Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BS2096.A1 1701 .P3

Ch. 22. The Coming Reve 16. I Jefus have fent mine angel to teftifie unto you thefe things in the churches. I am the root and the off- fpring of David, and the bright and morning ft"ar. u6. I Jefushave font my Angel to tell thefe things to john, that he may tell them co the Churches ofIfua, and by them to others (the matter much concerning thole Churches then alive). Take there as any own Words, who am the Mefahprophefìed of; as the Root and SonofDavid, and am the Light ofthe World, fent to teach Men theWay ofI.ife. 17. And the Spirit and the Bride fay, come. And let him that heareth fay, come. And let him that isathirfi come. And whofoever will, let him take the water of life freely. 17. And feeing Church-deliverance now, and the Glory of the New yerafalem ac, are the effe&s ofmy coming, as my Spirit teacheth men to defire my coming, and my Church and Chofen do defre it, fo let all delire it that would partake of that Felicity, for all !hall have it by myFree Gift,who dobut believing. Jy defrré tt : For I will flux out none but final pbftinate Refufers. t8. kor I teflifieunto every man that heareth the wordsof the prophe- cy of this book, If any man (hail add unto thefe things, God filall add unto him the plagues that arewritten in this book : 19. And if anyman (hall take away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God (hall take away his part out of the book of life, and out of the holy city, and from the lation. ofChrist, &c. Ch. ti things which are written in this-book. 18, 19. ifany wilfully corrupt this Prophecy in Words or Sense, to drawmen from belie. vine ir, to the belief of their own corrupt , Additions, God will add to them his Plagues, ' and deprive themofany part of the Bleffings here foretold, and shut them out of this holy CityofGod. Note; It's dangerous then to Make bold, Cabaliftical, Fanatick Expofitionsof thisBook, and to call our own Conceits the iSenfe of the Revelation t And it's dangerous grourldiefly to expel} more Prophecies of God's Ufage of his Church ; or to add to any of his Word, or di- minith from it, and father anyof our Errors on Chrift and on his Spirit, which bath here finith_ ed that Book, which muf be the Univerfat ChurchesRuleof Life. 2o. He which teftifieththefe things faith, Surely I conic quickly. Amen. Even fo, Come Lord Jefus. zo. Jefus, who is the Author of this Revela. Lion, Purely promifeth that he will come quick- ly by degrees to perform all his Word, and chargeth younot to queftion it through Unbe- lief, or to faint by doubting, as if he did fait by his delay. And let usall with Faith, Hope, and Defire, prepare and earneftly pray for his coming: even fo, come LordJefus. 2I. The grace of our Lord Jefus Christ be withyou all. Amen. sr. I conclude all with this beß Requeß tia God foryou; and Benedi&ion to you, that the Grace ofour LordJefus, which is our Prepara- tion for Glory, and our Earntft, Pledge, and Foretaß of it, may be with you, to prepare you, and real you up, as the certain Heirs of that bleffed State, and fave you from all Sin, and Temptation, and Enemies that would de= prive you of it. Amen.