Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BS2096.A1 1701 .P3

An Advertifernent. 4'h& Reafons theybegin fief} of the Who=re; or the Seat of the BegR, which they fay Inuit needs be Pagan Rome. r. Becanfe it was exprelly faid by the Angcl, who purpofly explsln'cl it to be, thegreat *Mob the Kings of the Earth. 'r. Not aChurch which is under Princes, but properly a C ity. z. Not only pretenders to a power of Church -Keys, but proper Rulers by power ofArms. 3. Not only over the Church, (oft cal(i'dHeaven) but over the Kings of the Earth, (notingthofe without). 4. Not [ (hall rule 3 but doh rule, as a viable Note, by which Sohnmight know the Whore. This being fo plain, that only Violencecan obreure it, may be, fay they, a Key to all the refì. 2. Ch 17. TheKings ofthe Earthhad at that time committed Fornication with her, and the Inhabitants of the Earth were then drunkenwith theWine ofher Fornication, ellè it could not be to Sohn a notifying mark. But the Papacy was not ofmany hundred years after in being. 3. yohn was brought into the Wildernefs to fee it, whichwas the then perfecuted (tare of the Church : And it was to comfort him and that Church, in hope ofa near deliverance, for they were things that mud portly be done. 4.-Her Name notifieth her [.Babylon: the great, the Mother of Harlots, and ,Abomina- rions of the Earth ; ] [Babylon) captivating the Chriftians, as old Babylon did the yens ; { the great ] as then being (tawhom the Papal Power wasfmall) ; -The Mother, or Nitric, and Upholder of she moth .abominable Idolatry and Wickedrrefs, not in the Church, but {of the Earth 1 by Power and Learning upholding the Worfhip of Sun, Moon, Stars and Men; of Jupiter, Saturn, Sol, Mars, Mercury, Pallas, Venus, Neptune, and number- lefs Idols, by Paul call'd Devils; and the wickednefs of life, defcrili d by Paul, Rom. x. Fph.4. t8, &c. a. The Names of' Biaffihenny were hers, reproachingJews andChriftians with front, and afcribing God's Names,and Works to thefe their Idols, and to Men. 6. Thevaft Riches and Luxury ofher defcrib'd, punelually agree with Pagan Rome. 7. She was then drunk with the Blood of Prophets and Martyrs, which the Pope then was nor.. TheAngels undertaking to open the Myftery, muff not bethought rather to ob- fcure it. 8. She had been a Perfecuter of both Yew andGentile Chriftians, who both gave God Thanks for her Fell. 9. The Whore Cite on (even Mountains ; but fo did not the Papal CivilEmpire. to. The allifCant,Kings had not receiy'd RegalPower, being but as Servants tothe Beaft and theWhore; but Popifh Kings are Kings indeed. r. They wereunanimous lais upholding the Whore; but Popifh Kingdoms long ftrove ágainft the Pay a! Power. s a. They fought againft Chriítianity till they were conquer'd, v.14. but fo didnot many Popith Kgdotns. u3. People, Multitudes and Nations more notifie Pagan Rome than Papal. Pt- C. 18. They were to reward her double, as fie had ued them. But fo wemuff not doby PapiJis. it, The Kings of the Earth lamentherFall ; but the more the Pope falls, the more they tejoice, except the Houfe of.Auflria and a few more. c6. Herfill cometh fuddenly, as in an hour ; but the Pope ílandeth yet, after I lo years heginting ,to fall. Moreover, about theBeafi theyfay, a. It is.faid, He mae, and ra not, and yet tá but the Papacy mat not then; nor is, after it was not.. s. The (even Heads of the Beall had the name of Blafphemy. But if the Heads were the (even Species of Government, the name ofPapal Blafphemy, was not on fix of them at leaf, but only of Pagan Blafphemy : Therefore st was Pagan Rome, or its Empire, that they'headed. - 3. The(even Pagan forts of Government were not (even Heads of the Papacy or Raman Church; therefore the. Papacy orRoban Church was not the'Beaft : for theywere theHeads 'ofthe Beatt. And the woundingofone of the-Heads !hews, that all the (evenwereHeads ofone and thrfame Beaft. Xx 3