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An Advertiferaent. Roman Pagan Empire-wàs lawfully obey'd, being God, but fo is not the Beát. 7. the things Paid Chap. i9.agree not with it. And here the fixth Doubt is coincident, What is the Whore ? Por if it be only Papal porn, then, fay they, the Pope is the Beatt. And this they prove, 1. Becaufe it is a jvlyftery, which Heathen Idolatry was not. 2. Antichrift fits in the Temple of God. 3. Becaufe it is that Rome that mat be for ever defolate, and a place for Devils and Serpents, &c. 4. The Fall of Babylau was to be, after the Faithful were come out of , it. 5. Pagan Rome fold not Souls. nor made the Nations drunk with the Cup of her Fornication. 6. She was not married to Chrit, and therefore could be no Adultrefs. 7. She had no falle Prophet, as here defcrib'd, to reduce andwork Miracles, but didall by force, &c. IL Butbecaufa it is an Advantage to the Reader to known the Judgment of Men ift the connexion of theparts, and Mr. Brightman feemeth to have done his Work with at Pious a Zeal and as great Learning and deep Study as any Man, I Mall fum up his Opi- nion about this matter ; havin.g en Daniel trongly prov'd (after Calvin) that the peff:ges, commonly expounded of.4miochua, aremitaken, he faith that it is the Romans power that theymean, who were above all call'&Gods, that is, all Princes, and that the sbomina- tian (riot makhg, but) made defolate, was the utterly eating out the oldJewifh Temple- worfhip, which was good till abrogated, and abominable afterward : That this was done by the Detrubtion of the Temple, but perfeeled in ynlian's time, by God's overthrow- ing it when he attempted to re-edifie ir. And on Rev: 13. And forward he faith, I. That Antichrift, the Pope, is both the fire and fecond Beat, and Lateinas his Name, &c. 2. That the firft Thoufand Years began with Conftantine, who was the Man-child, and bound the Dragon. 3. The binding him is, that he !hall no more let up Heathenifm. 4. But Antichrift began at the fame time, and reign'd all the while that the Dragon was bound, even from Conffantine: and the Church was in the Wildemefs. 5. The Sri Re furre&ion began 13oo, when Marfil. Patavinas, Wickiff, and others began Reformation, ( but I am pert-waded that thofe, after ,.4lbigenfs, and before Bageada, were before Con- ],amine; Reynerìus conferred that they calla themfeives tpeflchrk, and raid they were frofn Sylvefter'a, that is Conffantine's time ; 'Why then is Wicliiff (who bath many Erroursj fee above them ? ). 6. The ret ofthe Dead in Popery role not byReformation. 7. The fecond Death is Hell Fire. 8. A fecund Thourasxl Years of Church-Reformation and Pro- fperity began then at r Soo, when the Dragon was let bole t Antichrift beganat his bind- ing; and the happy Thoufand Years Reformation at his looting. 9. His Tooling let up the Turk, Gag andMagog, (Seythians) to a War againt the Saints, to. The Camp of the Saints was Range. 1 a. The Holy City was the converted 7ews, and the place of the War in palm, where the Tarks (hall wonderfully be utterly detroy'd (byMichael, the Angel of the 7ews), -tu. The Best that deceiv'd theroark is the Turk himfell 13. The Feaft, and Falle Prophet in Hell with him, is Antichrift, who falls a little before him. t4. The Judgment and fecond Refurre&ion, Chap. 2o, 21. are the full reftoring of the, germ. es. The Dead, fmali andgreat, jaded, are the 'Pros, that till now rejeaedCaríff. Ib. The Sea and Earth giving up their Dead, are. all Countries fending home the Pews converted. 17. Deathand Hell tat into the Lake, areTarks and, Papifts that fhall detain the Jews no longer. 18. The Thrones and Reign of thofe Dead, is the Detru&ion of their Enemies onEarth. 19. Only Elea Jews falll be in that Church. 20. What the krft Heaven and Earth is that shall be done away, hedoth not know, but thinks it is the old Jewifh way ofW orfhlp, which fdaü ceafe at their Converfion. 21 I* more Sea, is no mare Falfe Doíïrine. 22. .No more Death, is no more fkarp Panifhment; and that the Sting ofDeath thou], be taken out. 23. And the NewGlorious yerafalem, defcrib'd in the 21fí+and 2zdChapters, in this City or Church of the Converted laws at yernfa. lem, the ret being retor'd with. them. Why I incline to Learned Mr. Calvert's Opinion, That the Converfon of the Jews is long ago pat, the obftinate Jews being moftly de. troÿd by Titus and',Adrian, and the Chrifìian Jews being very numerous quickly, and all teat taid in 'hallo as much made the Kingdomof Chrit by profeflion, in the Days of Çyral, Javeiml, anti after, when their Country was repleailh'd with Bithops,, Churches, and Monafleries, and many abroad fiuce then converted, (as Lira, Tremellisco, and others were) asother Chriftian ,Kingdoega were, '(wlf Come till are Infidels, I have fhew'd ms Rem, s a.)