An Advertifement.. And here, to Thew you how the Pope hath fucceeded the moft bloody Pagan Pèrfe_ tutors, and out-done them, I will inllance in a Hiftory not (udìciently underftood by moft. Dioclefian murder'd more Chriftians thanall the former Pagan Perfecurors fat together. Among others -he dealt fo cruelly and inhumanly with them in France, and Savoy, and Rfietia, as forc'd many to ftand upon their defence to lave their Lives ; two Coalman. ders, dmandua and Elianue headed them, and raisü them, that were but Country Club.. men, into Arms : Much. of France and Spain favour'd them. Diodefaan made Herculius Maximianin Cafar, and Pent himwith an Army againft them. In this Army was . the The- ban Legion, whole Colonel was Mauritieu ; at the .Alpes Herculius would try hisSouldiers¡ by idolatrous Tricks, whether they would fight againft there Chriftians call'd Rebels, èr not : The Theban Legion laid they could fight againft bad men, but not againft good men, but would rather lubmit their Livesto his pleafure (not being able to refill if theywould) : So he decimated them, and kill'd Seventy, and with the relt of his Army quickly routed the Country Club-men, and beleg'd their very ftrong Cagle, and kill'd them all, and overthrew their Fortrels. Many fcoe thoufnd are laid to be kill'd, and the Name Bagauda put on them in Rom, ( like Toriee and Whigs) as fignifying Thieves and Rob- bers. And what's all this to the Raman Pope ? A'nf. There were the Chriftians murder'd by Diocletian rtad Herculiaa, Pagans ; the Relicks of the Fugitives continued in Languedoc, Piedmont, Rhetia, &c. from age to age, till at laft reviving to a more fteèoppolition to Popith Tyranny and Corruption, they were murder'd by the Popes, ( by Simon Montford and his Crafadds, and others after) to a far greater number than by Herculius Max. So, that force Hiftorians reckon two millions kill'd in all, in thofe and other parts. And is it not more wicked for a profefs'd Vicar ofChrift to murderMillions of poor Chriftians, for being againft his Tyranny and Corruptions, than for a Pagan Empetour, that had Civil Do- minion, to kill not half fo many ? I know it will be doubted by tome, t. Whether there Bagauda were Chriftians, peeing it is (aid, that they never refilled their perfuming Princes, but us 'd only Prayers and Tears?: And, a. Whether the.Albieenfes and Waldenfes were their Succeffors ? The Hiftory .isof great,weight. I prove both parts. I. For the firft, let there following Teftimoniestogether: Hierenymtu, inClron. 2303. [" Diocletian took Maximianua Herculiva into Partnerfhip . ofthe Empire, who reltor'd Peace to France, the multitude of Rufiicks being opprefs'd, e. whocall'd their Faflionby the.Name of Recauds. °Vie-for deCifarib. 1" By the departure of Carinus, Elianus and lmandur, affaulted " molt ofthe Cities, wafting the Countries by railing a Band ofCountrymen and Robbers; ` whom the Inhabitants call'd Bagauds.) Eutropi<o, Li. 9. 1" When the Countrymen in France had raisd Tumults, and takenthe Nance of Bagauda to their Faétion, and had .Amandes and Diana, for their Captains, Cafar lent Maximianue Herculi.0 to fubdue them.) Pompon. Letus [" Maximianue did with marvellous (peed fupprefs and prefently root i' out the Tumults in France, which Amandue and Elianue, on pretence of Tyranny, had rais'd with the whole FaEcion of the Bagauds, by which Name the Rout ofthe Ruflicke calld themlelves.) Passim Creu sas, li. 7. c. 25. (" When in France, .Amandes and Elianru gathering a " Band ofRu/licks, which they call'dVagands, had rais'd perniciousTumults, he (Diocletian) cmade Maximianue, lirnamd Herculius, (afar, and rent him into France, who by military power eafily bridl'd the Power and confus'd Bandof the Countrymen.) But Salvian fpeaketh plainer, lib. 4. de Gebern. t" The Bagauds" being froil'd, afflicted, and kill'd, by bad and cruel Judges, when they had loft the Right of Re- " man Liberty, loft alto the Honour of the Roman Name; and their Infelicity is fm- " puted to theta : We impute to them the Name of their own Calamity: We impute the Name which we made our felves ; and when we have compel'd them to be'crimi- °` nous, we call them Rebels, and call them deltroy'd Wretches. For what elf, was " it that made them Ba suds but our Iniquities and the dilhonefty (or naughtinef;) of " Judges ? What but heir Prefcriptions and Rapines, who, turn 'd the same of the pub- " lick Tax into the gains of their own Treafure, and made the Tributary Impofitions to be their own Prey : Who, likecruel wild Beafíìs; did not rule thole cots fluted to '<their