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An Advertifënrent. But the mot wonderful part of the expeaed Miracle is, that all thefe Thoufands, ¡film Millions of 'fors, that live lcatter'd through the World, and noware the molt vile and barbarous, ignorant and worldly Perfons, living among Tarks, and PapifIs, where they hear nor the Gofpel, fhadd all without Preaching or Teaching be not only converted at once, but made fach wife and excellent Chriftians, as are fitter to conlitute a Glorious Church, than we that have been taught fo long. IfGod have promis'd, that not only a Nation, but a NewYerufalem, Mould be thus born, or come down from Heaven, inaday, it mug be believd : But doubtlefsit will be a Miracle incomparably excelling all thatChrift and his Apoftles did; yea, Millions of Miracles at once : And therefore we may expel foci proofas Faith needeth in fo f range a cafe. And as God is no refpedter of Perfons, fo the 7ews never prov'd, lince ,Abraham's days, under the Law, under Judges or. or fiuce, fo wife. or excellent a People, as may prognolicate Inch Advancement. And God ufeth to work bymeans, Chrift and his Apofles converted none without the Word : And Paul faith, Howflmll they believe on him, f whom they havenot heard ? and how 'hall theyhear without a Preacher ? and how fhtll they preach, renters they be Ant ? And there Expofltors tell us not that Preachers fhall be lent to the fcacter'd lams, into all Turkifh and rapifts Lands, to learn the Languages, and convert them at once. It is worth the Rea- der's perufal, c. y. p, 2:7. how he jolly deridethBeharmine, as fuppofing that Antichrift will put down God's Worship in all the Earth, telling him, that he bath an hundred forty eight thoufand thouCnd times five hundred fifty thoufand Vine hundred and nine miles to travel, todo it, (and fo much have Univerfal Popes and Councils to take charge of) which will hardly be done in three years and a half: and yet killing mens Souls is a lets work gran to make them alive. It's doleful to think what Satan bath gaiu'd by corrupting the Church, by wicked Bìfhops, making that his Game, when Pagan Power fell; partly by tempting in Worldly wicked men by Wealth and Honour, and partly by making Ungodly Princes the choofers of Bifhops, (and UngodlyPatrons the choofers of Priefts) and when men rul'd by Satan chufe them, Satan himfeli oft chafeck them ; who, by their wickednefs, malignity, and perfecuting the heft men, have tempted thole Chriftianswho mofa hate Sin,. to call almoft all the Church Antichriftian, and fly from it as ivorfe than Pagan Rime, and to lofe much of their Loveto all that are call'd by fuch ebhorr'd Names. Had the Pafors ofthe Church been all holy, humble menof Love, and not men ofWickednefs and Blood, their Power and Intereft would have been the Joy of pious men. But enough of that fide. II. On the other fiele, they that fay thecontrary than exprefs their fence. a. The firft teal' is the Roman Imperial and Military Payer, not as furls, but as the grand Power of Idolatry, fir :, and next, as the Captivater and Perfecuter of the Chriftian Church, of 'Airs and Gentiles. 2. The Image of the Seafi is both the Idol-Statues, Images, and Altars of theiridel-Godi, and of tbemfelves, both which by'their Laws were to be worleip'd with Sacrifices, and other ofts of Idolatry. ` 3. The fecond Real is the Senate, with all the LiterateIdolaters and Flatterers, Orators, Philolophers,Prieft>, l'ocra, Comedians, Augurs, &c. as learned defenders of Idolatry, and Reproachers, and Enemies of Chrifianity. 4. The Name of the Scaft, was the Name of the Idol-God, whom they were to worlhip, and of the idolie,'d Empereurs, as call'd Divi and Dii, and honour'd by Altars and Sam- fires. i. The Markwas aStigma, or Badge, then ufually receiv'd byServants and Soldiers,and Votaries, as an obliging mark ofSub `éHon. 6. The Number of the Name was tone abbreviating Letters, pare ofthe Mark, and bete prov'd to be numeral ; tho' at this diftauce we cannot fay what theywere, nor whether :fill the fame. 7. Receiving the Mark is profefl Confent, and ufeially by fach a Badge. 8. The HomanWhore was the City of Rome, not meetly as a Lacy, or as Rome, or as rieb, eraspowerf,l, but as idolatrous and captivating the Church. g. The WitnTrr were, the 7ew and Gentile ChriRian Teachers, Prophets, Miracle- workers and M-rtyrs, that had tire Spirit, as the first Chriftians had, for fignai Teli- n;ony to the Gofhcl, Miracles hag continuing in force degree. Thefe are their Expoft- csons, Their