me, Seal not the fayings of the prophecy of this book : for the time is at hand. io. The molt of it is to be perform'd ere long, in the ruine of the Paganperfecuting Em- pire. ar. He that is unjuft, let him beun- jufì (till : and he which is filthy, let him be filthy (till: and he that is righ- teous, let him be righteous Rill: and he that is holy, let him be holy hilt- 12. And behold, I come quickly, and my reward is with me, to give every man accordingas hiswork (hall be. la, 12. I come quickly to fulfil and execute this Prophecy, and then I will take and judge Men as I find them; there Shall be no more place for Preparation, as it was with the wife and foolish Virgins, Math. 2 s. when the mid- night Cry was, TheBridegroem cometh,ea Ifrort- lox Iwill safe amo.. 13. I am Alpha and Omega, thebe- ginning and the ending, the firfi and, the laic. 13. ramGodeternal, the Firß Caufe and Ultimate End of all things, able to fir:fil my Will and Word. 14. Bleffed are they that do his commandments, that they may have right to the treeoflife, andmay enter in through the gates into the city. 14. BleSed are they that do whatChrift re.. quireth to Salvation in his Law of Grace, (ox purifietheir Heart and Life) that they may, by his Free Gift haveright to enter into the.gew jerufalem, and live with Chrift for ever. t 5. For without are dogs, and for- cerers, and whoremongers, and murde- rers, and idolaters, and whofoever lo- veth and maketh a lie. us. For all filthy, cruel, perfecuting, idola- trousPerlons, and Liars, and deceitful Teachers andHypocrites, (tho' call'd Chriflians) are that out ofthe HolyCity, as Dogs aje turn'd out of the iloufe. r6, I ther light of the fun ; for the Lord Godgiveth them light, and they Mall reign for ever andever. S. There !hall be no want of Knowledge, nor need ofMinifters, Teaching, Scripture, or fuch means. For God will be to theta above, and inftead of theft; and they thall reign for ever. And what more can be hoped for by Man ? Why Should forced Expofitionsdarken this ? 6. And he faid unto me, Thefe fay- ings are faithful and true. And the Lord God of the holy prophets fent his angel to Thew untohis fervants the things which mutt fhortly bedone. 6. As Chrift, Match. 24. told them of fuch Devaffations as that GenerationShould fee, and yet adjoineth the Sibs ofthe EndoftheWorld, aft fo clothhe, by this Revelation, thew ÿohn the Fall ofPaganBabylon, and theChurches De- liverance, and yet Shortly annex a thoufand years after, and then the end ofthe World: All was to be Shortly, but not fhortly equally with the firft parts. But it is not to be laid, that he almoft part by the things that were Shortly to be done and laid, almoft all of the Papal Rome. The certainty of the Revelation is the Hope and Joy of firm Believers. 7. Behold, I come quickly : bleffed is he that keepeth the fayings of the ,prophecy of this book. 7. Think not that I delay my coming, as flack ofperforming my Promife : fome of this will be quickly done, and the laft are long. To underftand and believe this Prophecy will be comfortable ; but to keep the Precepts of it, avoid the Sins threatned, believe the Pro- mileofmy Viftories and Coming, and wait in Patience, is needful to all. 8. And I John fiw thefe things, and heard them. And when I had heard and feen, I fell down to wor [hip before the feet of theangel which !hewed me thefe things. 8. Mae, All faulty Worthip ofAngels is not Idolatry, nor maketh a Church Idolatrous : It was not Divine Worlhip which yam gave the Angel Ifreally he wrote moß of this Book agantßPopiSt Idolatry, as many think,he would never be twice guilty ofworfe than their pray- ing to ..Angels and Saints themfelves, when he condemñd ; for they worship them not as 'Gods,thó amifs. yahn thought Venerationwas the Angel'sdue. 9. Then faith he unto me, See thou do it not for I am thy fellov-fervant; and of thy brethren the prophets, and