Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BS2096.A1 1701 .P3

V Acivertifmeáit. q. ( Who is able to makeWar with the Beall p 3 tells us, that it was by Atms that he hots& and not by meerHypocrifie and Deceit. That was the part of the fecund Beaft, and not of the firft. s. It is all that dwell on the Earth (without that Church) that worihip him : but Mae that dwell in Heaven, and the Tabernacle, and Name of' Chrilt, he blafpliemeth, Perfe g, 8,7 6. They worfhip the Dragon for giving power to the Beall : but by the Dragon, the Text faith, is meant the Devil; and it is thofe Devils that Pagans thought did profper Acme, that is, Mars, yupiter, Apollo, &c. but Papife worfhip not there for letting up the Pope. 7. The Dwellers on the Earth werfhip'd the firft Beaft, whore deadly. Wound was healed, C. 13. 12. but it was not the Pope, nor the Papal Rome, or Church, who deadly Wound was heard, in the judgment ofall them that fays, the very eroding of thePapacy was the healing ofthat wound : for it was not wounded as a Head, before it was in being, And if it was Pagan Rome e or Idolatry that the Papacy heard, then the heard, and not the healing P 8. Its contrary to divers exprefs Texts, that the firn and fecond Beaft are the fame Therefore they that make the Pope the fecond, melt acknowledge another to be the fiat, p. The hùmbet ofa rilan, receiv'd, cannot be found of Papal Rome. to. All that receive the Mark and Name ofthe Beak are (without converfi®n) to be tor: mented for ever; bat wecannot fay fo ofall that own the Papacy : Education and Con. verfe, and prejudice againft Proteftanti for their diyifions, maketh many think verily, that the Papal Church is the belt, for its unity, and antiquity, and extent, and duration, dre. When we read the Writingsof fuch men as Bernard, Gerfna, Kemple, Gerhard¡ Zutphaneenfnf, Thaulerus, Sales, &c. and the Lives of filth as Ph. Neritu, de Renti, Baremetes, &c. yea, the Writings of fuch asBonaventure, and diversSchoolmen, we find fo muchoftruth andholi: nefs in them, that forbids thatjudgment. Further, that it is Pagan Rome that is the Where, and its Empire, as idolatrous and captiva- ting, that is thefirft Beat, and not thePapacy, they argue thus: Ifit be Papal Rome, it is either the City as building and place, or it is the Policy. 1. Not the place call'd the City, for it is good as filch. 2. Not the place as related to the )'olicy. For, z. The material City ofPagan Rome was as much defiled as that of Papal Rome, and yet continued. 2. Elfe, when the Pope dwells elfewhere, the relation would follow him : For above One hundred years, much of lraly it fellplaced the Supremacy in the Patriarchs of..Aguileia. Rome may fall, and the Papacy Rand : it bath been oft taken and lackt, and long polfef'dby Goths and others; even Charles V, by Charles of Bourbon, fa4t a. Win the Policy, either, 1. asrelated to Rome ; 2. or as elfewhere placed. And what is that Policy, that is theformal confiitutian of thefrrft BeaFl ? s. It is not Empire as fach ; for all power is ofGod, and was to be obey'd in Heathens, eile all Emperors would betech Beafes, (or, as they fay,.Antichrif a.) a. It is not Empire meerly as Roman ; for then both the Heathen Emperours would have been the Eeaft (or Antichrifis) without refpe& to their Sin: And Confiantine, Vas Aentinian, 7ovian, Theodofii, Marcian, &e. the great Blefftngs of the Church, would bave been .Antichrifts, or theBeall; or, at leaft, thofe good Emperours that abode at Home. 3. It is not Empire meetly, as found in a perron ofbad Raalities and Life ; for then eve. xy wickedEmperour and King would be the Beaft, (or their ..Anrichrift) and a Popethat were not perfonally vicious, would be none. 4. It is not every Emperour or King tha: is an Ufurper or invader; for then many Em. perours would lie the Beall. s. It ¡snot every one that is ,.Ambitious, and Rriveth to be higheft and above all others; for then there would be a great many ..Antichri/A, in theWorld. - 6. It is not every one, that in Church Power would be higheft, for then lames and 7ahn would have been .:Anfkhriffs ; and fo would many Bithops of Conftantineple and ,Alexaadriq; if not many in;molt other Landsamong the feyeral parties of Chri. liana. 7, It